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Study of factors affecting milk production
ALENKOVÁ, Kateřina
The diploma thesis deals with the study of factors that influence the production of milk in terms of nutrition. On the given farm the standart of nutrition is evaluated on the basis of the composition of the feeding diet and optimal security needs nutrients and energy in relation to the desired production and the recommended values. The feeding technique, the quality of feed composition and feed rations are evaluated on the given farm, too. The work also focused on evaluating the basic economic indicators of milk production.

The Religious Sisters' charitable and social service after 1948
This bachelor's thesis focuses on the destiny of female orders and congregations, whose traditional work in educational and medical institutions was forbidden by Action Ř in 1950. Communist regime tried to force nuns to take off their habits and work in civil occupations, by means of hard work in factories and on farms. Female orders, whose main role was to educate children and youth, and contemplative orders had to find new areas for their activities. Despite the difficult situation, nuns tried to carry out social and charitable work in such areas, where communist regime allowed them to do so. Many of such affected female orders and congregations found their fulfilment as care workers in health service, social and charitatible area, particularly by taking care of the sick, the old and mentally and physically disabled people. The theoretical part focuses on a description of the relation between church and state after 1948, the status of nuns after the communist takeover in February 1948 and district church secretary's and region church secretary's tasks in relation to nuns. The thesis describes communist work camps for nuns in more detail, there were strict rules and routine and very poor conditions, far from dignified way of life. The summary shows individual communist work camps with factories and workshops, where nuns had to work. The reseach part of the bachelor's thesis describes nuns' social and charitable work after 1948 and their motivation that helped them overcome difficulties, resulting from communist regime. I used the method of qualitative research and oral history method. I have made four profiles of nuns, on the basis of their life stories. These profiles monitor their lives with respect to the topics from the theoretical part of the bachelor's thesis and everything is supported with suitable quotations. I try to monitor both common and different experience of individual nuns and consider how questions of great history reflected on their life stories. The conclusion of the bachelor's thesis cosiders nuns' motivation for their devoted service to their neighbours, their attitudes, opinions and experience.

Visual preferences for wind turbines
Běťáková, Vendula ; Sklenička, Petr (advisor) ; Janečková, Kristina (referee)
This dissertation is a selection of three papers focused on visual preference of wind turbines. Visual impact presents the connectivity of the articles, whereas each one deals with the topic from different perspective. First paper "Wind turbines location: How many and how far?" analyses in detail the characteristics of wind turbines themselves, i.e. their number and distance from observer or vantage point in relation to landscape quality. Second paper "How education orientation affects attitudes toward wind energy and wind farms: implications for the planning process" concentrates on respondents´ characteristics, in particular educational orientation, general attitude, occurrence of WTs in respondents´ vicinity and willingness to live close to WTs. Whereas first two papers use same assessment method to analyse differences of WTs perception from different point of view, the third paper "Futuristic Wind Power Systems Suitable as Artistic Sculptures" presents review of WTs appearance in general and proposals of possible future look as an alternative to traditional wind turbines.

