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Specific features of nursing care provided to members of the Church of Scientology.
The Church of Scientology was officially registered in Los Angeles in 1954. It is present in more than 150 countries of the world, and is professed by over 8 million people. The founder of the movement is the American author of science fiction and fiction, Laffayete Ron Hubbard, who conducted research in the sphere of the human spirit, summarised in his books "Dianetics". Later on, he focused his research on spiritual beings and their abilities. This gave rise to an applicable religious philosophy - Scientology. It has not been possible to register the Church of Scientology officially in the Czech Republic so far, and therefore it acts as the civil association of "Dianetické centrum" (the Dianetic Centre). The number of its members and sympathisers in this country is not very high, reaching approximately 800 persons. Still, it is important for us to know the differences of this minority, to be able to provide its members with nursing care corresponding to their specific needs. This subject is dealt with by the multi-cultural nursing care studying cultures and religions from the point of view of nursing practice. In connection with globalisation, this subject becomes even more topical. The national, cultural and ethnic structure of the population undergoes gradual changes and the number of foreigners legally residing in the territory of the Czech Republic keeps growing. For this reason, it is important even for nurses to be prepared and have at least the minimum knowledge of multi-cultural / trans-cultural nursing care that will enable them to provide adequate nursing care respecting the specifics in question. The objective of my thesis is to get to know the specific features of nursing care provided to members of the Church of Scientology and to establish the specific features of their life style. To meet the objectives, I set five research questions. Research question 1: Do members of the Church of Scientology have specific needs when they are being provided nursing care? Research question 2: What is the attitude of members of the Church of Scientology to the health care provided in the Czech Republic? Research question 3: Do members of the Church of Scientology have specific spiritual needs? Research question 4: What attitude do members of the Church of Scientology have towards their health? Research question 5: Do members of the Church of Scientology have a specific life style? To collect data for fulfilling my research objectives and obtaining answers to the research questions, I applied the method of qualitative research. To conduct the qualitative research I used the technique of a semi-structured interview with the members of the Church of Scientology attending the Dianetic Centre in Prague. The interview contained altogether 46 questions divided into four areas, and the participants were four men and four women of different ages and different lengths of being members of the Church. The qualitative examination established the main and most distinct specific feature in providing nursing care to members of the Church of Scientology, which is maintaining silence at the time when human mind is weakened. Further, the research showed that scientologists respect physicians and do not exclude them in cases of accidents or danger of life. They normally undergo preventive examinations and do not object to being vaccinated provided that they are supplied with sufficient information. The only exception is psychiatry. Being provided with assists constitutes the only spiritual need, and the Church of Scientology has no specifics in terms of diet. This thesis may be used as a study material for general nurses and students of nursing studies, to expand knowledge in the field of multi-cultural / trans-cultural nursing care, which will facilitate providing culture-specific nursing care to members of this religious minority.

Alcohol addiction among the patients of the Psychiatric Clinic Červený Dvůr
My Bachelor's Thesis focuses on persons addicted to alcohol who are staying in Červený Dvůr Mental Hospital. The goal of the thesis was to find out the most frequent causes of addiction to alcohol in the Červený Dvůr clients and the impact of excessive alcohol consumption on their private life. In addition, the thesis tries to find out how the clients learned about Červený Dvůr Mental Hospital, what the reason for the consent with treatment was and what motivated the clients to undergo the treatment for addiction. The research was based on a qualitative method. The data were acquired using the method of semi-structured interviews and the sample consisted of 8 communication partners. The selection was intentional. For the data analysis, was used the method of patterns collection. The main research question dealt with the issue whether the clients in Červený Dvůr Mental Hospital are aware of the negative effect of alcohol. A partial research question was to find the answer to the question in which situations the clients became aware of the negative effect of alcohol. In addition, what were the main causes of excessive consumption of alcohol in the clients and what is their motivation to undergo the treatment for addiction. Nearly all respondents were aware of the negative effect of alcohol, specifically in relation to their family troubles. The most common consequence of alcoholism was divorce. The clients became aware of the negative influence of alcohol in the case of loss of friends or job. The most frequently occurring cause of addiction in these clients was an unidentifiable craving for a change, which they themselves are not able to explain. At the same time, for more than a half of the respondents the main motivation to undergo the treatment was their wish to live "properly" as they had lived before their addiction developed. These people wish to find the sense of their lives and their vision is that they will be able to function in everyday life as the others are. Another finding resulting from the research was that in the case of all respondents somebody from among their family members was addicted to alcohol as well. More specific results are provided in the practical part of the thesis. The Bachelor's Thesis could be beneficial for both non-specialists and specialists. It could be motivating for people who are addicted to alcohol and are afraid of seeking assistance. The thesis may be used for instructional purposes or for the creation of programmes aimed at better awareness and prevention in the area of addiction to alcohol.

