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Queer Coding of Barbie Movies: Mattel's Attempt at Saving Barbie's Image.
Hansen, Alicja Sirkka ; Helman, Ivy Ann (vedoucí práce) ; Kolářová, Kateřina (oponent)
This thesis is a combination of queer analysis of selected Barbie movies done by the author, with the support of the relevant academic literature, and queer readings of those same movies done by people online. The text starts with an introduction, which gives the reader an overview of the subject and introduces the main research question: "Why does Barbie seem queer in the movies?" Then the thesis discusses the relevant theoretical literature and methods used in the study in the literature review and methodology sections respectively, which includes theories such as feminist and queer theory, but also touching on postfeminism and girl power. Further, the main portion of the study is the analysis, preceded by a preface, which consists of seven chapters, each one focusing on a separate movie. Lastly, all of the results of this study are explained in conclusion.

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