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Requirements for changes in nursing care on the part of top management
Requirements for changes in nursing care on the part of top management Abstract At present, nursing care has been experiencing a great progress. Implementation of the nursing process as a working method has been striven for. The educational system for non-medical workers has been changing. Nurses holding top managerial posts should have competence to lead and manage people effectively in the ever changing nursing environment. To acquire information necessary for achievement of the set goals, a quantitative research was employed. Within the framework of the quantitative research, the questioning method using a questionnaire was selected. The questionnaires concerned were sent to top managers among nurses and doctors working in medical centres all over the Czech Republic. The thesis had three objectives defined. First, to discover what prerequisites top managers miss to be able to implement the changes concerned in the area of nursing care. Second, to discover top managers´ opinions on the system of nursing care provision. Third, to identify differences between requirements for the nursing process method on the part of top managers {--} nurses and top managers {--} doctors. Based on these objectives, four hypotheses were formulated. The hypothesis no. I: The current situation does not allow top managers operating in health service to implement changes in nursing care in practice. This hypothesis has been confirmed. The hypothesis no. 2: Top managers do not require group nursing care as a prerequisite for the implementation of nursing care changes. This hypothesis has not been confirmed. The hypothesis no. III: Representatives of nurses in managerial posts promote the nursing process application as a prerequisite for changes concerning nursing care. This hypothesis has been confirmed. The hypothesis no. IV: Representatives of medicine doctors in managerial posts do not promote the nursing process application as a method of nurses´ work. This hypothesis has not been confirmed. As far as the results of this diploma thesis are concerned, we were trying to outline possible solutions of the issues concerning changes in nursing care. Top managers are recommended to stimulate critical thinking in their employees in the course of work in the nursing process. It is beneficial to improve communication on the managerial level in hospitals, and in addition, to obtain feedback from subordinates with respect to continuing education, to identify effectiveness and needs relating to education on the part of employees and to enable them to participate in the process of the respective changes implementation. To train function nurses in such changes management. To implement a programme aiming at continual quality improvement.

Implementation of Lean Six Sigma in Catering
Marek, Petr ; Martínez, Felipe (advisor) ; Mejdrech, Vlastimil (referee)
The aim of the thesis is to suggest recommendation to optimize and increase efficiency in a process of catering ordering in a company Express Deli by using methods of lean six sigma. The work is built as real project od lean six sigma using some methods of the methodology lean six sigma. In the theoretical part of the thesis, methods of lean six sigma used in the practical part, are described. These methods are mainly methods of process mapping. Each chapter is a step of DMAIC methodology. Core part of the thesis is process mapping at a customer side, so in the other part there are all recommendations directly focused on customers requirements. The results of the work are suggested proposals for process improvement. Some of them were implemented during the project.

Empirical analysis of Okun’s law in Iceland
Zajíček, Zdeněk ; Slaný, Martin (advisor) ; Chytilová, Helena (referee)
This thesis deals with empirical analysis of Okuns law in Iceland. Okuns hypothesis of negative relationship between real GDP and the rate of unemployment is being tested on two models, difference and gap, using OLS estimation. Also there are two filtration methods used (Hodrick-Prescott and Baxter-King) for gap model estimation. The results of all models showed weak relationship of variables, but proved the hypothesis. In the following part, the same procedure is being used on Finlands data, to get comparison of coefficients. Results for Finland showed weaker bond of variables than in Iceland, but the Okuns hypothesis still holds. Last part is focused on finding the sensitivity of rate of unemployment to changes in added value of each economical sector in Iceland using the production approach model. This model gave inconclusive results due to insufficient data available.

Fiscal rules in selected EU countries between 2004-2015: sensible method for consolidation of public finances or fad of politicians?
Veselý, Lukáš ; Strejček, Ivo (advisor) ; Chmelová, Pavla (referee)
The subject of fiscal rules is very topical issue. The rise of public debt in certain developed countries resulted in what is sometimes called "debt crisis". Debt of those countries which is higher than their annual gross domestic product is viewed as unpayable by some economists. The main objective of this thesis has been to prove or disprove hypothesis that the fiscal rules studied in this paper are an effective solution for public finance consolidation. This verification was based on the analysis of fiscal rules functioning in selected countries between 2004 and 2015. As per results of analysis the paper aims to give recommendations for the Czech financial constitution proposal. The actual results of inquiry proved the hypothesis. Well-chosen fiscal rules are the right way towards fiscal consolidation, provided they are observed. Fiscal rules making thus requires an emphasis to be placed on the well-formulated exit clauses altogether with prospective sanctions. The current Czech financial constitution proposal is built on the correctly picked fiscal rule type, although the reference value lacks economic sense and it would not lead, with a high degree of probability, towards fiscal consolidation.

