Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Numerical analysis of bio-mimetic concept for active flow control on wing surface
Čermák, Jakub ; Navrátil, Jan (oponent) ; Popela, Robert (vedoucí práce)
In this paper optimization on airfoil equipped with upper-side elastic flap is carried out. The optimization process is done by using of URANS CFD method. In first chapters the history of development of wing with movable flaps is briefly described. The paper continues with description and motivation on choice of computational method. Geometry and mesh generation is briefly explained. Verification and validation of computational method is also presented. The actual case study is focused on airfoil LS(1)-0417mod equipped with 20%, 30% and 40% long rigid flap on various angles of attack. The aerodynamic performance of each case is discussed together with the flow-field analysis. The non-linear structural analysis using FEM software is carried out in order to evaluate elastic flap bending stiffness and deformed shape to fulfil self-adaptive requirements.
Numerical analysis of bio-mimetic concept for active flow control on wing surface
Čermák, Jakub ; Navrátil, Jan (oponent) ; Popela, Robert (vedoucí práce)
In this paper optimization on airfoil equipped with upper-side elastic flap is carried out. The optimization process is done by using of URANS CFD method. In first chapters the history of development of wing with movable flaps is briefly described. The paper continues with description and motivation on choice of computational method. Geometry and mesh generation is briefly explained. Verification and validation of computational method is also presented. The actual case study is focused on airfoil LS(1)-0417mod equipped with 20%, 30% and 40% long rigid flap on various angles of attack. The aerodynamic performance of each case is discussed together with the flow-field analysis. The non-linear structural analysis using FEM software is carried out in order to evaluate elastic flap bending stiffness and deformed shape to fulfil self-adaptive requirements.

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