National Repository of Grey Literature 8,133 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.01 seconds. 

Multifunctionality of territorial systems of ecological stability
FOJTOVÁ, Štěpánka
Defining of the landscape is difficult, many definitions of landscape exists. Already the human influences the landscape several centuries. The steps in the landscape stayed after the human intervention. The cultural landscape is unstable in some territory, it is steadier in the mountains and piedmont. The landscape components exist in this landscape and make the skeleton of the ecological stability. This skeleton is the one of the base for the making of the territorial systems of ecological stability (TSES), the skeleton is completed by the structural components TSES, which are biocentre, biocorridors and interactive components. TSES should make the multifunctional system and his components should perform some functions. It can perform the flood-protection, the protection to water and wind erosion. It can influence positive climate too. Not least has estetic function.

Urban development of the town of Lomnice nad Popelkou
Musilová, Barbora ; Kouba, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Lindner, Milan (referee)
This thesis deals with the urban development of Lomnice nad Popelkou and conservation areas within its territory. Describes the history of the city and examines causes of the current condition of the monument fund. Describes the efforts of the city representatives in buildings restoration, through the City Development Strategy for period of 2016 - 2023. This thesis assesses the extent to which this strategic document managed to respond to the condition of historic buildings and also the needs of city residents.

Duality of the legal regulation of a dominant position in EU competition law
Pavel, Jan ; Svoboda, Pavel (advisor) ; Šmejkal, Václav (referee)
Résumé The presented work addresses the issue of the double-tracking nature of a dominant position in European competition law. The aim of the integration efforts during the establishment of the EU was the creation of an internal market, especially the customs union. In order to achieve this state, it was necessary to take a number of integration measures and create a legal framework, i.e. conditions, under which economic competition in the internal market could operate effectively. In this context a variety of legislation valid for the whole EU territory has been accepted. However, in the context of the economic competition this work analyzes the legislation on market dominance carried out first in Article 102 of TFEU (Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union) prohibiting restrictive business practices in the form of abuse of a dominant position and also in Council Regulation (EEC) No 4064/89 and later in Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004 regulating the control of concentrations between undertakings. In case of both the legislations the crucial question is the "dominant position" of an enterprise in the market, while Article 102 of TFEU represents the ex post control, i.e. applies only to the possible abuse of the dominant position, and in this sense the dominant position itself is not the...

Plasma spraying from liquids: plasma liquid interaction and coating build up
Tesař, Tomáš ; Mušálek, Radek ; Medřický, Jan ; Lukáč, František
Plasma spraying from liquid feedstocks is a rapidly developing field of thermal spraying since the coatings prepared from liquids exhibit some unique features, such as high hardness, thermal shock resistance or low thermal and electric conductivity. The key factor influencing the final coating character and properties is the input material which may be in the form of a suspension or a solution. Parameters of the selected suspension (solids concentration, viscosity, surface tension, chemical composition, etc.) or solution (concentration, etc.) determine its interaction with the plasma jet which strongly influences the coating buildup. This proceeding introduces the problematics of the interaction between the liquid feedstock material with the plasma jet and presents the way of evaluation of the coating buildup.

Natural houses in gardens
Formánková, Kristýna ; Kunt, Miroslav (advisor)
Thesis discusses natural houses which are supposed to be part of our lives in the future. These houses may be for someone and they might prefer smarter building with non-recyclable materials when choosing a new housing. But it is necessary to think about our future and sustainable development. We also need to tell ourselves what is really a priority for our planet. There comes a time when they will prefer building materials which can be used somehow after some time or be recycled. This is related to the design of the garden. It is designed to fulfil an ornamental, economic and social function. The garden is an integral part of each house, therefore it is important for each element used to be creating the garden as a linked harmonious whole. The study deals with the concept of a natural houses home in accordance with the maximum use of the garden.