The need for security and safety in connection with a planned surgery with the patient's perspective and nurses
BOHDALOVÁ, Jaroslava
A planned operation performance always affects patient´s needs for assurance and safety. It is important to provide necessary information connected with the planned operation performance itself so that the patient can feel assure and safe. The key role for the patient and her/his needs for assurance and safety is in general nurse´s hands because she is the closest person to the patient and can help to inspire her/his needs for assurance and safety with konfidence best through the aid of her knowledge and skills that she should have as well as through the aid of her attitudes. The target of the thesis was to find out how a planned operation performance affects patient´s needs for assurance and safety and how a general nurse inspires patient´s needs for assurance and safety connected with a planned operation performance with confidence. The following research questions were stated: How does a planned operation performance affect patient´s needs for assurance and safety? How does a general nurse affect patient´s needs for assurance and safety connected with a planned operation performance to inspire her/him with confidence? What is insufficient in filling patient´s needs for assurance and safety before a planned operation performance? How can a general nurse help a patient control her/his fear and state of anxiety related to a planned operation performance? The method qualitative research with the use of depth interview was used to figure out the investigation. The respondents were willing to record the interview which were verbally rewritten and then subjected to the contents analysis by the method paper and pencil. From the research it is clear that a planned operation performance affects patient´s needs for assurance and safety in a negative way disregarding to her/his previous experience. Patient´s worries and negative feelings can be eliminated by a general nurse who treats her/him as equal, taking up an individual approach, informing her/him about all performances and proceedings, having a calming and welcoming way of communication, using empathy and listening as well as trying to meet patient´s wishes according to her possibilities. The research reveals the advantage of patients´ readiness for planned operation performances. Patients can learn it in the framework of educational proceeding in the out-patients´ department at the same time when they learn that they are going to be operated. The research also shows that general nurses do not have enough knowledge in the sphere of therapeutical communication. The results indicate that it would be suitable to start educating patients as soon as it is known how their disease will be solved and treated in order to reduce the negative impact of surgical treatment to patients´ needs for assurance and safety. General nurses should complete their knowledge and skills to be able to help patients to cope with their difficult life-situation. On the basis of the research investigation and after the consultation with the senior nursing officer, the training course will be organized. The topic of the training course will concentrate on communication with patients before planned operation performances with a view to therapeutical communications and therapeutical interviews. Other discovered facts, for example, the lack of information provided to patients and possibilities regarding better patients´ readiness for planned operation performances will surely be solved by the hospital management.

Pick´s disease and the specifics of the nursing care of a patient with this disease
Pick's disease is a degenerative-atrophic process that primarily affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Besides Alzheimer's disease, it is a lesser known form of dementia which affects people of younger age. Although the exact range of Pick's disease occurrence varies in the literature, the average reported age is between 50-60 years. The disease can change eating habits, cause emotional swings, inappropriate behaviour and sloppy appearance of the patients. The behaviour to others is often selfish, the patients are unable to listen to others and ignore their surroundings. Pick's disease is also characterized by inappropriate sexual behaviour. Globally, the number of dementia patients is still growing and according to expert guesses the increase will continue. Nursing care for patients with dementia is therefore becoming a very actual topic as dementia is called a quiet epidemic of our century. Nurses in their departments quite frequently encounter patients suffering from dementia of various origins at different stages of disability and the staff at healthcare facilities often regard these people as a burden. The aim of this thesis, which is called Pick's Disease and Specifics of Nursing Care for Patients with this Disease, is, based on the theoretical knowledge, to map definitions and diagnosis of Pick's disease, to define the needs of such a patient, and to list the most common problems in the nursing care. It focuses on people with dementia within medical facilities. For proper understanding of the problem, the thesis starts with the anatomy and physiology of the brain and the description of cognitive functions which are affected by the dementia syndrome and the definition of dementia. Based on the studied literature, dementia is divided according to various criteria. It has been found out that dividing dementia is not entirely uniform, but the essential facts and overall opinions of the authors do not diverge. Pick's disease belongs to a group of frontotemporal dementia and its position in this group has changed over time, as it is recorded in the literature. The thesis includes recommendations resulting from the studied literature in the approach to patients with dementia and emphasizes personal communication with the patients and empathetic and humane approach. Although medicine cannot prevent dementia, an early diagnosis of a specific type of dementia and correctly targeted treatment can increase the quality of life not only of the patients but also of their families. I have chosen this topic because I find it very current and interesting. During my nursing practice at the Surgery Department and Aftercare Department, I have met patients suffering from dementia and I did not know how to properly and efficiently communicate with them. For the theoretical part of my work, the methods of explanation, synthesis and induction on the basis of Czech and foreign information sources have been used. The most frequently quoted Czech authors in my thesis are doc. MD. Roman Jirák, PhD., the head of the center for diagnosis and therapy of Alzheimer's disease at the psychiatric clinic of the General University Hospital in Prague, the 1st Medical Faculty of Charles University. This thesis can serve as an informational and educational source both for nurses and the general public who may experience the disease within their families. It would be considered a great success if it helped nurses or family members to diagnose Pick's disease or other dementia at an early stage.

