National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Action plans and protection of ground squirrels
Novotná, Kristýna ; Matějů, Jan (advisor) ; Reif, Jiří (referee)
Unfortunately, the number of endangered species is still increasing, in most cases due to the human activities. The main aim of the protection of species is to provide conditions for survival of endangered species in nature. However, for some species the common instruments of protection (such as protection of habitat) are not sufficient and it is necessary to use some special methods. For these species are organized so-called action plans. Among such species belongs the European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus). We can find also other endangered species within ground squirrels from the tribe Marmotini Pocock, 1923 as well. These species need the special protection methods, like captive breeding, repatriation and translocation of individuals or special management of the habitat. In this work are processed data about protection of genera Cynomys, Marmota and Spermophilus, especially White-tailed Prairie Dog (C. leucurus), Utah Prairie Dog (C. parvidens), Alpine Marmot (M. marmota), Vancouver Island Marmot (M. vancouverensis), Idaho Ground Squirrel (S. brunneus), European Ground Squirrel (S. citellus), Franklin's Ground Squirrel (S. franklinii), Speckled Ground Squirrel (S. suslicus) and Washington ground squirrel (S. washingtoni). Actual status and cause of endangerment are given for each...
Action plans and protection of ground squirrels
Novotná, Kristýna ; Matějů, Jan (advisor) ; Reif, Jiří (referee)
Unfortunately, the number of endangered species is still increasing, in most cases due to the human activities. The main aim of the protection of species is to provide conditions for survival of endangered species in nature. However, for some species the common instruments of protection (such as protection of habitat) are not sufficient and it is necessary to use some special methods. For these species are organized so-called action plans. Among such species belongs the European Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus citellus). We can find also other endangered species within ground squirrels from the tribe Marmotini Pocock, 1923 as well. These species need the special protection methods, like captive breeding, repatriation and translocation of individuals or special management of the habitat. In this work are processed data about protection of genera Cynomys, Marmota and Spermophilus, especially White-tailed Prairie Dog (C. leucurus), Utah Prairie Dog (C. parvidens), Alpine Marmot (M. marmota), Vancouver Island Marmot (M. vancouverensis), Idaho Ground Squirrel (S. brunneus), European Ground Squirrel (S. citellus), Franklin's Ground Squirrel (S. franklinii), Speckled Ground Squirrel (S. suslicus) and Washington ground squirrel (S. washingtoni). Actual status and cause of endangerment are given for each...
Support of Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus) reproduction in the Poohří region
Urbánková, Kateřina ; Šťastný, Karel (advisor) ; Ivan, Ivan (referee)
The purpose of this batchelor thesis is to make a literature review about reproduction of Aesculapian snake (Zamenis longissimus) and the posibilities for an active support supplementig with my own studies. Literature research is focused primarily on the reproduction of aesculapian snake then on the characteristic of the species, biological and ecological claims. It also deals with extension the aesculapian snake in her normal area and also in the Czech Republic. It pursue the causes and threats to this snake. More specificely, focuses on the protection statute and the overal status of the population of this species. The last section of this research is devoted to bailout program and practical protection. The second part of this batchelor thesis is devoted to my own study where the aim was to verify the possibility of using garden composters for reproduction Aesculapian snake in Poohří area. In this section are results of the first season observing the mutual comparison of individual surveyed sites.
Repatriation of Barn Owl, Little Owl and Ural Owl from the zoo Ostrava
According to the Executive Regulation No. 395/1992 Coll., the Barn Owl and the Little Owl are nowadays classified as threatened species in the Czech Republic, while the Ural owl as a critically endangered species. Landscape changes together with low food availability, increasing predation by Pine Marten, lack of nesting biotopes and nesting hollow trees, negative impact of increasing traffic, and technical traps in rural buildings, all these factors lead to a rapid decline in the owl numbers. Therefore, monitoring and reintroduction projects have been started in order to help the owl populations. This thesis focuses on recording the numbers of the Barn Owl, the Little Owl and the Ural Owl wild breeding pairs in the Czech Republic. It aims to evaluate the asset of monitoring and reintroduction to the wild populations of these species. It compiles and evaluates the numbers of chosen owl species in different localities in the Czech Republic.
Comparison and analysis of development of Greek and Latvian economy between years 2005 and 2014
Schier, Jan ; Vostrovská, Zdenka (advisor) ; Ševčíková, Michaela (referee)
The main topic of this bachelor thesis is development of the economy of Greece and Latvia. Period of observation is between years 2005 and 2014 because under this time both countries got into serious economic problems and it also incorporates period both before and after the main fall into recession influenced by global financial crisis. First part deals with theoretical basis of various indicators used to describe the economy of both countries. The analysis and comparison part examines the situation of both counties over the period to find causes of different evolution of economy in these countries that still overlaps into present time.

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