Zalužanský Brook Restoration Project
Lašek, Jakub ; Kalibová, Jana (advisor)
This thesis contains restoration project of chosen section of Zalužansky brook in Ústecký kraj. Project is processed at the level of documentation for territorial management according to decree no. 499/2006, of buildings documentation. Theoretical part captures professional literature research dedicated to restorations, spatial planning and buildings documentation. Analytic segment closely defines and characterise location of interest at first, although major part consists of designed restoration measures following requirements for creating a building documentation by mentioned decree. Benefit from this thesis is it's possible usage as a background material for documentation created by authorised engineer for water management and landscape planning.

Documentation of the nature reserve Miletinska bazantnice (Czech Republic)
Stejskalová, Klára ; Skalický, Milan (advisor) ; Martinková, Jaroslava (referee)
The aim of this study is to document the floristic species diversity through research in the natural reserve Miletinska bazantnice. Documentation was carried out on the territory concerned during the growing season of 2015. There was a determination of vascular species. The research was mainly focused on endangered and protected species. The whole area is part of sites of European importance under the Habitats Directive Natura 2000 Miletinska bazantnice was declared a nature reserve in 1954 with an area of 75, 43 hectares and is part of a small-scale specially protected area. Typical features of the area are remnants of natural Podzvicinsko geobiocenosis and therefore the reason for its protection. Further it describes the history, characteristics of the territory and the natural conditions that are typical for the locality. These include soil science, climate, hydrological, geomorphological, geological and phytogeographical. On the territory of the nature reserve are recorded two memorial trees. It´s oaks (Quercus robur) called Zizkovy duby. At present territories were found in protected and endangered species and classified under the Red and black list of vascular plants of the Czech Republic (Grulich, 2012) and Decree of the Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic no. 395/1992 Coll. Into the category of rare taxa that require additional attention include species such as Carex otrubae, Cerastium lucorum, Daphne mezereum, Galium boreale, Listera ovata and Primula veris. The only species Platanthera bifolia is ranked in the category of endangered under both the Red and black list of vascular plants in the Czech Republic and under Decree. In the field survey, attention was also paid to invasive species, sorted by Catalogue of alien plants of the Czech Republic (Pyšek et al., 2012) and categorized archeophytes (Arctium tomentosum, Cirsium arvense, Convolvulus arvensis, Chelidonium majus) and neophytes (Arrhenatherum elatius, Impatiens parviflora) and described their risks (Mlíkovský and Stýblo, 2006)

Erosion protection of slopes from assignment to implementation
Konopecká, Vladislava ; Janeček, Miloslav (advisor) ; Kalibová, Jana (referee)
The thesis is following up on the findings to the issues presented in the Bachelor's thesis, where they were described mainly the methods and materials used to secure the slopes of pipeline, will address not only the final solution method of protection against erosion of the slopes, but in particular all conditioning influences such as the topography, the type and quality of rock and soil in the area of the building, surrounding buildings, and last but not least property relations that can significantly affect the design solution in terms of difficulty of implementation, durability, aesthetics and economic performance of the resulting construction works. Alpha-Omega of the initial phase is the analysis and the interdependence of the issues just for land consolidation, anti-erosion measures, construction procedures in accordance with the geology of the chosen territory and the intended realization of the construction project. The evaluation of the risks associated with this issue on the basis of field investigation, examination with a valid legal legislation, SWOT analysis will be ended.

