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Need of Instructing Patients after Operation of Varicose Veins.
The paper is entitled the Need of Instructing Patients after Operation of Varicose Veins. It deals with the general issue of the disease, the role of a nurse in the treatment of patients after the operation of varicose veins and the instructions given as an inseparable part of the nursing care.The paper follows 4 essential objectives. Objective 1: Finding out what information patients have after the operation of varicose veins. Objective 2: Finding out what information the patients need. Objective 3: Finding out, in which way nurses in a surgery department instruct patients after the operation of varicose veins. Objective 4: Creating an instructional brochure for patients after the operation of varicose veins, based on the information obtained.There were 4 research questions asked. 1. What information do patients have after the operation of varicose veins? 2. What information do patients need after the operation of varicose veins? 3. In which way do nurses instruct patients after the operation of varicose veins? 4. Do nurses perceive instructions as an inseparable part of the nursing care?The research was carried out at Pelhřimov hospital, subsidized organization, with the consent of the head nurse. The research group consisted of 10 patients after the operation of varicose veins who were interviewed before leaving the hospital for home care, and 8 nurses from the aseptic section of the surgery department. All the respondents were asked using the technique of a non-standardized interview with questions prepared in advance. Based on the analysis of the respondents' answers, an informative brochure was drafted which was then tested by a questionnaire. It was found out that the brochure would be advantageous for the surgery department.The objectives of the paper were met. Improvement in the process of instructing patients after the operation of varicose veins could be reached by introducing an informative brochure. Not only patients, but also nurses working at a surgery department could benefit from the brochure.

Analysis of financing of the czech immovable monuments on example of the Memorial of John Huss in Husinec in years 1967 - 2016
Babka, Ondřej ; Váňa, Daniel (advisor) ; Dufek, Pavel (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with financing immovable monuments in Czech Republic. In the first part of thesis, there are basic concepts associated with monument care. In relation to this are mentioned state monument organs, which may influence funding. This thesis also talks about historical development since the inception of the monument care and analysis of the current state. The aim of this thesis is define the biggest problems of owners to care about immovable monuments and propose solution for raising funds to reconstruction and operation. An example is the Memorial to John Huss in Husinec.

Improving logistics operations in the warehouse of Stroj Servis Plus
Feklistov, Maxim ; Vinš, Marek (advisor) ; Mervart, Michal (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focusing on the logistic operations in the warehouse of a particular organization. The objective of the thesis is to analyze logistics operations in the warehouse of Stroj Servis Plus and propose certain measures, based on selected methods, which might lead to improvement in the efficiency of the current logistics operations. This bachelor thesis is divided into two parts. In first part, theoretical part, is describing the basic theoretical concepts and principles, connected with the main field of the interest. The second part, practical part, begins with the introduction of the company Stroj Servis Plus and analyzing of the logistics operations in the warehouse. Based on the facts, discovered in the intercompany documents, own practice in the firm and theoretical knowledge propose solutions that would eliminate any disadvantages and improve logistics operations in warehouse of the selected company.

The Issue of Nursing Care in Old People's Homes
MARKOVÁ, Štěpánka
The thesis deals with the issue of nursing care in old people's homes. Given the improving medical and nursing care and also the prevention of diseases, the human life extends. This leads to the aging of population. Therefore, it is essential to understand this issue, its interconnection with nursing care, but also to find the right approach to the elderly in residential facilities providing social services. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with old age and aging, behavioural changes in old age, specifics of communication with the elderly, long-term care for the elderly, care for a man in nursing homes. It deals with the work of nurses in old people's homes and with their education. Five objectives were set within the framework of the research. The first objective was to determine areas of nursing care, in which the nurses working in old people's homes have most problems. The second objective was to find out how the nurses manage physical strain. The third objective was to determine how the nurses manage psychical strain. The fourth objective was to find out what theoretical knowledge and practical skills the nurse must have. The fifth objective was to identify possibilities of further training for nurses working in old people's homes. Qualitative research was applied in the empirical part of the thesis. The method of non - standardized interview was used. The research group consisted of 10 nurses who work in residential facilities for the elderly in old people's homes. To process the interviews, the open coding technique was applied - a paper-and-pencil method. To complement psychical resilience of nurses, S.O.C questionnaire by A. Antonovsky was used. There were 42 questionnaires used in the research. The interviews with the respondents showed that the work of a nurse in homes for the elderly is physically and mentally demanding. And it is obvious that nurses feel the mental strain as more damaging. The physical demands are connected with the state of the client and his diseases but also with the space limitations of homes and night shifts. The mental burden is caused by similar factors and also by the family of the client, specifics of the communication with the elderly, cooperation with the hospital, working atmosphere, responsibility and keeping records. Next important factor that negatively influences mental state of the nurses is a lack of prestige and recognition of their work. Even though the nurses feel both types of stress, most of them cope with it without problems and they try to restore their balance in their leisure time. The conclusions of the thesis also point to the high demands and wide range of expertise and skills required from the nurses when providing care. Even specialized procedures are carried out in homes. Nurses must know how to communicate, handle conflict situations, co-operate with colleagues from different fields. Great emphasis is placed on independence in evaluating the health state of the client while ensuring the nursing care. The nurse must have personal qualities for work with the elderly. Another important component of their work is their knowledge and practical skills in the field of social work theoretically backed by the Act 108/2006 Coll.

