National Repository of Grey Literature 130 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.09 seconds. 

The limits of care for seniors with dementia in a regular program facility
This diploma thesis focuses on the care for persons with AD and the limits of care for these persons in a regular program facility. For several years already, the life expectancy has been increasing. However, this relates to the fact of increasing number of people suffering from diseases connected especially with the end of one's life, AD being no exception. This diploma thesis consists of theoretical and empirical parts. The aim of the theoretical part was to study and then analyse professional literature related to the topic. The theoretical part of the thesis is divided in three chapters. The main aim of the thesis was to find out, whether regular program facilities are capable of taking care of a client with dementia. Partial aims were to discover in which areas the employees of the regular program facility feel the strain while taking care of a person with dementia and how this client is perceived by other clients. While collecting data for the empirical part of the thesis, qualitative survey, inquiry and semi-structured interview were used as the methods of choice. The prepared questions were divided in five groups, making a total of 32. Through the survey I've found the regular program facilities able to take care of clients with AD. Since living together of clients with and without AD is possible, although problematic, it burdens the caring personnel, who see the most common problem in the regular program facility in a lack of time for clients, for taking care of them and communicating with them, and also in a small number of staff compared to the number of clients. According to my survey, the employees of a regular program facility mostly perceive situations connected with changing behaviour of clients with AD as stressful. This includes wandering of clients, their aggressiveness, the need of a different daily regime of a client with AD (sleep, diet) and complains on the behaviour of clients with AD from those without the disease. The employees are also under stress from the communication with clients with AD. I've also learned that clients without AD, according to the caring staff, perceive the clients with AD as problematic, they know that those receive more attention from the personnel and some clients with AD disturb other clients. However, living together of both groups is possible. I suppose that the number of patients with AD plays a part here, while it's not high in a regular program facility, and therefore clients with AD don't disrupt business as usual in the facility. From the empirical part of the thesis, following hypothesis can be made: The regular program facilities will take care of the clients with AD better, when the number of caring staff increases. The suggested hypothesis needs to be verified through a higher number of respondents. I assume that this thesis can serve as a source of information to both lay public and experts in the field of care for persons suffering from AD.

Nutrition and other factors, which have influence on the formation and prevention of colorectal cancer
The full title of my bachelor thesis is Nutrition and Other Factors Influencing the Development and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer. In the theory section of the paper I have concentrated on clarifying the term "colorectal cancer", its epidemiology, and furthermore, on diet and other risk factors concerning the development and prevention of this disease. In this theory section I have included information about screening tests for occult bleeding. I have addressed the key objectives in the practical section of the thesis. I had set two key objectives. The first was to research how well respondents were informed concerning diets beneficial in the prevention of colorectal cancer, and the second objective concentrated on assessing the respondents' behaviour in relation to the information they had acquired. The research questions were formulated thus: "How well are people informed about diets aimed at preventing colorectal cancer?" and "Do people behave according to information thus gained?" The qualitative research method a semi-structured interview was used for the research section. Ten male respondents over the age of 45 took part in the interview. Five of these males were Dr Ilona Paseková's outpatients all with a genetic disposition to colorectal cancer, with most experiencing problems related to this disease. The other five respondents were without any predispositions. After receiving answers to the questions posed to the respondents, I wanted to compare both groups in order to ascertain whether those with a genetic predisposition showed a greater interest in this disease. Furthermore, I wanted to find out whether those respondents were actively seeking information concerning the prevention or treatment of colorectal and anal cancer. All those interviewed were very open and willing to answer questions. Collection of data was carried out from January 2014 to March 2014. The conclusions of this thesis show that public awareness of colorectal cancer and its prevention is inadequate. Public awareness of diets beneficial in the prevention of colorectal cancer is markedly poor, even among high-risk respondents. Having observed this lack of awareness, I proceeded to question respondents as to their dietary and lifestyle habits. Furthermore, the respondents were asked if they were aware that colorectal cancer screening was available in the Czech Republic. The results showed that some respondents, however unaware of diets beneficial in the prevention of colorectal cancer, follow a healthy diet, thus fulfilling dieticians' recommendations concerning the prevention of this disease. When asked about preventive foods, respondents most often mentioned brassicas broccoli and cabbage, etc. Conversely, the most often mentioned foods said to increase the risk of disease were smoked meat and red meat. One respondent mentioned the preventive affects of shark cartilage. I was very surprised by this assertion and subsequently searched the internet for information relating to shark cartilage. To my surprise, I found that the respondent was indeed not mistaken, and that statements to that effect can be found on websites promoting dietary supplements containing shark cartilage extract. According to these sources sharks do not suffer from cancer and therefore, their cartilage is closely studied and dietary supplements containing its extracts are produced. Furthermore, I intended to compare two groups of respondents those with genetic dispositions and those without. After carrying out the respective interviews, their comparison appeared to be futile. In both groups I identified respondents who followed a healthy diet and lifestyle as well as those who did not. I found that there is no relation between high-risk habits and predisposition to colorectal cancer. Whether a respondent with such a predisposition decided to follow a healthy diet or change his dietary habits and lifestyle or not was purely a question of his personal preferences.