Non-invasive methods for sex and steroid homones determination in gibbons of the genus Nomascus
Bolechová, Petra ; Bartoš, Luděk (advisor) ; Pavel, Pavel (referee)
The gibbon primates of the family Nomascus are classified as critically endangered species, and, to date, basic understanding and information about their biology is missing. With regard to the status of these animals in the wild and captive populations in zoos, being familiar with their reproduction, may improve captive breeding programs. Data collection in this study was to be carried out by the practical use of non-invasive methods (polymerase chain reaction for DNA extraction and enzyme immunoassays), using faecal samples for analysis. The first method, polymerase chain reaction, was used for sex determination in juveniles, because of their coat colour and visual similarity of secondary sex characteristic in both sexes; it is not possible to determinate sex without handling the animal. Another main purpose of this study is to try and answer the hypothesis regarding the ovarian cycle of females, factors influencing their hormone concentration and also the onset of sexual maturity in females and the timing of their fur colour change. Hypotheses were checked by monitoring the concentration of progesterone and oestrogen faecal metabolites and by evaluation of the composition of breeding groups of gibbons with the ZOO influence. During a four year period (from 2010 till 2014), there were a total of 51 animals analysed from 16 different zoos with a faecal sample count totalling 1618 samples. The results confirmed the use of noninvasive methods for sex determination, and thus ensuring the maximum welfare standards. Endocrinological analysis confirmed the hypothesis of the influence of the environment (ZOO) to the hormone concentrations and female´s pregnancy effect in conjunction with her age on the final results of the male - father hormone concentrations. The initial information in this study is the confirmation of the onset of ovarian cycle in young females without connection to their fur colour change and a significant factor of a mother´s impact and her territoriality. This study is the first to present a long term monitoring of ovarian cycles in females and hormone concentrations of other individuals, both male and female, and from various age groups. The results allow us to understand the possible impact of zoo environments on the reproductive status of these gibbons and contribute to the general improvement of breeding management.

Právní a zdravotně sociální aspekty činnosti OSPOD jako ustanovených opatrovníků v zámu nezletilých dětí
The Czech Republic as a signatory of the Convention on the Rights of the Child has vested the practice of state administration in the field of care for minor children to municipalities with extended powers, where the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minor children is safeguarded by state authorities of social and legal protection of children (ASLPC hereinafter). These authorities are incorporated to the extent laid down by the Act on Social and Legal Protection of Children (Act No 359/1999 Coll., as amended). The position and roles of ASLPC and their competence and jurisdiction are also regulated by the same act. The position of workers of these authorities and its legal embodiment is equally important. Regarding professionality, there are high demands on these workers. In the Czech Republic, significant changes in legislature have been made over the past three years. These amendments have led to the strengthening of the rights of minor children and to the establishing of new tools for their protection. In connection with the adoption of new substantive regulation of family law, which is now exhaustively dealt with by the Act No 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, new procedural rules have been established regarding protection of rights of minor children. Such procedural legislation includes (apart from the long-existent Act No. 99/1963, the Code of Civil Procedure) the Act No 292/2013 Coll., on Special Civil Proceedings. The decision-making regarding minor children has been vested mainly by the state into the competence of courts. The courts appoint the locally relevant ASLPC as a guardian who then represents the interests of minor children. The purpose, interwoven with and derived from the first one, was to explore the opinions of selected social workers of ASLPC and of district court judges regarding the defined problems occurring during the work of ASLPCs and courts while protecting the interests of minor children. These particularly include: the use of the tool of precautionary measure; problems of different territorial jurisdiction of courts and ASLPCs; processing of complaints regarding bias in various phases of the proceedings; professional training of workers of ASLPC It is evident from the proposals of both judges and ASLPC workers that it is necessary to unify territorial jurisdiction. The courts are suggesting the priority criterion of the address where the child mainly resides. ASLPC workers suggest the official permanent residence as the prime criterion. Bias causes problems in all phases of proceedings. It is obvious that courts take differing approaches towards the solution of this problem (some courts solve the problem of bias complaints filed by the parties while other courts do not) and for ASLPC workers it is difficult to assess how to act when such complaint is raised against them. The training of ASLPC workers - workers are obliged to educate themselves and their employer is obliged to finance such training. Not all ASLPCs are able to provide training in the required extent - due to financial reasons (the average costs of education of one employee pose from 9,169 to 13,400 CZK annually and they cover approximately 6 days of training). The heavy work-load caused by insufficient numbers of ASLPC employees prevents them from completing such compulsory training. As part of the examination of the "participation of a collision guardian in court proceedings" it has been found out that irregular participation of the worker in the proceedings (absence from participation in appeals proceedings); incomplete reports (directed to courts) from surveys in families. Based on comprehensive examination of the problems of territorial jurisdiction, it was recommended that requests are independently recorded and financial compensation is provided for ASLPCs who are requested to represent minors in front of courts, to draft proposals for precautionary measures.