Analysis of beer consumption preferences
Fontánová, Klára ; Hlavsa, Tomáš (advisor) ; Jindrová, Andrea (referee)
The main subject of this thesis is analysis of preferences in beer consumption. The main goal of the thesis is to discover and evaluate factor which could affect consumer's behaviour. Therefore, t2he basis for this thesis is a questionnaire which was prepared according to marketing research principles. The first part is about beer and marketing research. The part about beer contains main historical data, a brief brewing process description, including main ingredients and beer types. Next, there are mentioned main Czech breweries. Inconsiderable part are also factors which affect beer consumption. In the part dealing with the marketing research are described the steps, methods of data collecting ad data resources. The second part is about the questionnaire itself and its evaluation. The questionnaire had 322 respondents. Firstly, the results are summarized and then are tested based on null hypothesis.

Factors affecting postmortem changes in pork meat
Seilerová, Michaela ; Čítek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Lebedová, Nicole (referee)
The thesis focused on the summary of the quality of pork. The main indicators of the quality of pork and of meat generally together with a chemical composition and the external and internal factors dealing with the quality of meat are described in the thesis. The various histological structure, the variable chemical content, technological features are found in meat. The structure and composition depends on a way of living, the function of the parts of an animal body, on lots of intravital factors (a kind of an animal, breed, male or female, age, the way of nutrition, the state of health). Meat is a valuable source of nutrients and essential acids for a man. The human organism is not able to synthesize the essential acids itself. Lipids are the important part of meat, their main function is storing energy. They are found as a reserve tissue in the subcutaneus parts of animals or among muscular fibre. The amount of carbohydrates contained in meat is not important, meat is low in carbohydrates. They are only important for meat maturation. Meat is high in minerals and vitamins. It is necesary for a man and should be a part of our diet. The important factor for a meat quality is described as a formation of muscular fibres. There are the thin fibres in the meat of a high quality and the thick and fat fibres in the meat of a low quality. The meat quality depends on a number and charactes of animal fibres. The meat of a high quality is for example loin - it is the meat with fine fibres. The next factor which has influence on a meat quality is course of post mortem changes.We can differentiate four stages in these processes: prae rigor, rigor mortis, aging of the meat and deep autolysis. Post mortem aiging processes can deviate from teh standard from variety of reasons and as concequences we can see quality deviation of the meat for example PSE, DFD, RSE, Hampshire efect and cold shortening.Also the breed has the influance on the quality of the meat namely sensitivity to stress,growth characteristic and parameters of slaughter value, other internal factors are age and sex. External factors which has the influance on the quality of the meat are transport of the animals to the slaughterhouse, attitude of the employees during chasing after the animals, the rest before slaughter, stunning itself,bleeding thereafter and cooling down after slaughtery.

Importance of local entrepreneurship in the field of sport and culture for regional development
Ungermann, Daniel ; Jansa, Viktor (advisor) ; Korcová, Renata (referee)
My Bachelor´s thesis tackles the problematics of regional development. In the first chapters of my thesis, there are definitions of terms which are closely linked to the problematics. The chapters include terms such as regional policy, regional development and the development of the country which are mainly aimed at improving the citizens´ quality of life which is tightly connected to the development of social togetherness. Social togetherness enables the growth of social and political stability. In the following chapters you find legislative modification concerning regional policy, the method of community and country development and a detailed analysis of culture and sport as factors affecting the region´s growth. The practical part of my thesis analyses the situation in Ruda nad Moravou, specifically, its swimming area which is very important for the community as well as the region. The aim of my work is the characteristics of the business activities mainly in the sports area, its legal and economic problems and also its regional impact. The method of description and the method of quantitative analysis in the form of questionnaire field study are used in the practical part of the thesis. The aim of the methods is to gain enough information on individual drawbacks and problems linked with both the region and the swimming area mentioned above. A suitable solution will be suggested after detecting the problems. The solution should make the swimming area more profitable which will contribute to the development of the whole region.

