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Environment in China - current state, problems and perspectives
Salačová, Aneta ; De Castro, Tereza (advisor) ; Neumann, Pavel (referee)
The problematics of the environment has been underestimated in China for a long time. This country has been developing with incredible speed in the last three decades. The price for such growth is the current state of the environment in China. The thesis is divided into three chapters. The goal of this thesis is to evaluate the current state of the environment in China and the development of the stance of the Chinese government towards the protection of the environment in the new millennium. In connection with the economic growth is analysed the dependence on air pollution and Chinese GDP. Last but not least are offered possible solutions and perspectives of the future development of air pollution in China.

Middle Income Trap in China
Jarešová, Lucie ; Stuchlíková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Procházková Ilinitchi, Cristina (referee)
The thesis is focused on issue of the middle income trap and its application on Chinese market. Thesis is divided into three parts. The first chapter deals with concept of "middle income trap" and defines its causes. The second chapter analyses current situation of Chinese economy, also selected problems and trends in economy whitch are related to middle income trap. The goal of the last part is to answer questions whether China is in the middle income trap or manage to escape.

The current state and prospects for sustainable development of tourism in Slovakia.
Libantová, Silvia ; Indrová, Jarmila (advisor) ; Chaloupka, Radek (referee)
Tourism contributes to the prosperity of destinations by bringing financial resources, new jobs, a higher level of services and infrastructure development. However, if tourism does not develop sustainably, it is accompanied by negative factors, as well. Especially, negative impacts on the environment, such as: water and soil contamination, increased noise and overcrowded destination during the high season. As a response to the worsening state of the environment and possible irreversible changes caused by irresponsible human behavior, the idea of sustainable development is becoming more important. The theoretical part describes tourism in the Slovak Republic and highlights plans for sustainable tourism development. In the practical part, the results of the questionnaire, related to the awareness of sustainable tourism in the Slovak Republic, are evaluated. The main objective of this thesis is to evaluate the current situation in the field of sustainable tourism and to make suggestions for its future development.

Therapeutic hypotermia after cardiac arrest
The bachelor thesis deals with the influence of a mild therapeutic hypothermia as a hospital post-resuscitation care of patients after cardiopulmonary resuscitation for non-traumatic cardiac arrest. Therapeutic hypothermia is a relatively new method. It is part of the European Guidelines for resuscitation since 2005. It was reported its positive effects on the neurological status of the patients. Using the method reduces the damage to the brain and cardiac muscle. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the effect of mild hypothermia on the human body. Specifies the indication and contraindication criteria for initiation of therapeutic hypothermia, describes cooling methods of the patient and ways to terminate the therapeutic hypothermia. Describes the monitoring of physiological functions and nursing care of patients. The practical part of bachelor thesis mapped the procedures used in the administration of therapeutic hypothermia in patients treated in two large hospitals. These were Fakultní nemocnice Kralovske Vinohrady in Prague and Nemocnice Ceske Budejovice, a.s. The applied strategy of the research was qualitative. Content analysis of 10 case reports were carried out, 5 case reports from each hospital. Case reports concerning patients after cardiopulmonary resuscitation, who were treated using the therapeutic hypothermia as a part of hospital care. The aim of this thesis was to map the procedures used in the therapeutic hypothermia administration in patients after cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It was made available by hospitals after approval by ethics committees on the basis of applications submitted. The information was subsequently created into case studies that were analysed in the categorization tables. In the discussion, the results were compared with the published knowledge provided in the theoretical part of the thesis, and were commented. Analysed were: the composition of the group of patients by age and gender, provide the basic life support by witnesses prior to arrival of crew of the emergency medical service on scene, initial ECG rhythm after emergency medical service arrival, the time elapsed since the cardiac arrest appeared to restore of spontaneous circulation, initiation of therapeutic hypothermia in pre-hospital care, time elapsed since the therapeutic hypothermia start up to reaching the target body temperature, duration of the therapeutic hypothermia, the methods used for cooling the patients, the methods used for measuring the body temperature and neurological status at the time of discharge or transfer from the hospital. The results of the research surprisingly showed that general public are well-informed. Witnesses were able to recognize cardiac arrest, early called in professional help and were willing to give heart massage. This shows also the success in implementing the method of medical dispatcher-assisted basic life support in practice, because the witnesses were in many cases instructed by the medical dispatchers to resuscitate the patient. The majority of patient's initial ECG rhythm were diagnosed as ventricular fibrillation. Time to restoration of spontaneous circulation in most cases ranged within 29 minutes. To achieve the target body temperature at the recommended time limit has managed to half of patients. Target body temperature was always kept within the recommended timeframe and core body temperature was monitored. Concerns raised by an absence of the method start up in pre-hospital emergency care. The thesis highlighted the seriousness of sudden cardiac arrest and the high incidence of patients dismissed from the department with severe neurological deficit. Therefore, it is necessary to continue in research of this method, improve it and try to incorporate it already to pre-hospital care.

