National Repository of Grey Literature 6,996 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.62 seconds. 

The influence of selected ECJ judgements on the forming of common commercial policy of EU
Vicherek, Ondřej ; Bič, Josef (advisor) ; Procházková Ilinitchi, Cristina (referee)
The goal of my diploma thesis is to describe the influence of ECJ decision making on the common commercial policy ("CCP") of EU. Specifically my thesis examines what factors influence ECJ decision making about direct effect of trade agreements implementing CCP. These factors are applied on several treaties, where the court has not yet decided on their potential direct effect and on a present case at ECJ on direct effect of WTO treaties. With regard to the goal of my thesis an important part of my thesis deals with the development of ECJ decision making. Methods applied in my thesis are analysis and comparison of selected judgements that influence the CCP of EU. After proper analysis I found out that the main motiv behind ECJ decision making is that, if the negotiating position of EU is to be deteriorated, the ECJ is likely to find that the treaty does not have direct effect. Other factors are of secondary character. Examining the influence of decision making of ECJ on direct effect of trade agreements is important, because the role of ECJ influences the legal certainty of subjects about direct applicability of international trade treaties.

Emergency preparedness and protection of the inhabitans in the national company Budějovický Budvar in the release of hazardous substances
JIRKA, Martin
The thesis describes the issue of emergency preparedness and protection of the inhabitants in the National Corporation Budweiser Budvar during the release of hazardous substances. The thesis is focused on important aspects that determine the drafting of emergency documentation. One of aspects is the amount of hazardous chemical - ammonia. The total ammonia content in the object is 22 tons. This amount is according to the Act No. 59/2006 Coll., concerning prevention of major accidents as a sub-limit amount and not as an object into group A or B. On these not-classified resources are not subject to some duties under this Act, especially the obligation to prepare an emergency documentation (except where the regional authority include in the emergency plan then must provide and update the required documents). This paper doesn´t discuss by the massive leakage of 22 tons of ammonia. On the basis of analyzes were identified two sources of the risk. The first is a reservoir about the content of 10 tons which is located on the roof of the engine room. Maximum real filling is around 6 tons. The second source of risk is an expansion tank about the content of 14 tons, which is located in the building with cylinderconicals tanks (CKT). Considered fulfillment of the expansion vessel is about 7 tons. Although in this case is not about buildings and facility in which is treated with such a amount of dangerous chemical substances, which would belonged to the relevant group, I will perform available analysis according to a regulations issued or supportively used to analysis and risk assessment in according to the Act No. 59/2006 Coll., concerning prevention of major accidents. Harmful effects of ammonia are another important aspect. According to the Notice of the Ministry of Interior No. 103/2006 Coll., concerning establish principles defining the emergency planning zone and the extent and method of preparation of an external emergency plan, ammonia is taken as moderately toxic substance that irritates the eyes, mucous membranes, and in high concentrations can cause death. The great advantage from the point of view of the protection inhabitants are the warning properties. Characteristic pungency is already known in very weak concentrations. Also disposal of hazardous concentrations isn't technologically challenging, due to its solubility in the water. Another dangerous effect, except the toxicity is its explosiveness (explosive limit from 15 to 28 %) and flammability. Fortunately controlled condensing pressure prevents ignition and explosion of ammonia. Risk of the explosion and ignition of ammonia isn´t analyzed in this thesis, because the range of effects caused by leakage of several tons, is from a toxicological point of view more threatening. Impacts of hazardous concentrations aren´t threat only for people but also for animals and the environment. The thesis focuses on the analysis and evaluation of risks. The results of this research are an important element of the draft of emergency documentation. During the processing is calculated with methods IAEA-TECDOC-727, Dow's Chemical Exposure Index, Estimation of toxicity and software modeling program ALOHA. Further research is being done by brainstorming and semi-standardized interviews with employees of the company. In conclusion of the thesis is appropriate the drafting of emergency cards and emergency documentation (although not in range under the Act of concerning prevention of major accidents), according to which the reaction proceeded for any leakage of dangerous chemicals (ammonia) into the environment and the protection of workers which occur at the public premises or in the premises of the zone of impact of ammonia spilled outside the area Budweiser Budvar, NC. The use of the draft of emergency documentation is also conditioned by the location of the object in relatively densely populated areas of the county town of České Budějovice.

Doing business while studying
Kopecká, Adéla ; Kašparová, Eva (advisor) ; Novák, Pavel (referee)
This thesis is written about factors, which leads people doing business while studiing. It is more actual then ever and it is more and more popular between people. This thesis tries to find out which factors are important, that student starts his/her own business. This thesis is devided to two parts. the first one is teoretical and second one is practical. Teoretical part is about business and motivation. The aim of second part is to identifie and examine factors of motivation doing business, analysis of current situation in Czech republic and analysis of business support also in Czech republic and abroad.