Men's awareness about the issue of testicular cancer.
Theoretical solution Testicles are the primary male sexual organs producing testosterone. They not only make sperm but also secondary sexual features and the whole personality. We should mainly pay attention to testes in oncology because there are more occurrences of tumors with the men of younger age. These men might be very sensitive about the problems concerning sexual system and that is why the bachelor thesis deals with the issues of men's knowledge of testicular cancer. There is basic information in the thesis about organs anatomy, factor of disease, diagnostics and medical treatment. The thesis is further focused on secondary preventive measures and method of self-examination of testicles. It helps to recognize the problem in time which is in this kind of cancer very crucial. There is also mentioned the role of nurses and their instruction to men about the prevention of testicular cancer, medical care of the patient during the diagnostics, pre-operative preparation, postoperative care and other healing process. Aim of the Thesis Aim 1 Find out how much men are aware in the field of testicular cancer? Aim 2 Find out the change of behavior of men to their health after the operation of testicles? Research Question n. 1 How much men are aware about the problem in their risk age? Question n. 2 How much men are aware of self-examination methods? Question n. 3 In what field has changed the men's behavior to their health after the operation of testicles? Methodology To be able to find out necessary data, qualitative method was picked. To the collection of information was used method of half-standard interview with the questions to the concrete issues. Five respondents in a risk age were approached to the research in the case of malignant tumors origin on testicles and five respondents who had already undergone the treatment of this disease. Information was analyzed, consequently put to the categories and finally evaluated. Results Results of the research showed that men are mostly aware of the problems of testicular cancer. They usually underestimate this disease because they are not informed about the issue enough. Men usually know about the symptoms but most of them have wrong idea about the age occurrence and medical treatment. Preventive method of self-examination is for men usually unknown. Respondents who underwent operation of malignant tumor of testicles are about this method properly instructed. Frequently, according to the results, they make light the return of the disease and also do not practice the self-examination method regularly. Results also revealed that this disease is still somehow a taboo. Some respondents with the successful cure admitted that they were ashamed for this diagnoses. Conclusion The research showed us that men are not informed enough about the malignant tumor of testicles. This also confirms the fact that healthy men do not know the self-examination method. According to the results men who underwent the treatment of testicular cancer are now more informed but they usually underestimate the necessity to do the self-examination regularly. They also admitted in the interview that they were not informed enough before the disease. If they were, their health problem could have been discovered earlier and the high risk of metastasis could have been lower. For all this there is a need to increase the knowledge of the malignant testicle tumors in population which will influence the regular usage of self-examination method and it can also change the attitude of men to their health. Bachelor thesis contains pamphlet about the origin of testicular cancer. It is intended for men who are in risk age and it will be offered as a practical usage in medical facility.

Harnessing Forest Automata for Verification of Heap Manipulating Programs
Šimáček, Jiří ; Abdulla, Parosh (referee) ; Křetínský, Mojmír (referee) ; Vojnar, Tomáš (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá verifikací nekonečně stavových systémů, konkrétně, verifikací programů využívajích složité dynamicky propojované datové struktury. V minulosti se k řešení tohoto problému objevilo mnoho různých přístupů, avšak žádný z nich doposud nebyl natolik robustní, aby fungoval ve všech případech, se kterými se lze v praxi setkat. Ve snaze poskytnout vyšší úroveň automatizace a současně umožnit verifikaci programů se složitějšími datovými strukturami v této práci navrhujeme nový přístup, který je založen zejména na použití stromových automatů, ale je také částečně inspirován některými myšlenkami, které jsou převzaty z metod založených na separační logice. Mimo to také představujeme několik vylepšení v oblasti implementace operací nad stromovými automaty, které jsou klíčové pro praktickou využitelnost navrhované verifikační metody. Konkrétně uvádíme optimalizovaný algoritmus pro výpočet simulací pro přechodový systém s návěštími, pomocí kterého lze efektivněji počítat simulace pro stromové automaty. Dále uvádíme nový algoritmus pro testování inkluze stromových automatů společně s experimenty, které ukazují, že tento algoritmus překonává jiné existující přístupy.

