Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 215 záznamů.  začátekpředchozí181 - 190dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam: Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
National Repository of Grey Literature in the Czech Republic
Pejšová, Petra ; Fürstová, Iveta
The paper introduces and describes the current state of the collection and disclosure documents of grey literature in the National Repository of Grey Literature.
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User Interface – National Repository of Grey Literature
Kocourek, Pavel
Informace o změnách v systému FAST ESP a uživatelském rozhraní v porovnání s rokem 2009. Architektura a funkcionalita systému FSIS. Design uživatelského rozhraní NTK a plánované změny.
Prezentace: nusl-42875_2 - Stáhnout plný textPDF
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Present State and Plans in collecting and making Grey Literature accessible in the CVTI SR (Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information)
Dušková, Marta
The CVTI SR is a national information center for the support of science and research and a specialized scientific public library focused on technical fields of study and selected areas of sciences, economics and the humanities. The aim of the contribution is to describe the relations between the CVTI SR and the Library Act No. 183/2000 in connection with gray literature (GL), to outline the present state, intentions and possibilities of obtaining, collecting and making GL accessible in the CVTI SR. Basic prerequisites for the establishment of a depository of GL in the Data Research and Development Center are outlined.
Plný text: nusl-42871_2 - Stáhnout plný textPDF; nusl-42871_3 - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Prezentace: nusl-42871_1 - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Videozáznam: nusl-42871_4 - Stáhnout plný textMP4
Grey Literature at the Charles University in Prague
Fojtů, Andrea
Příspěvek objasňuje současný stav uchovávání a zpřístupňování šedé literatury na Univerzitě Karlově v Praze, zejména elektronických verzí vysokoškolských kvalifikačních prací, které jsou uchovávány v institucionálním repozitáři - Digitálním univerzitním repozitáři. Pro další typy těchto specifických dokumentů (seminární práce či studijní materiály) prišla Filosofická fakulta ve spolupráci s Ústavem výpočetní techniky s projektem Elektra. Tento portál nabízí přehled studijních výsledků studentů a je tak vhodným referenčním zdrojem pro učitele při státních závěrečných zkouškách.
Plný text: nusl-42869_2 - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Prezentace: nusl-42869_1 - Stáhnout plný textPDF
Poster Presentations
GreyNet International ; Pejšová, Petra (moderator)
Grey Literature in Engineering Sciences and Technology and its use pattern in the research institutions in India: The case study of the Karnataka State; Awareness Not Genre Matters: Findings from a Case Study of the Scientific Grey Literature of an Inter-governmental Organization; Delivering Grey Literature with a “Books by Mail” Lending Library; Circulation Improvement of Articles in Journals written by Non-English Language – Development of a Special Journal Titles Translation List of Journals written in Japanese for the International Bibliographical Database; Scanning to PDFA: A Demonstration Project for Access and Preservation of Grey Literature; What the Future holds in store for GreyNet International: Findings from a Business Report 2010-2011; Managing the Access to the Scientific Grey Literature through Internet and Free Software; Publishing the vocabulary of the types of grey literature as linked data; National Repository of Grey Literature in the Czech Republic; Extending the “Facets” concept by applying NLP tools to catalog records of scientific literature; Usage assessment of an institutional repository : A case study; ISO Standards for Quality Education and Training for Facilitating Access to Grey Literature
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Invenio: A Modern Digital Library System for Grey Literature
Caffaro, Jérôme ; Kaplun, Samuele
Grey literature has historically played a key role for researchers in the field of High- Energy Physics (HEP). Consequently CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Re- search) as the world's largest particle physics laboratory has always been facing the challenge of distributing and archiving grey material. Invenio, an open-source reposi- tory software, has been developed as part of CERN's institutional repository strategy to answer these needs.
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A Profile of Italian Working Papers in RePEc
Cesare, Rosa Di ; Luzi, Daniela ; Ricci, Marta ; Ruggieri, Roberta
This paper describes the results of an analysis of Italian Working papers (WP) available both in RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) and in Institutional Repositories (IR) and websites. Given that RePEc is a disciplinary repository based on the active involvement of economic institutions, rather than authors, our analysis intends to explore the institutions’ propensity for making their collections available both in disciplinary and Institutional repositories. Therefore, the paper provides a profile of the Italian Economics institutions participating in RePEc as well as an in-depth analysis of the their availability WPs and WP series. Moreover, IRs and websites of the Italian institutions participating in RePEc were analysed to compare the scientific contents available in these important sources of free access information (RePEc, IRs and websites).
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Národní úložiště šedé literatury : Nalezeno 215 záznamů.   začátekpředchozí181 - 190dalšíkonec  přejít na záznam:
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