Alternative methods of leading childbirth
PAPAI, Daria Kristina
The topic of my bachelor thesis is "Alternative methods of child delivery". The theoretical part describes the physiological delivery its particular phases and their progression. In addition, I aim to explain what the term alternative birth means, and what it includes. The various alternative positions are described, which can be used to facilitate childbirth, as well as their appropriate use during the particular delivery phases. The theoretical part is concluded by descriptions of pain relief methods, including the description of both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. The second part of the thesis is a practical part, summarizes the results of an evaluation research. The aim was to explore the most used alternative methods and to identify the views and experiences of women with alternative methods and aids used during delivery in selected hospitals. Furthermore, the aim was to describe the regions of the Czech Republic in terms of the use of alternative aids and procedures. The hypotheses were formulated based on previous experiences and personal opinions of the author of the thesis. The research sample consisted of women after a spontaneous child delivery in the České Budějovice Hospital and in the Znojmo Hospital. The research was conducted in the form of an anonymous questionnaire survey, using a non-standardized questionnaires. The results of the survey were compiled in tables and the chi-square test was applied as a method for statistical processing and verifying the hypotheses.

Extensions to Probabilistic Linear Discriminant Analysis for Speaker Recognition
Plchot, Oldřich ; Fousek, Petr (referee) ; McCree,, Alan (referee) ; Burget, Lukáš (advisor)
Tato práce se zabývá pravděpodobnostními modely pro automatické rozpoznávání řečníka. Podrobně analyzuje zejména pravděpodobnostní lineární diskriminační analýzu (PLDA), která modeluje nízkodimenzionální reprezentace promluv ve formě \acronym{i--vektorů}.  Práce navrhuje dvě rozšíření v současnosti požívaného PLDA modelu. Nově navržený PLDA model s plným posteriorním rozložením  modeluje neurčitost při generování i--vektorů. Práce také navrhuje nový diskriminativní přístup k trénování systému pro verifikaci řečníka, který je založený na PLDA. Pokud srovnáváme původní PLDA s modelem rozšířeným o modelování  neurčitosti i--vektorů, výsledky dosažené s rozšířeným modelem dosahují až 20% relativního zlepšení při testech s krátkými nahrávkami. Pro delší  testovací segmenty  (více než jedna minuta) je zisk v přesnosti  menší, nicméně přesnost nového modelu není nikdy menší než přesnost výchozího systému.  Trénovací data jsou ale obvykle dostupná ve formě dostatečně dlouhých segmentů, proto v těchto případech použití nového modelu neposkytuje žádné výhody při trénování. Při trénování může být použit původní PLDA model a jeho rozšířená verze může být využita pro získání skóre v  případě, kdy se bude provádět testování na krátkých segmentech řeči. Diskriminativní model je založen na klasifikaci dvojic i--vektorů do dvou tříd představujících oprávněný a neoprávněný soud (target a non-target trial). Funkcionální forma pro získání skóre pro každý pár je odvozena z PLDA a trénování je založeno na logistické regresi, která minimalizuje vzájemnou entropii mezi správným označením všech soudů a pravděpodobnostním označením soudů, které navrhuje systém. Výsledky dosažené s diskriminativně trénovaným klasifikátorem jsou podobné výsledkům generativního PLDA, ale diskriminativní systém prokazuje schopnost produkovat lépe kalibrované skóre. Tato schopnost vede k lepší skutečné přesnosti na neviděné evaluační sadě, což je důležitá vlastnost pro reálné použití.

The Pump with a Diffuser with Stochastic Blades (Runner and Diffuser)
Dobšáková, Lenka ; Melichar, Jan (referee) ; Veselý, Jindřich (referee) ; Haluza, Miloslav (advisor)
This doctoral thesis studies the non-uniform blade cascade for centrifugal pumps. Influence of non-uniform blade cascade is investigated on the impeller and diffuser. A non-uniform blading impeller of pumps in this doctoral thesis was examined in terms of influence on efficiency characteristic. The idea of using non-uniform blading is to obtain a flat efficiency characteristic. Then the centrifugal pump could be used on larger scale of power with achieving a sufficiently high efficiency. The work is based on experimental measurements and numerical simulations of non-uniform hydraulic pump components. Non-uniform impeller and the diffuser were newly designed for this research. A new measuring track of small submersible pumps was needed to design and build for measurements. Different pump combinations with conventional hydraulics on one working point and hydraulics with non-uniform were measured. All measurements were evaluated and characteristics of efficiency, head and power were obtained for each measured combination. Some of pump combinations (which were measured in experiment) were numerically simulated by program Ansys Fluent. Data needed to evaluate the characteristic of efficiency and specific energy were collected from each numerical simulation. A theoretical consideration concerns the influence of non-uniform blade cascade applied on diffuser. The suggestion how to decrease hydraulic losses in canals was done. The theoretical consideration how to make a flat efficiency characteristic was made.