Kaštil, Jan ; Plíva, Zdeněk (referee) ; Vlček, Karel (referee) ; Kotásek, Zdeněk (advisor)
Disertační práce se zabývá rychlým vyhledáváním regulárních výrazů v síťovém provozu s použitím technologie FPGA. Vyhledávání regulárních výrazů v síťovém provozu je výpočetně náročnou operací využívanou převážně v oblasti síťové bezpečnosti a v oblasti monitorování provozu vysokorychlostních počítačových sítí. Současná řešení neumožňují dosáhnout požadovaných multigigabitových propustností při dodržení všech požadavků, které jsou na vyhledávací jednotky kladeny. Nejvyšších propustností dosahují implementace založené na využití inovativních hardwarových architektur implementovaných v FPGA případně v ASIC. Tato disertační práce popisuje nové architektury vyhledávací jednotky, které jsou vhodné pro implementaci jak v FPGA tak v ASIC. Základní myšlenkou navržených architektur je využití perfektní hashovací funkce pro implementaci přechodové tabulky konečného automatu. Dále byla navržena architektura, která umožňuje uživateli zanést malou pravděpodobnost chyby při vyhledávání a tím snížit paměťové nároky vyhledávací jednotky. Disertační práce analyzuje vliv pravděpodobnosti této chyby na celkovou spolehlivost systému a srovnává ji s řešením používaným v současnosti. V rámci disertační práce byla provedena měření vlastností regulárních výrazů používaných při analýze provozu moderních počítačových sítí. Z provedené analýzy vyplývá, že velká část regulárních výrazů je vhodná pro implementaci pomocí navržených architektur. Pro dosažení vysoké propustnosti vyhledávací jednotky práce navrhuje nový algoritmus transformace abecedy, který umožňuje, aby vyhledávací jednotka zpracovala více znaků v jednom kroku. Na rozdíl od současných metod, navržený algoritmus umožňuje konstrukci automatu zpracovávajícího libovolný počet symbolů v jednom taktu. Implementované architektury dosahují v porovnání se současnými metodami úspory paměti zlepšení až 200MB.

Intraday trades
This thesis is focused on comparison of intraday and short term trades profitability using technical analyses by application the method of crossing moving averages between January 1st 2014 and August 1st 2016. Trading takes place on the basis of buying and selling signals of a generated technical indicator in the investment program Alapri and XTB. The traded indexes are DAX 30, S§P 100 and commodities gold and oil. The theoretical part of this work is devoted to the financial market, commodity market, describes intraday and positional trader and advantages as well as disadvantages of these markets. It also deals with technical analyses and explains basic investment terms. Practical part of the work is devoted to a description of the results modeled on real historical data. It is possible to determine on the base of back-tested results that the method of crossing moving average with the value of the instrument is better for short-term trades; in modeled example in daily graph than for intraday trades modeled in four-hour graph. Furthermore when modeling there was found that it is more profitable to buy instruments and let them be valorized by the financial market under given conditions. It means to buy them at the beginning of the investment period and sell at the end of this period without any buying and selling operations.