Subsidy Support of the Sustainable Waste Management
The subject of the dissertation is the issue of the waste management with special emphasis on the recycling of the construction and demolition waste. The recourse is an analysis of the key instruments regulating the activities and behaviour of market operators in this field toward fulfilling all-society priorities and principles of the sustainable development, where special accent is put on the area of subsidy policies and programmes. The aim of the dissertation is to analyse and evaluate the setting of the selected subsidy programme in terms of economic and ecological efficiency with the emphasis on the assessment of the impact on the recipient. The subject of the research will be a priority axis 4 "Improvement of Waste Management and Removal of Old Environmental Burdens" within the Operational Programme Environment 2007 - 2013. In the literature review basic concepts and important definitions are defined, followed by the comprehensive and complex searches of the problematics from different angles of view. First of all, the global aspect of environmental protection is discussed, broader historical, legal, economic and political contexts, that are essential fundament for understanding the current and future challenges both globally regionally, are summarized. Hereafter, a more detailed description of the situation of the European Union is followed, then the overview is completed by a detailed view at the state of the problematics in the Czech Republic. Subsequent chapters are devoted to a detailed analysis of the waste management sector, again in terms of global, European and national standpoint, in the end the view is focused on the key issue of the dissertation problematics of construction and demolition waste. In the application part the fulfilling of the stated objective of the dissertation through four defined hypothesis is solved. Hypotheses verify the efficiency and appropriateness of the setting of the system of subsidies in the frame of the monitored programme. The emphasis is imposed on the assessment of the impact of the allocated subsidies to the private entities on their economic and environmental efficiency.

Strategic management in chosen municipality
This work deals with strategic management in a village called Borkovice a with the options and suggestions to improve current situation. In introductury theoretical part is described problematice of municipality and its management, cooperation of municipality with subjects from public sector, financial budget of municipality, problematic of strategic management with the most used analyses for rating of level of strategic management. At the beggining of application section there is described the current status of strategic management in Borkovice. This part of work is focused on strategic analyses PESTE analysis, SWOT analysis and there are also included two activities contained with the subscription of current status in village survey, guided interview with Borkovice´s major. Third part of application section is focused on characteristics of chosen subjects (municipalities Řepeč and Malšice) and usage of benchmarking to compare situation between Řepeč, Borkovice, Malšice. After that follows point evaluation and definition of stong and weak factors of municipality Borkovice. The last part includes suggestions to change current status and eliminate weaknesses of municipality Borkovice.

The Role of Nurse in the Prevention of Disease of Civilisation
PAVLOVÁ, Martina
The current state Prevention is a complex care of a patient when we are trying to prevent from the occurrence or development of a disease, or when we want to prevent from its consequences and mitigate them. Recommendations for prevention set by a doctor must be on a scientific basis, and they must be a part of all branches of medicine. Their effectiveness depends on the cooperation between patients and medical staff. The basic and most efficient method of prevention is the health promotion and health education, which is closely associated with it. The term health promotion involves a set of activities and precautions for the purpose of making health better and sustaining it. Diseases of civilisation (hereinafter "DoC") are groups of diseases which are distinguished by their association to our lifestyles. Human body is more and more threatened from unfavourable influences of external environment, such as the quality of atmosphere, work environment and environment itself, the lack of physical movement, unhealthy diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption. The list of diseases of civilisation varies and changes together with our society and the development of our lifestyles. Among the most common or frequent diseases of current time are cardiovascular diseases, which involve atherosclerosis, hypertension, myocardial infarction, stroke, coronary artery disease and obesity. Furthermore, between civilization diseases include diabetes mellitus type 2 or cancer, etc. The goal of the thesis There are two goals set for this paper. The first goal was to find out what the role of a nurse in the prevention of diseases of civilisation was. The second goal was to find out what the above mentioned role of a nurse was from the point of view of patients. Methodology For the purpose of the research part of this thesis, qualitative research using semistructured interviews was carried out. Respondents were divided into two groups; the first one consisted of eight nurses working at internal medicine and neurological department of the hospital in České Budějovice and a nurse working in a private office of a general practitioner for adult patients. The second group consisted of eight patients of the above mentioned health facilities. Results According to our findings, nurses and patients have different oppinions on the role of a nurse. Nurses in disease prevention see themselves as an equivalent to a doctor when undertaking this practice and giving guidance. The patient speaks only to the nurse who emphasized what they were told by the doctor and reiterated the main points. They make available to them leaflets and brochures or Internet resources. In contrast, most patients see a nurse as a more important source of information than the doctor. Patients have the feeling that the doctor does not have enough time or does not want to be botherd with questions. Rather the patient turns to his nurse, which they sees as more appropriate and someone to whom they can confide in without bothering. Summary The goal of the thesis was to focus on prevention, DoC, and the role of a nurse in the prevention of such diseases, as well as to study this issue, look at it from the point of view of patients and nurses via the interviews carried out in this paper, and to analyse such information. Based on this analysis are published recommendations for nurses and patients.

Current prison issues in the Czech Republic
This text addresses issues in today's prison system. It deals with the employment of prisoners, prison security, accommodation capacity. It also summarizes the history of the Czech prison system and the current state of the prison system of the European Union. In the practical part describes the objective of the work. The aim of this work was not just map out the problems of the prison system, but also find out what kind of a preview of the personnel of the prison service.

Human impact on creating the landscape
Lainová, Dana ; Janků, Jaroslava (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on the differences in landscape structure caused by human influence in nature conservation area Czech paradise. It guide us though period from year 1955 until the present. It take into consideration both the previous and current landscape form, as for land area, landscape character, plant and animal association and abiotic factors. Bachelor work describes particular human influence on forming aspect of this natural heritage. It focuses on forestry and forest cover situation, agriculture and farmland. It does not forget hunting and its related situation of wild animals, fish farming which means purity of water. It will occupies water management and its watercourses modification. Least but not last it concentrates on infrastructure and related development and structural engineering. Attention will be aimed at sewage management, industry and natural raw materials extraction. It has to be mentioned the areas of tourism, mountain climbing and recreation, which should be kept only in marked areas and in accordance with nature conservation. Based on findings from individual areas is possible to compare what an impact did a human being on forming aspect of landscape of Czech paradise from year 1955 until the present. Even for such short time of history, it can be observed large change in landscape character or species association. For the future it will be necessary to reduce intensity of landscape recasting and more focus on conservation of indigenous of this nature heritage.