National Repository of Grey Literature 3,181 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.12 seconds. 

Microorganisms with lipoplytic activity and their applications
Pavlačková, Jana ; Omelka, Ladislav (referee) ; Omelková, Jiřina (advisor)
Lipases are hydrolytic enzymes that are produced by many types of microorganisms. This thesis describes not only the microorganisms which produce lipases but also different possibilities for the industrial utilization of lipases. Lipases are widely used in reactions where the combination of a lipophilic substrate with a hydrophilic one is necessary – in the synthesis of ascorbic acid fatty esters, sugar esters, lipoaminoacids and in the lipophilization of phenolic derivatives. Lipases are also important in relation to environmental protection. For example, they are used for the purification of waste water. In this thesis, five different preparations containing microorganisms with lipolytic activity were tested for lipolytic activity. There are many ways of determining lipolytic activity. The spectrophotometric determination of lipolytic activity that uses the ability of lipases to divide p-nitrophenyllaurate to p-nitrophenol may serve as an example. After this p-nitophenol is detected spectrophotometricaly.

Povrchová aktivita osmi běžných druhů chvostoskoků ve smrkových lesích a na pasekách po kůrovcové kalamitě v Národním parku Šumava, Česká republika
Brůhová, Jindřiška ; Rusek, Josef
Surface activity of eight common epigeic species of Collembola were studied in spruce forests, dead spruce forests and clearings in the Šumava National Park, South Bohemia, Czech Republic: .i.Lepidocyrtus lignorum, Leidocyrus cyaneus, Pogonognathellus longicornis, Tomocerus minutus, Tetracanthella stachi, Allacma fusca, Entomobrya nivalis, Dicyrtomina minuta./i.. Five pitfall traps were exposed at each of the 9 sites in the summer and autumn periods to study the impact of spruce forest die-off after bark beetle attack (dead forests) and on clearings. Material comprising 79435 specimens was evaluated in this study using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test for comparing Collembola activity between the sites and seasons. Complete linkage (Euclidean distances) cluster analysis was used for comparing the collembolan activity in all nine sites.

The natural seasonal changes in the food choice and digestive tract of wild ruminants
Kamler, Jiří ; Homolka, Miloslav
Herbivore populations all over Europe have been strongly influenced by human activities. A combination of harvest, changes in forest structure, supplementary feeding, predator extirpation and others factors have led in most cases to increases of their populations and a severe impact on the composition and structure of the forest vegetation. The food choice of free living ungulate species is strongly influenced by season and animal species and changes in diet composition and quality cause the changes in the digestive tract. Effective management of ungulate populations and forest ecosystems should be based not only on detailed information about the impact of deer browsing and the number of deer to harvest but also on the density of deer species, the food supply, the structure of diets consumed by individual species, attraction and quality of the individual components of food supply the total quality of food taken and seasonal changes in digestive tract.

Interaction between TiAl melt and coated oxide refractories
Dočekalová, Kateřina ; Dlouhý, Antonín ; Zemčík, L. ; Fiala, J.
The present study focuses on reactions between ceramic crucibles and molten TiAl intermetallics. Coating strategies are investigated that exhibit a potential in slowing down the decomposition of the crucible wall. Uncoated crucibles (system TiAl melt - Al2O3 crucible) and crucibles with the coat (system TiAl melt - CaO coat - Al2O3 crucible) were used in melting and casting experiments. The reference state of the coated crucible before the melting trial was also investigated. Results of the SEM, EDAX and X-ray diffraction analysis contributed to the identification of the reaction zone and its chemical composition. The melt contamination with oxide inclusions results from the erosion process in which individual components of the melt diffuse along grain boundaries of the refractory and activate chemical reactions that decompose the crucible wall. Assessment of thermodynamic parameters associated with the chemical reactions helped in identifying the nature of the erosion process.

Vlastnosti, aktivita a selektivita kalcinovaných Co(Mg)Al(Mn prelurzorů typu hydrotalcitu při totální oxidaci VOC.
Mikulová, Zuzana ; Jirátová, Květa ; Kovanda, F. ; Balabánová, Jana ; Bastl, Zdeněk
The effect of various Co:Mg:Mn:Al molar ratios (MII/MIII being 2) on physical-chemical properties of resulting calcined catalysts was studied and on thein aktivity and selektivity in total oxidation of toluene and ethanol.