The Importance of the Fundraiser in a Non-profit Organization
STARÁ, Radka
The main theme of the bachelor work is the importance of the fundraiser in a non-profit organization. It defines the term fundraising, its principles, forms and methods, the work of a fundraiser in a non-profit organization.The work characterizes nonprofit organizations, their legal status and field of activity. There are also information about activities, which improve economy and financial situation of these organizations. In the practical part of my work I have analyzed the way of financing a non-profit organization Junak- Czech scout, Centre Pod Kleti Holubov z.s. I am comparing in this part the way of fundraiser work on the local and state platform. The facts here available are drawn from the public web pages of this organization and also from the account keeping documents of its local center. At the conclusion of my work I am assessing the effectiveness of fund raising plan and its strategy and also describing the way of negotiation with donors. I am noticing the need of a fund raising team creation and also rules of fundraising including necessary cooperation between the center of organization and its local branches.

Coping strategies in children´s fear and pain in relation to nursing care
For the nurse, taking care of hospitalized children is important not only pediatric nursing knowledge, personal and social preconditions, but also the theoretical and practical competency of methods and techniques, which are used for identification and effective influencing of pain and fear. The aim of this thesis was to identify the main sources of fear of the hospitalized preschool and young school age children and to find out the effective methods and principles of the cooperation with children, alternatively with their accompanying parents in order to moderate the fear of the small patient. Then the thesis tried to chart the nursing diagnostic and evaluation procedure of the pain and get the most used nursing methods of non-pharmacological pain relief. To obtain the necessary data, the qualitative research was used with a semi-structured interview as a research instrument. The first research group consisted of 12 nurses, the second group consisted of 12 children ´s patients of preschool and young school age. The majority of the asked nurses thinks, that children´s patients are afraid especially of non-familiar environment, then of the awaited pain and of the solitude without parents. However, the most patients said, that they were afraid especially of pain, then of non-familiar environment, restriction of their needs, hostile attitude of the medical staff and of the other neighbouring patients. They were also frightened of the death and of the darkness. Most reported nurses mean, that the most effective solution of the children ´s fear is the friendly attitude of the medics. They also mentioned the fact of taking the focus off the fear and the presence of the parents is also beneficial. The nurses ´ answers were in conformity with patients opinion in two fields - friendly attitude of the medics and taking the focus off the fear. Then the children mentioned abiding of their specifics in connection to falling asleep and the demand of beying treated by the same sister or by few same sisters. All respondents also talked about the benefit of parents presence. Regarding the principles of the cooperation, nurses answered the importance of united medical procedures, especially the proper way of information transfer. Then the respondents nurses mentioned the psychical and emotional support for children and their accompaniments, the atmosphere of confidence and the value of well done education. Also the need of calm, silence and privacy was stated. Unlike nurses, children and their parents regarding to principles of the cooperation prefer the psychical and emotional support, then the importance of enough information was mentioned. The fourth research question bears on the methods used for children pain monitoring. The nurses said, that the intentional interview with the patients or with the parents was used as a main technique, that was stated by patients as well. Research question number five said: What are the most used nursing methods of non-pharmacological pain relief at children? Most responded nurses mentioned the distraction of children attention from the painful incentive, then the importance of physical methods, relief position and purposeful preparation for the unpleasant intervention. Nurses also named the helpful contribution of the parents, relaxing exercises and the method of imagination. Regarding the pain treatment, it was noted, that all patients prefered the analgesic therapy. Then they quoted the distraction of their attention from the painful incentive, the friendly attitude of the medics, using the ice compress and the relief position. In the pain acute phase, children required mostly calm, comfort and privacy. All children also considered the presence of parents as very helpful. The theoretical and empirical part of the thesis are suitable for being studied by nurses taking care of children and it can be helpful for nursing quality improvement at children ´s wards in hospitals.