Řízení IS/ICT se zaměřením na sourcing služeb informačního systému
Šebesta, Michal ; Voříšek, Jiří (advisor) ; Havlíček, Zdeněk (referee) ; Příklenk, Oldřich (referee) ; Král, Jaroslav (referee)
Research on outsourcing has been around for several decades, while recent evolution in the information systems discipline towards ICT service commoditization significantly changes the context of decision-making. Services that are available on-demand via the Internet allow organizations implementing functions they demand in a fraction of time. This trend represents a chance for organizations seeking to use advanced ICT services without a need of major investments. Problem is the current lack of guidelines and tools for managing ICT services and their outsourcing. Given the trends on the ICT service market, it is expected that much of the IT management in the future will encompass the ICT services and utilize service-level structures. Methods currently available are either too broad or encompass only small part of the whole problem. Ad-hoc or unsound decisions in this area might cause major complications in terms of quality, usability, integration, and consequently influence total cost of organizational IT. Organizations need to either revise existing models or propose and implement completely new models to manage their IS/ICT. This thesis deals with the management of IS/ICT with focus on the ICT services outsourcing. It discusses available sourcing models in the literature and links them to the various interconnected areas. Based on these areas, it presents an integrated view on IT outsourcing strategies. Most importantly the thesis proposes an original concept for decision-making about outsourcing of ICT services named the SOURCER framework. This approach utilizes the presented outsourcing strategies, and introduces a complex methodology and decision-making criteria that will assist organizations with selection of ICT services in order to maintain and manage a most suitable ICT service portfolio. The decision-making is based on four essential viewpoints: function, costs, time, and quality. These viewpoints are discussed, individually analyzed, and serve as a basis for further research. The whole framework is developed and validated according to Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM). Individual components are evaluated using a survey among a group of selected IT managers. Proof of concept is then established by a case study on framework use in a real organization. This case study covers strategy specification, business--IT alignment, specifying service architecture and its interconnections, outsourcing, and management of the ICT service portfolio.

Impact of low oil and natural gas prices on the economy of Qatar since 2014
Šamánek, Ondřej ; Stuchlíková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Hasík, Gabriel (referee)
The bachelor thesis examines the impact of the oil and gas prices slump, which befell the world in 2014, on the economy of Qatar. The main objective of the thesis is to evaluate if and to what extend the price collapse influenced the relevant economic indicators and behaviour of the state and companies active in the affected field. The selected objective is examined using the method of data comparison, namely before and after the price slump, and with the help of the case study, in which the qatari company operating in the oil and gas is examined. From the conducted analysis it is possible to conclude that Qatar was directly influenced by the oil and gas prices collapse: its GDP slumped, fiscal deficit increased. The analysed company also experienced troubles caused by low prices: one year after the price slump, total amount of assigned tenders to company decreased substantially and historically high number of tenders was cancelled. Conclusions deriving from the thesis might be applied to other oil and gas export economies in the Persian Gulf, for fundamental traits of such economies are shared with the economy of Qatar.

Process Analysis As the Basis for the Implementation of a New Information System
Kmochova, Zdena ; Říhová, Zora (advisor) ; Svatá, Vlasta (referee)
The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the processes in the company POP service, Ltd., also to analyze the current problem in this company and to recommend and propose measures which eliminate the causes of the emergence of the problem. The causes originate from the aspects of the management of people and processes are identified through the analysis of processes associated with the problem and eliminated on the basis of proposals metrics and responsibilities for these processes. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to concepts in the field of process management. The theoretical part characterizes these concepts process management, business processes, process analysis and process modeling methods, process maps, graphical notation for writing business processes, business process improvement and analysis organization. In the second part of the thesis is presented the examined organizations POP service, Ltd.. Based on the analysis of the current state are defined vision, mission and goals of the organization. Then there is described a procedure of the analysis of the current state, which is process analysis and proposal of selected processes, metrics and responsibilities for these processes. Methods of analysis are SWOT analysis, analysis of the activities, structured interviews and process analysis. The result of this thesis is to analyze the selection of processes of the company POP service, Ltd., proposal metrics, define jobs and responsibilities and suggestions for improving the selected process.

Application of creditor´s claim in insolvency proceeding
Vyškovská, Vendula ; Hásová, Jiřina (advisor) ; Kříž, Radim (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with topic called Application of creditor´s claim in to the insolvency proceeding. Attention is paid on handling with this debt in the time between registration and review procedure, on which is this debt validated or rejected. This thesis is also focused on characteristics of each type of debt and their registration. The main focus of this thesis is on analysis of the topic - defects of registrations and its consequences on the creditors claim in insolvency proceeding. Part of this thesis is also detailed analysis of each disclaiming act and each person which can do this act. After that are studied consequences of these disclaiming acts. There is also compared current legislation with the old one and used jurisprudence for law interpretation.

Corporate social responsibility of SAP
Vaníková, Zuzana ; Müllerová, Františka (advisor) ; Sitter, Barbora (referee)
The thesis deals with corporate social responsibility. The subject of investigation is the CSR strategy of the chosen company. The theoretical part describes the corporate social responsibility from a historical and a current perspective. Above all, the thesis puts emphasis on the social pillar, namely the activities of the company in relation to its stakeholders, particularly employees and volunteering. Volunteering is an important part of corporate social responsibility. The questionnaire and subsequently its statistical evaluation answers the question whether the students currently studying in two economic universities consider SAP as a responsible company and how they relate to volunteerism.

PM2.5 Chemical Composition at the Rural Background Site Košetice.
Schwarz, Jaroslav ; Cusack, Michael ; Karban, Jindřich ; Chalupníčková, E. ; Havránek, Vladimír ; Smolík, Jiří ; Ždímal, Vladimír
Measurements of atmospheric aerosols at rural background areas are important because they are not influenced by the urban emissions, and are therefore better suited to investigate the influence of long-range transport and trends in concentrations of individual pollutants. Summary of the measurements of total concentration and the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 components was carried out in the works Putaud et al. (2004, 2010). Although the later work included the measurement of more than 60 stations across Europe, the post-communist countries contained data on PM2.5 from only four locations (Prague, Debrecen, Hungary, and two rural locations). Although Košetice place where this study was made, is also discussed there, it was for only PM10 and total carbon (TC). Therefore, the aim of this study is to fill this information gap, and provide additional information regarding the PM2.5 fraction and composition at the Central European background station Košetice.
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