National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Software Development Processes Metrics
Verner, Jan ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Kreslíková, Jitka (advisor)
The importance of processes is growing. Processes are integrated into many areas of human work, where they help to organize all activities. This thesis aims on statistical approach to process behavior analysis. There are mentioned the basic process management issues in the beginning of this thesis. The main focus is on the techniques used during process analysis. There are mentioned approaches that are used to easily and effectively assess process behavior using process behavior charts and how to deduce proper steps from the analysis results to improve the process. The last part of this thesis is dedicated to practical analysis of real process behavior data using implemented solution. The results show common usability of statistical methods and approaches to process analysis.
Software Development Processes Metrics
Verner, Jan ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Kreslíková, Jitka (advisor)
The importance of processes is growing. Processes are integrated into many areas of human work, where they help to organize all activities. This thesis aims on statistical approach to process behavior analysis. There are mentioned the basic process management issues in the beginning of this thesis. The main focus is on the techniques used during process analysis. There are mentioned approaches that are used to easily and effectively assess process behavior using process behavior charts and how to deduce proper steps from the analysis results to improve the process. The last part of this thesis is dedicated to practical analysis of real process behavior data using implemented solution. The results show common usability of statistical methods and approaches to process analysis.
Maturity assessment of BI processes in the banking industry
Cibulka, Ondřej ; Novotný, Ota (advisor) ; Hauzírek, Michal (referee)
Diploma thesis named Evaluation of BI processes in the banking sector is focused on obtaining information from production databases and streamlining the process of creating BI reports in the organization. The process of creating a report is an analytical work, examining the current state of business processes and their support by enterprise applications. The aim of this work is to create a practical proposal for improving the effectiveness of tasks connected with a report set up within GE Money Bank. The main objective is achieved through a design work on the maturity model of BI reporting. Part of the model is a set of tools for identifying the current level of maturity and the conditions necessary for a transition to the next level in accordance with the required level of a BI reporting. The benefit of this diploma thesis is an analysis of commonly used approaches to assess the maturity levels of processes and an application of results of this analysis in Business Intelligence area, specifically the maturity assessment reporting. The result is a maturity model of BI reporting.
ITIL and its Possibility of Utilization in the SMB
Matějka, Marek ; Bruckner, Tomáš (advisor) ; Pavelka, Jan (referee)
Práce se zabývá možnostmi využití nejlepších praktik ITIL v prostředí malých a středních podniků (SMB). Hlavním smyslem je pak zhodnocení ITIL z pohledu SMB sektoru a nalezení styčných ploch, které jsou pro tyto firmy aplikovatelné. Jednotlivé kapitoly se pak věnují konkrétním cílům. První obsahová kapitola definuje pojmy a uvádí čtenáře do problematiky. Text se postupně zaměřuje na problematiku malých a středních firem, jejich ekonomické situace a manažerského přístupu. Další část je věnována stručnému popisu knihovny ITIL. Poslední část této kapitoly se zaměřuje na význam vyspělosti procesů pro firmy i ITIL. Druhá kapitola popisuje stav ITSM a IT governance v malých a středních firmách, nastiňuje problémy, kterým tato oblast čelí. Jsou zde také vybrány některé IT procesy, které by mohly být podporovány ITIL. Poslední obsahová kapitola se věnuje popisu vybraných ITIL procesů, způsobu jejich zavedení v SMB firmách a některým omezením. Na konci je okrajově zmíněn software pro podporu ITIL procesů. Největší autorův přínos lze spatřovat ve faktu, že se dané problematice vůbec věnoval. K dané problematice existuje jen velmi málo relevantních zdrojů. Autor ve své práci využívá nejen je, ale i zdroje z oblasti managementu či ekonomiky. Autorovy závěry jsou kromě literatury postaveny i na jeho zkušenostech z praxe.

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