Retargetable Analysis of Machine Code
Křoustek, Jakub ; Janoušek, Jan (referee) ; Návrat,, Pavol (referee) ; Kolář, Dušan (advisor)
Analýza softwaru je metodologie, jejímž účelem je analyzovat chování daného programu. Jednotlivé metody této analýzy je možné využít i v dalších oborech, jako je zpětné inženýrství, migrace kódu apod. V této práci se zaměříme na analýzu strojového kódu, na zjištění nedostatků existujících metod a na návrh metod nových, které umožní rychlou a přesnou rekonfigurovatelnou analýzu kódu (tj. budou nezávislé na konkrétní cílové platformě). Zkoumány budou dva typy analýz - dynamická (tj. analýza za běhu aplikace) a statická (tj. analýza aplikace bez jejího spuštění). Přínos této práce v rámci dynamické analýzy je realizován jako rekonfigurovatelný ladicí nástroj a dále jako dva typy tzv. rekonfigurovatelného translátovaného simulátoru. Přínos v rámci statické analýzy spočívá v navržení a implementování rekonfigurovatelného zpětného překladače, který slouží pro transformaci strojového kódu zpět do vysokoúrovňové reprezentace. Všechny tyto nástroje jsou založeny na nových metodách navržených autorem této práce. Na základě experimentálních výsledků a ohlasů od uživatelů je možné usuzovat, že tyto nástroje jsou plně srovnatelné s existujícími (komerčními) nástroji a nezřídka dosahují i lepších výsledků.

Porovnání použitelnosti Java O/R frameworku
Hlavatý, Martin ; Skopal, Tomáš (referee) ; Lánský, Jan (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze the usability of one of the most popular O/R mapping frameworks (Hibernate). It examines, whether Hibernate somehow influences an architecture or a performance of the system, which uses Hibernate for data persistence. This thesis also shows, how Hibernate can be used to implement some typical requirements for the enterprise systems (for example audit logging). Findings are demonstrated on the complex domain model, which was created for the purpose of this thesis, but it is also a part of a real-world application. Theoretical part of this thesis examines the power of HQL. It contains the formal proof of translatability of a subset of relational algebra (relational algebra without union, intersection and difference) into HQL.

Two perspectives of language in Nietzsche's early thinking
Roreitner, Robert ; Petříček, Miroslav (referee) ; Kouba, Pavel (advisor)
This article presents the early Nietzsche's work from 1856-73, which is placed here into context of its plentiful reception in the eighties and nineties and from which it offers czech translations of some important texts. The first chapter shows how in the connection with autobiographical notes from 1856-65 the theme of language enters into Nietzsche's thinking, namely as a milieu able to let some moments of past endure. In the second chapter it is in particular in confrontation with Schopenhauer, but also on the background of Langes and Hartmanns works, demonstrated how the concept of music articulates itself in Nietzsche's notes from 1869-71. It becomes clear that Nietzsche's music, which unhides the process of becoming, the mode of succession (Aufeinander), through which everything passes without regard on its quality and which is specified in oposition to language displaying everything in the mode of coexistence (Nebeneinander), thus as ideas, representations, symbols, that this music represents together with its counterpart in language a pair of concepts much more general than are the usual concepts of language and music. Language and music are two respects of symbolic system, into which we have always already entered. In the third chapter breakdown of Nietzsche's conception of culture is firstly...