Charity Projects of Organizations Providing Care for Children with Disabilities in South Bohemia
The bachelor thesis "Charity Projects of Organisations Providing Care for Children with Health Disability in the Region of South Bohemia" deals with those projects that were founded by non-profit organisations and that provide care for children with health disability in the Region of South Bohemia. The aim of this thesis is to chart the charity projects of above mentioned organisations and to find out what is a proper and effective way to create them and what methods and procedures are used by non-state, non-profit organisations. The first research inquiry refers to a successful implementation of these projects. The result will be not only a realisation what kind of projetcs were created by the above mentioned organisations but also what is important for an organisation itself. Within the bounds of the second research inquiry I find out wheather there is an optimal procedure for the implementation of the charity projects of non-state, non-profit organisations. A qualitative method was used for a research part of this thesis. I used a method of a half-structured interview, a technique of a personal interview. A research group was selected for bringing the research into practice, which includes nine organisations seleceted from non-state, non-profit organisations providing a care for health disabled children in the Region of South Bohemia. It is more difficult for non-state, non-profit organisations it this field to obtain enough finances for providing services and for obtaining necessary aids than for state non-profit organisations because of different ways of fundraising . A non-state, non-profit organisation has several possibilities how to obtain necessary material and non-material sources. There are charity projects that offer means of selfless help; provided they are successful, they help the organisation to obtain necessary sources. It emerged from the research that it was very important for non-state, non-profit organisations to get a multi-source fundraising and supporters of their projects, mainly donors and sponsors, to obtain available care for children with heath disability. On the basis of the research, it is possible to state that non-state, non-profit organisations providing care for children with health disability, implemented many successful projects. The results of this thesis can be used in the way of an informative material for setting a complete view of a solution of the problems of the above mentioned organisations projects.

Use of e-learning education of universal nurses in Militari university hospital - University hospital Prague
JANKŮ, Kamila
The diploma work submitted is called The Use of E-Learning Education of Nurses in the Central Military Hospital Military University Hospital Prague. The theoretical part of the diploma work deals especially with the significance of e-learning, distance learning, history of education of nurses in the Czech Republic and e-learning in health care. In addition, the work includes information of the Central Military Hospital and describes its present circumstances and use of e-learning in the working process. 5 aims and 4 hypotheses were set for the quantitative research. The first aim was to determine the time demands of the e-learning courses study. The second aim was to determine the attitude of general nurses to e-learning education. The third one focused on contribution of e-learning education for general nurses and for the hospital management. The last aim focused on satisfaction of general nurses with the form, contents and diversity of e-learning courses. The fourth aim was used to determine reasons leading for development of e-learning courses for general nurses. Four hypotheses were determined: H1: It takes less time to complete e-learning course studies than regular studies. H2: Nurses younger than 30 years of age prefer e-learning education unlike nurses older than 30. H3: The effectiveness of regular studies is better than the effectiveness of e-learning education. H4: E-learning courses are not as financially demanding as regular courses. The data collection technique consisted in our own anonymous non-standardized questionnaire containing 32 items. The research file consisted of 212 general nurses working in clinical departments of the Central Military Hospital. An additional method was based on a dialogue with the Education Team Manager of the Central Military Hospital. The research results related to the hypotheses show that completing e-learning course studies does not take less time than completing a regular course. Nurses younger than 30 years of age do prefer e-learning education contrary to nurses older than 30. The effectiveness of regular courses in contrast to e-learning education has not been confirmed as well as the fact that financial demands of an e-learning course are lower than financial demands of a regular course. Further, nurses prefer regular forms of studies, mostly with their passive participation in an educational event; however, they find completion of e-learning courses more convenient. Most respondents also expressed a positive opinion on the form, contents and diversity of e-learning courses. Courses include enough information for preparation of a final test and nurses find the number of courses necessary for periodical evaluation adequate. What they consider limiting is the impossibility to retake the final test; they mostly suggested it should be allowed to take the final test twice or three times. The research implies that a higher percentage of the respondents spend as much time as they want studying. Nurses still prefer regular forms of studies with passive participation to the e-learning form. Most nurses have a positive opinion on the current contents of courses in the form of a text format. The course topics are mostly based on suggestions by members of the Non-Medical Professions Education Team of the Central Military Hospital. The research results will be presented at the next regular meeting of members of the Non-Medical Professions Education Team of the Central Military Hospital. Procedures for improvement of the form of the current courses will be presented and proposed as well as the possibility to develop communication between the author and students, the limiting impossibility to retake final tests and the suggestions concerning the number of possibilities to retake them.