Differentiation of offers and methods of working physiotherapy of persons with a mental or combined handicap in a practice of social service providers and another subjects.
In the Bachelor's thesis I have dealt with differentiation of tenders and rehabilitation methods. Specifically, individuals with mental or multiple disabilities and for providers of social services and other bodies. In the theoretical part I focused on defining the basic terms relating to that issue. In the introductory chapter I dealt with the definition of the concept of mental disability, causes of its creation and definition of degrees of mental retardation. The next chapter is devoted to the combined disability, specifically the yoke of the definition, causes of and classification. In the third chapter is devoted to the importance of the work, the status of the work in a person's life and the status of work for persons with disabilities, including individuals with mental or multiple disabilities in Bachelor thesis I. In the next chapter, I deal with comprehensive rehabilitation system, specifically the remedies rehabilitation, educational resources, social resources, rehabilitation, rehabilitation and special attention devoted work resources, rehabilitation, which will directly affect the Bachelor thesis. Furthermore, I determine a target group the work of rehabilitation and the preconditions for its implementation. In other chapters is devoted to the specification of tools and resources work rehabilitation, employment policy tools and I define jobs that are offered to persons with intellectual disabilities. In the practical part of the thesis, first determine the main aim and target work. The main goal was to determine what are the menus and methods of rehabilitation for people with mental or multiple disabilities with providers of social services. As the target I had set to determine what are the possibilities of transmission from individual to social services on the open employment market. Specifically, I've focused on the resources provided by the rehabilitation of daily, weekly care centers or day service center, in addition to the socio-therapeutic workshops, in a sheltered employment, and employment on the open employment market. To meet the objectives I used a qualitative approach, specifically the semi-structured interview with six providers of social services of the South Bohemian region The analysis of the information obtained, I discovered that if the device is operated daily, weekly social welfare institution or Centre, day services, the services provided are identical, not different from each other. In the case of socio-therapeutic workshops is the diversity of the wider, each device provides a variety of services, different options, some devices have socio-therapeutic workshops directly on the device, others have socio-therapeutic workshops and externally, outside of your device. Protected jobs are also in the majority of providers of social services offered both within and outside the device, always the odd jobs, such as in the kitchen, cleaning, in teahouses and the like. It always depends on the type and degree of disability, on the basis of a levy for the client to the appropriate activities. Location of the client on the open employment market is not very common in most devices, some devices that offer clients or do not provide. Partial objective was to detect transmission, I found that the only limiting factor is the client's disability that limits its options and device options, of course, that the services it offers and delivers. The aim of all devices is to achieve the greatest possible degree of autonomy of the client and allow it to advance from care centers or day service center in the socio-therapeutic workshops, found a protected job, and a job on the open employment market.

Work in social integration process of adults with intellectual disability.
In my bachelor thesis, I dealt with the use of work activities in the process of social integration of adults with mental disabilities, the aim was to create, implement and evaluate regular work activities intended to a specific group of adults with mental disability and focused primarily on the development of social integration. The thesis is structured into six chapters. The first of them is focused on the definition of mental disability, characteristic of adulthood as an important developmental period in human life, and on adulthood of individuals with mental disabilities with a goal to find and identify the specifics that were needed to be taken into account when working with this target group of people. The following section is devoted to the social integration, its determinants and the environment in which it operates. I continued with the outputs in the third chapter, where I focused on key competencies, which them are the necessary basis for social integration, especially social and personal skills and communication skills, necessary basis. Targeted professional development can be realized through educational activities, but has to respect the specificities of the participants and voluntary participation. Both of these assumptions can be fulfilled within the leisure education using adequate pedagogical methods. For this reason, I decided to focus my attention on these areas at the end of the chapter. The fourth chapter is devoted to work and work activities, namely the definition of concepts, their characteristics and importance and role of work activities in human life, or a person with mental disability. Based on all acquired theoretical knowledge and using previous experience with the target group in the fifth chapter, I designed a specific training program based on the work and activities focused on the development of selected key competences. The educational program volunteered four participants, but I have decided to follow the development of competencies of three participants because one participant attended the program very irregularly. The program has been implemented three times a week, two and a half hours for seven months (from October 2015 to May 2016) in the premises of the training centre Mo-zai-ka. At the beginning of the realisation of the created educational program, the participants agreed that we will adhere and develop good habits necessary for good relations within the group and the results of the work. On a basis of the individual characteristics of the participants, I prepared the work, which should also contribute to the development of social and personal and interpersonal skills. I have continuously monitored and recorded them. During the implementation of the program, I put emphasis on repetition, patient negotiations with participants and creating a friendly atmosphere. After completing the training program, I evaluated the development of competencies in three selected participants. On that basis, I concluded that the biggest change was in the communicative competence. I also experienced a change in social and personal competencies, however, results varied widely among individual participants. Yet, I believe that the goal of the thesis was achieved. These results show that education in leisure time, based on work activities may lead to the development of social and personal and interpersonal skills that are for adults with mental disabilities necessary in the process of social integration. This thesis can be an interesting source of inspiration for the realisation of similar programs aimed at social integration of persons with mental disabilities.