Splitting word compounds
Oberländer, Jonathan ; Pecina, Pavel (advisor) ; Hlaváčová, Jaroslava (referee)
Unlike the English language, languages such as German, Dutch, the Skandinavian languages or Greek form compounds not as multi-word expressions, but by combining the parts of the compound into a new word without any orthographical separation. This poses problems for a variety of tasks, such as Statistical Machine Translation or Information Retrieval. Most previous work on the subject of splitting compounds into their parts, or ``decompounding'' has focused on German. In this work, we create a new, simple, unsupervised system for automatic decompounding for three representative compounding languages: German, Swedish, and Hungarian. A multi-lingual evaluation corpus in the medical domain is created from the EMEA corpus, and annotated with regards to compounding. Finally, several variants of our system are evaluated and compared to previous work. Powered by TCPDF (

Nové postupy biomonitoringu cizorodých látek ve vodním prostředí
Within the presented work, several approaches of biomonitoring were studied. A well-established method for human health risk assessment was applied to evaluate the quality of fish from open waters in the Czech Republic. As this work is targeted on sport fishermen, who frequently consume their own catches, besides the publication in scientific journal, a brochure with results of this study was distributed via the Czech Fishing Union. Health risks for consumers related to the consumption of wild fish were found strongly species and locality dependent. As there is no risks related with the consumption of carp (Cyprinus carpio) at all investigated sites, frequent consumption of predatory fish should be avoided at some fishing grounds. The use of passive samplers has become more and more attractive in the last two decades. As these devices are able to mimic the biological uptake of chemicals, their potential for replacing fish as bioindicators in routine biomonitoring programmes is evident. In our study, the comparison between analysis of fish tissues and POCIS extracts from selected sampling sites confirms this idea about interchangeability of these indicators in the case of PFASs as target pollutants. Moreover, no metabolic transformation of contaminants present in water take place in passive samplers contrary to living organisms, thus these reflect the actual contamination at the locality more precisely. The use of passive samplers completely fulfils the internationally accepted principles of Replacement, Reduction, Refinement (the three R´s). Another promising approach using YOY fish as bioindicators was evaluated within the present study. Multispecies samples of YOY fish homogenate was found as a better indicator for wide range of pollutants than muscle tissue of adult fish within one species from the same locality. As all inner organs and tissues are presented in analysed samples, more target pollutants in higher concentrations are detected compared to the muscle of adults. Besides the higher sensitivity in pollutants detection and quantification, practical and economic benefits are of concern in the case of the YOY fish approach. The YOY fish approach also particularly fulfil the three R´s strategy, as sampling of this age group of fish has a smaller impact on the environment than the sampling of adults. In case of mercury, that was found as a limiting contaminant for the consumption of fish from open waters in the Czech Republic, a nonlethal method of finclips sampling can be used for the monitoring of this compound in aquatic environments. Besides the monitoring, our optimised method for the estimation of muscle tissue concentrations could be used for human health risk assessment as well. The difference between real muscle concentrations and concentrations estimated using our method differs less than 10% in most of the investigated localities. Benthic organisms are an important part of the food web in aquatic environments, but insufficient information about its contamination is available. In another study included in this thesis, first evidence about bioaccumulation of certain pharmaceuticals in benthic organisms was described. Although, pharmaceuticals are generally considered to be not accumulative in organisms, our study proved that certain pharmaceuticals have bioaccumulation potential. From this finding, it is evident that not only the concentrations of pharmaceutical dissolved in water but also the diet represents an important exposure pathway of contamination by these compounds for organisms (fish) inhabiting aquatic environments.