Causes, impacts and solutions erosion in the region
Nocarová, Martina ; Janků, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Karel, Karel (referee)
Target of this thesis is to assess erosion risks in the region Podkrkonoší. The region Podkrkonoší, especially district Trutnov, is exposed to serious problems of erosion. Significant erosion affected areas in district Trutnov are cadastral areas Kocbeře, Dubenec and Rtyně v Podkrkonoší. Erosion processes are appearing repeatedly on same locations, which cause to massive entrainment of quality topsoil. Thesis is focused on cadastral area Rtyně v Podkrkonoší. This area is the most affected by erosion processes. This thesis describes specific locations repeatedly affected by erosion processes. The most affected areas are: Žabárna, U Trhovky, U Horní zastávky, Pod Bohdašínem, K Bohdašínu, Nad Pekárnou and K Vodojemu. The thesis is monitoring, which types of plants are grown in these areas and in what months erosion processes occur the most often, which kind of anti-erosion precautions are used and how are these precautions effective. The thesis tries to find out, if the erosion processes are repeating due growing of plants in the wide lines (65 cm). The work researches specific land blocks according to their endangerment. Each land block is classified to a category of endangerment according DZES 5 (severely threatened by erosion, slight threatened by erosion and land block which are not threatened by erosion), according to the maximum permissible value of cover-management factor (Cp - severely threateden, threatened, slight threatened and not threatened). Calculation of average soil loss by using methods USLE (equation of Wischmeier and Smith) was used for all of land blocks, which were affected by erosion processes. The result is that in all cases the permissible soil loss (4 t.ha-1.rok-1) was exceeded. In this thesis, anti-erosion precautions were proposed, for example, for locality Žabárna, due to high frequency of erosion processes and therefore high financial losses for land owners, municipality and local residents. Target of this thesis is to ascertain, if the legislative protection of soil in The Czech Republic is adequate.

Evaluation of growth and fertility in chosen columnar apple-tree varieties
Brázdová, Ludmila ; Zíka, Lukáš (advisor) ; Súkeníková, Tereza (referee)
This paper deals with the evaluation of growth and fertility in selected apple varieties. I will discuss the range of columnar apple trees, which represent a further step in the development of growing shapes. Eleven different varieties grafted onto two different rootstocks was assessed. Planting was establish in the spring of 2013, the clamp 3 x 0,8 m. The trees were planted as a two-year vaccinees. The aim of the study was to evaluate and compare the increase in trunk diameter, the intensity of growth and yield of selected columnar apple varieties, before and after the end of their vegetation. It was necessary to evaluate the cross-sectional area strain in (cm2), increase in cross-sectional area strain in (cm2), average fruit weight (g), crown height (m), absolute yield (kg) per tree, specific yield on (cm2) cross-sectional area, yield (kg) on increase in area strain, area yield (t / ha) and specific yield on the crown height (kg / m). In the theoretical part I will deal with the history of apple growing and growing development of various shapes, characteristics of apple trees, their significance and composition. Further I will discuss demands on the growing the apple tree and its treating. At the same time I will mention the major diseases and pests. At the end of this part I will describe harvesting methods and proper storage. The practical part is focused on the experiment itself and its subsequent evaluation. I will mention the location and characteristics of the habitat where the apple tree grew. I will describe specific columnar varieties and rootstocks used. I will characterize the specific location of the varieties grown and the activities that were implemented during the evaluation period of the experiment. In conclusion, the results have been evaluated, to which I arrived during the entire measurements. This part contains the observed values displayed in two tables. For a better overview of the data obtained and the results they are displayed graphically. At the end there is a complete summary of the whole work. For the most of the results it has been proved that a base affects the intensity of growth and yield. The biggest growth area strain (cm2) had a variety 'Cumulus' on rootstock M 26, but on the rootstock M 9 the increase was significantly lower. When assessing absolute yield the highest values were observed in a variety 'Red Spring' on rootstock M 26, followed by the yield of variety 'Slendera' on rootstock M 26. The lowest yield was observed in cultivar 'Cumulus' on M 9. In these cases, we can confirm the influence of rootstock of variety. When evaluating the specific yield on increase strain the highest yield was at varieties 'Red Spring' on M 26, followed by a variety 'Slendera', where the yield was greater on the rootstock M 9. Here it is impossible to unequivocally confirm that the rootstock M 26 has a higher yield than the rootstock M 9.