Is the daily activity of red deer (\kur{Cervus elaphus}) different during migrations in National park Šumava and Bayerisher Wald?
HUBENÁ, Zuzana
This thesis deals with a migration and other movements of red deer (Cervus elaphus) in the Šumava mountains. I analysed several parameters of migrations such as distance, pace, and timing of activity/movements in both sexes. I also analysed annual and daily activity rhythms and changes of daily activity during migrations and other movements.

Participative management – key to minimaze conflicts between protection of biodiversity and socio-economic development of local communities
Těšitel, Jan ; Kušová, Drahomíra ; Matějka, K. ; Boháč, J. ; Bartoš, Michael ; Kopáčková, M. ; Moravcová, Jana ; Šrubař, Vladan
The project was aimed to propose a model of optimal coexistence of biodiversity protection and socio-economic development in large-scale protected areas. Its main output was identification of principles of participative management of protected areas and estimation of circumstances necessary for its practical implementation. The project focused on description of biodiversity in particular model areas, on eventuality of changes in biodiversity due to human activities and thus on identification of actual and potential conflicts. In parallel, selected parameters of quality of life of local population, behaviour the population and its relation to the Administration of protected area and to nature protection in general were studied. Analysis of behaviour of the administration of protected areas as social institution became also part of the project. The project was designed as empirical comparative study of three biosphere reserves (BR) - BR Šumava, BR Třeboňsko a BR Křivoklátsko.

Comparison of coordination and condition abilities of young karate youth and the other school youth
Kesner, Petr ; Venzara, Jan (advisor) ; Chytráčková, Jitka (referee)
 Title: Comparison of coordination and condition abilities of young karate youth and the other school youth.  Goals: To compare level of coordination and condition abilities by three groups of probands from the same place of a small town, where the first group regularly attends Kyokushinkai trainings, the second group regularly sports and the third group does not any sport in any sport club.  Methods: The whole group was divided into 3 subgroups: sportsmen, who have trained fullcontact karate - school of Kyoukushinkai, sportsmen, who do actively any sport (football, floorball, table tennis, et.) and youth, who do not any organized sport activity. I measure the motory efficiency by the UNIFITTTEST (6-60) and level of coordination abilities by project of Kohoutek et. (2005).  Results: It was proved that regular sport activity has a positive influence to a condition and coordination ability. Also it was proved that youth practicing regular trainings of martial arts of Kyokushinkai karate have higher level of tested motory abilities than their school mates who practice other organized sport. It is obvious that karate training and other sport activities have a positive influence to a motory ability level. I consider karate training to be a sport which develops complexly coordition and condition...

Occurance of the chosen risk in term of the gender about children.
Abstract The problems of hazardous behavior with adolescents are getting into the foreground of the wide public. The problem of hazardous behavior with children, adolescents or young people is very real, not only in the Czech Republic, but all over the world, at prezent, it is a worldwide problem representing a substantial social problem with which many specialists in the field of psychologists, psychiatrics, educators, politics and other participating institucions, World Health Organization, are dealing. The Publisher results of research are pointing to a non- decreasing occurrence of hazardous behavior, where it comes to a basic shifting to a lower age group from the point of view of the gender eguality, when the girls and boys engage in hazardous behavior with different circumstances, conditions and occurrence. A whole range of research on this theme exists, but it does not fully concern the hazardous behavior, for instance in connection with information technologies, cell phones and using of habit-forming drugs. The thesis is divided in the theoretical and the practical part. In the theoretical part, the selected forms of hazardous behavior with children and the gender problems are described. In the practical part, the quantitative research method has been chosen,a method of gathering data by means of a questionnaire. The research summary for questionnaire inquiry was created by pupils attending the 7 th to 9 th school year of the primary schools in the South Bohemian region. The aim and purpose of the thesis was to find the appearance of selected risk behaviour with the children from the point of view of the gender, and to map the differences with a view to the gender problems. The aim was accomplished. There were four hypothesis stated. H1: The boys are a more endangered group in occurance of a hazardous behavior in connection with alkohol than the girls. H2: There is a higher risk in connection with usaje non-legal drugs about boys than about girls. H3: Boys are more endangered in the occurrence of a hazardous behavior in connection with habit-forming behavior relating to virtual milieu. H4: Girls are more endangered in connection with communication technology. The thesis may be used as an information survey of a selected hazardous behavior with the children and with the gender problems. The results of the research can be used as informative material for the lay public, for children and adolescents, for parents and other specialists (anti-drug coordinator, methodic of school prevention and not least for the education or as basics for a further following research aktivity. Further, the results of the research can be used for a closer determination of suitable prevention programs. For this reason, the results of the research were given to schools, where the research observation proceeded for the purpose of enhancement of the primarily preventive activity.