Measure of a general nature
Schagerer, Milan ; Prášková, Helena (referee) ; Staša, Josef (advisor)
55 Summary of thesis - Measures of a general scope This thesis deals with the brand new tool in Czech administrative law, "opatření obecné povahy". Although the term is not used in English, it can be translated as "measures of a general scope". It was incorporated into Czech law in 2005, after hasty and not very well prepared procedure. It was electronic communication act, that brought this institute into the life in 2005. This has been subject of criticism until these days. The main reason is that it overtook general legislation incorporated in the Code of administrative procedure. In other foreign countries, the most often use for this institute is in traffic signs. It is simple and very well understandable thing, which helps authorities to know and learn how to use measures of a general scope. In our country, the first act that used it, was the one dealing with one of the most complex systems - telecommunications. As it is described in this thesis, it wasn't understood by authorities at all. Courts are dealing with cases in which measures of a general scope are used as acts or decisions, not as hybrids as which they were developed (in one case, it was even used as instruction for towing a car parking in the wrong spot). In general, measure of a general scope stays between regulations as general acts, and...

Breeding of Eastern Rosellas in European Climate Conditions
Baierlová, Nikola ; Ledvinka, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Zita, Lukáš (referee)
Summary This work is aimed at parrot breeding of genus Rossella in Europe, in different climatic conditions than the conditions in the Southeast and South Australia where the birds come from. Here, you can find overview of their occurrence in nature, evaluation of biotope, feeding and information on breeding in human custody. Eastern Rosellas (Platycersus eximius) live in pairs and each pair is very protective of their own nesting teritory. Outside of the nesting season, Rosellas are moving around the land in small groups. In nature, these parrots eat grain from grass or weeds, seeds from bushes, trees and of course fruit. The nesting season starts around february and lasts until august. In nature Rosellas nest in hollow trees, branches, tree stumps, columns, on top of fence post and even in rabbit holes. The best option when it comes to breeding Rosellas, is an outside aviary, which best represents their natural habitat. European winter causes them little to no trouble, the same goes for severe frost, which allows for year-round stay in the outside aviary. Rosellas have the similar eating habits as their parrot brethren, meaning sunflower seeds, millet, panic grass, canary and oat. An important supplement in their daily diet is green feed(ing), fresh fruit and vegetable, branches to nibble on, mineral substances, and fresh drinking water. During the nesting season and while with young, it is necessary to feed the birds an egg mixture, it is an important source of protein. Breeding of Rosellas is fairly effortless, they can easily nest even in small spaces. Ideal size of their bird house would be 25 x 25 x 60 - 70 cm with a fly-in entrance of 7 - 8 cm. It is necessary to hang the bird houses as high as possible in the protected part of aviary. Female lays 5 - 7 white colored eggs, on which she sits 21 - 22 days. Young birds leave the nest in age between 28 - 35 days and then, are are partly fed additional 10 - 14 days by the male. Among the most frequent diseases of this species of pet birds belong those non contagious, e.g. hypovitaminosis, uricosis and, furthermore parasitical ones and pathogens as well as other contagious diseases or feather abnormalities, such as the so called French defeathering. Breeding of Rosellas does not require an experienced breeder. With proper care, Rosellas can live up to 25 - 30 years and remain fertile their whole lives.

Factors regulating the expression and activity of digestive enzymes in the tick \kur{Ixodes ricinus}
The intracellular proteolysis of ingested meal plays an essential role in tick development. The thesis focuses on the factors influencing the expressions and activities of digestive enzymes in Ixodes ricinus females during the feeding and post-feeding period. We have revealed the effect of fertilization on blood feeding and digestion. The females cannot reach the rapid engorgement phase without being fertilized. The rate of mated females in the nature proved the presumption that mating can occur even off the host. Implementation of in vitro feeding technique further extended our current knowledge about tick digestive apparatus. Adult females were fed on hemoglobin-rich and hemoglobin-poor diet and the mRNA expression levels of digestive proteases were determined. In line with obtained data, we assumed that albuminolysis is conducted by the same or similar pathway as hemoglobinolysis. The gene silencing method and protein immuno-detection were used to unequivocally identify the isoforms of 'early expressed' IrCL1 and 'late expressed' IrCL3 isoform of cathepsin L.