National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Declaratory action
Kubričanová, Markéta ; Winterová, Alena (advisor) ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee)
Declaratory action Abstract Declaratory action is an instrument which enables to claim authoritative judicial statement that certain legal relation or right exists or not exists if the plaintiff has urgent legal interest on such declaration. After introduction of an action in general, formal requirements of an action and effects of taking an action the thesis deals with declaratory action complexly - from brief excursion to its historical development through its legal regulation and judgments of the courts of higher instance that evolve the legal regulation furthermore including treatise on special declaratory actions explicitly specified in statutes which have otherwise substantive character. Through the practically most frequent declaratory actions it is pointed out to problematic aspects which can appear in connection with taking these actions and it is outlined how to compose the declaratory action. In conclusion there is attached the comparison of legal regulation of the declaratory action in the Slovak Republic and in the United Kingdom.
The problem of guilt in Martin Buber
Valečková, Jitka ; Němec, Václav (advisor) ; Čapek, Jakub (referee)
The goal of this paper is to clarify Martin Buber's concept of guilt. To make the notion of guilt clear we will use mainly Buber's papers 'I and Thou','The Problem of Man','Images of Good and Evil' and the short essay 'Guilt and Guilt Feelings'. During our analysis we will also focus on other important notions of Buber's philosophical system and their possible development. Among other things, it will be the notion of the world, relationship and essential determination.The whole paper is intended to clarify Buber's dispute with psychoterapists, mainly with S. Freud, over the nature of guilt in the essay 'Guilt and Guilt Feelings'.
Confrontation of western and eastern spirituality: options and limitations of contemporary approaches the transcendent
The thesis deals with examination of the transcendent in relation to the human being through intraspective and extraspective analysis of some typical differences of eastern and western approach to being. Pointing out some fundamental differences on extraspective level. Searching for possible similarities on intraspective level ? real, imaginary and possible. Inspiration with Jung's collective unconsciousness and individuation process as the possible key to understanding the essence of human as focus of relation of an universal and an individual. The transcendent as a collective goal, or source of conflict? Are eastern and western approaches the transcendent compatible? Is there some essence of the transcendent, which is universal and points to some unbiased form of experience? Integration of consciousness and unconsciousness as the fundamental joint of East and West.
Efektivnost přerozdělování daní v ČR
Pavlíčková, Veronika ; Klazar, Stanislav (advisor)
Práce popisuje a hodnotí systém přerozdělování daní v České republice od roku 2001 do současnosti. Problém přerozdělování daní je zkoumán z hlediska velikostní kategorie obce a dalších zákonných kritérií. Důležitou součástí je analýza odpovědí představitelů obcí na otázky, týkající se přípravy nového zákona o rozpočtovém určení daní, který by měl vstoupit v platnost v roce 2010. Zástupci obcí byli osloveni prostřednictvím emailových dotazníků.

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