External Sources of Finance for Business Projects in the Czech Republic
Kubíčková, Kateřina ; Filipová, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Drozen, František (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on external sources of finance for business projects in the Czech Republic. The theoretical framework summarizes the expertise and definitions relating to business, entrepreneurs personality, to legal forms of business and traditional external sources of finance. As the lack of resources or difficult access to traditional sources of capital can sometimes be an obstacle in the realization of a welcome and viable business plan, the second half of the thesis is devoted to alternative options of financing business projects with an emphasis on EU subsidies drawing. Other analysed external sources of finance are the investments of private investors called Business Angels, venture and private equity capital, crowdfunding and at the end preferential credits from banking institutions offered to start-ups or new business projects. The main target of this thesis is to provide an overview of the available external projects funding, to find out how they are going on in the Czech Republic and at the conclusion to assess, what kinds of projects are suitable for every single kind of funding. This thesis could help to entrepreneurs, who do not have enough funds for their idea, to be knowledgeable in current options of external financial sources.

Development of POS system application with support of EET for retail trade
Nguyen Manh, Tho ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (advisor) ; Bruckner, Tomáš (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to design and develop an application software for the POS system. The main criterion of the developed system is to support online registration of sales, which meets the requirements stated by the Act no. 112/2016 Coll., on Registration of Sales. In this thesis the POS system is designated to support processes of retail trade. The theoretical part focuses on the description of the POS system and its components. To solve the issue of online registration of sales, an analysis of the legislation and the market with the POS systems was made. The thesis also presents an analysis of the processes and requirements, a solution design and the implementation of applications based on Java. To test the functionality of the developed application a test case was used. The final chapter summarizes the content of the thesis and outlines possible future developments. The output of this paper is a functional POS application, which will be available for download under open-source license. This paper could also serve as a business guide to understand the topic of POS systems and online registration of sales.

Implementation of the Smart Metering Systems in Energetics in Slovakia
Petreová, Adela ; Machek, Ondřej (advisor) ; Tyll, Ladislav (referee)
The goal of the Master´s thesis is to map the actual situation of transformation of power energy sector to smart grid, find answers to some of the major questions concerning the implementation of smart metering systems, evaluate societal and economic costs and benefits, evaluate trends in legislation, compare the situation in Slovakia with other peer countries from the European Union, and create a follow-up recommendations for Slovakia based on this assessment. The thesis includes detailed critical analysis of the CBA, originally created for Slovakia, using benchmarking with countries with a different calculation approach. The used methodology in this work is a research of available resources, qualitative research of case studies, break-down of the CBA, and expert research through interviewing. The outcome is evaluation of economic and societal contributions of smart metering systems and mapping the process and state of the implementation.

Mobile application for clothing stores
Gronesová, Nikola ; Kubálková, Markéta (advisor) ; Topolová, Ivana (referee)
The aim of diploma thesis is to suggest a mobile application for clothing stores. At the same time it takes into account how consumers and businesses are influenced by digital technologies. The app´s name is Digital Closet and its purpose is to organize your closet. Thesis includes a description of a mobile application in general and the well-known operation systems. Then one of the operation systems was set as a basic requirement for suggested application. This thesis also in part analyzes mobile applications at fashion industry. In conclusion, two surveys were conducted. First survey aimed at consumer market and the second one at clothing stores.

Implementation methodology of open source ERP in SME
Polák, Tomáš ; Gála, Libor (advisor) ; Lieb, Dušan (referee)
This paper deals with the implementation of open source ERP systems in the area of small and medium-sized enterprises. The main objective of this work is to define an open source ERP implementation methodology, suitable for small and medium enterprises. This objec-tive is fulfilled partially by defining of manifesto, as way of thinking about this area and analysis of current state of available implementation methodologies. Newly described met-hodology is then verified by a case study. The main contribution of this work is the defini-tion of implementation methodology for open source ERP systems in area of SME focusing on frequently occurring insufficiencies and leading to successful deployment of company IS.

Bussiness Project – Family Education Center
Bahushevich, Alena ; Hartman, Ladislav (advisor) ; Mísař, Jan (referee)
The main purpose of the Master Thesis is creation of the business plan on the establishment of the new preschool education institution Family Education Center. The center will be specialized in operating a kindergarten as well as in organizing educational and personal development activities for children and adults. The theoretical part of the thesis gives some insights on the importance of the entrepreneur and enterprises in the society, provides description of the basic requirements for a business plan and characteristics of the preschool education system in the Czech Republic. Practical part provides an application of the theoretical findings on the creation of the actual business plan. This part verifies the viability and competitiveness of the business project on the basis of the market analysis, marketing and financial plan.