National Repository of Grey Literature 19,016 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.12 seconds. 

Jaroslav Vrchlickýs Translations from the French and Italy Literature.
In my master's thesis I inquire into Jaroslav Vrchlický's translation of French poetry. In five chapters I analyse Vrchlický's translations of the poems by the Parnasists José-Maria de Heredia, Sully Prudhomme, Leconte de Lisle and François Coppée; the fifth is the romantic author Victor Hugo. The analyses are preceded by a bibliographic-descriptive part, an overview of Vrchlický's studies related to the poet in question and reception of Vrchlický's translations in contemporary periodicals. The summarizing chapters describe Vrchlický's translation method and the relationship of F. X. Šalda as the leading figure of contemporary literary criticism to Jaroslav Vrchlický. A substantial part of the work is a bibliographical index of Vrchlický's translations of French poetry published in books and journals as well as a list of his critical studies. As information source we have used the digitalized card catalogue Retrobi available online at the website of the Institute of Czech Literature, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

Alternation elites in the village Studená in 1948. The fates of two businessman and ganges of the small-town during the post-February.
Annotation Through the analysis of the alternation of the elites in the municipality of Studená and the after - February fates of two businessmen, I tried to describe the transformations of the small town in the course of the period of three republics and mainly during the high Stalinism. I substantiated, inter alia, the replacement of the small town elites by two examples of Jan Satrapa and Karel Bartušek whose fates appeared to be very applicable for this way approached case study. I also attempted to record the changes of the common cultural and ideological period trends within this municipality. Directed through the specific fates, I described the shape of the small town after February 25, 1948 and compared it with the specialised literature thereby I tried to place the case of Studená in the contemporary context. To acheive the needed results, I used the sources of personal data and the memory data (family and municipal chronicles), conversations with survivors, and likewise the books of Vlasta Javořická. They proved to be extremely valuable sources.

Analysis of the current state of special cynology in the Czech Republic - with a focus on the search of explosives.
Civil protection is getting one of the most important activities governments of all civilized states in the world deal with. Substantial funds are spent on setting up of armed forces, security organizations, groups of specialists and employees and on reinforcing of army forces that can participate in civil protection during state of emergency or in critical civil situations. For realization of these attacks a lot of money is needed. To get the money other crimes are committed, namely production and trade with narcotics and psychotropic substances or illegal weapon trade. The bodies participating in civil protection of each single state have to be able and ready to search for implements that directly or indirectly endanger not only the safety of inhabitants, but also the safety of important buildings and the premises of critical infrastructure. It concerns searching for explosives, firearms, narcotics and psychotropic substances, burning accelerants or e.g. banknotes. For these activities most police forces and bodies of civil protection use dogs because of their character and abilities. This companion closest to a man is able to find and mark all named commodities after having finished its proper training. The aim of this thesis is to specify the importance of special kynology for civil protection, focused on locating of explosives using specially trained dogs. Qualitative survey is the base of this dissertation. Respondents are experts with long-time experience in special kynology and explosives. Methods used within the research are following: secondary data analysis, half structured interview and photo documentation. SWOT analysis has been made that describes the condition of special kynology in the Czech Republic. The Police of the Czech Republic, as one of three basic bodies of Integrated Rescue System, have to fulfil many tasks defined by law. One of the most important tasks is life and health protection of all persons that are in the certain moment in our state territory. For attacks against these values explosives are used nowadays. If they are misused and installed in explosive systems, the members of the Police of the Czech Republic are the ones who enter the area of explosive placement or the possible placement of such object. Besides, they carry out safety and preventive explosives search. Some of these members are canine officers. Their task is to train the dogs in a special way so that these are able to locate explosives. They take part in every search for explosives which is led by the police. Thanks to their placement they are able to begin with investigation within a few minutes or tens of minutes almost anywhere in the area of the Czech Republic. Nowadays there is no other body of armed force that would be able to provide this kind of service. That is why it is necessary to solve such problems that endanger this activity, such as lack of finance or little cooperation among individual units. Despite these problems we have to highlight the professionalism of canine officers, their experience and work enthusiasm as well as a very high level of training centres. If trained and used in the right way, the dogs are irreplaceable in the search for explosives not only nowadays but also in the future. Without their help the search cannot be effective. The dissertation presents a complete overview and description of the use of special kynology concerning search for explosives in relation to civil protection. In practice it will improve the public awareness and it will be used as complete information material for experts.

Social and Charity Activities in the town of Milevsko and in its surroundings between 1918-1938
This thesis deals with social and charity activities in the town of Milevsko and in its surroundings between 1918-1938. The first chapter describes charity in a longer historical context from the beginning of Christianity through the Middle Ages to the Early modern period and subsequently the birth of it in Czechoslovakia. The second chapter defines characteristics of the first republic period and identifies free important turning points in the development of Czechoslovakia; firstly the birth of the new state, secondly the economic growth of the state and thirdly the financial crisis of the 1930s. The third chapter notices the situation in the town of Milevsko itself and in the Milevsko district between 1918-1938. It presents the main activities of individual institutions, clubs and religious organizations and describes interventions of the state in basic social problems. The fourth chapter focuses on several situations concerning lives of people from Milevsko and their mutual help. The fifth chapter reveals activities of three personalities who, each of them in her or his own way, participated in the life of the society at that time from the point of view of the charity.

Optimum currency area indices - How close is the Czech republic to the Eurozone?
Komárek, Luboš ; Čech, Zdeněk ; Horváth, Roman
This paper provides a survey of the optimum currency area theory, estimates the degree of the explanatory power of the optimum currency area criteria, and also calculates the optimum currency area index in the case of the Czech Republic. The results indicate that the traditional optimum currency area criteria to certain extent explain exchange rate variability.
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Multiscale design of advanced materials
Dlouhý, Ivo ; Švejcar, J. ; Šob, M.
The proceedings of the 6th konference of PhD students Multiscale design of advanced materials organised in the frame and with financial support of doctoral project of Czech science Foundation No. 106/09/H035.

Archaeology in Přemysl Otakar II.'s castles in south Bohemia
Thesis contains summary of establishment and development of castles in Czech republic territory, emphasis is on royal seats in south Bohemia. Typology and history of Ottokar II.´s castles in region of south Bohemia will be presented. In analytic part will be general knowledge about extent of archeological researches and their contribution to history of these sights. Final part of thesis is dedicated to comparison material evidences (archeological) with sources.