National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Right to Information and the Public Participation in the Environmental Matters
Vopařilová, Magdaléna
Presented dissertation is devoted to the participation of lay element in the environmental matters within the public administration. In these matters it is necessary to find the compromises that should reflect the private plans (of investors and the owners), exercising of the public participation and the public interests too. The cooperation among the administrative authorities, public subjects and private subjects shall be constructive, based on a real legal ground. The target of this thesis is to make an overview of the ways that Czech legal system (based on the international and European law) gives to the public in order to participate on the public administrative in the environmental matters. The important finding of the thesis is evaluation of efficiency of partial tools and also of risks connected with their application. The main terms, motives, preconditions and the importance of public participation in the environmental matters are defined in the introduction. Apart from that the main principles of the public participation are defined. The most important document for public participation, the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (Aarhus Convention), is analyzed in this dissertation. Even though the...
The Aarhus convention in the Case law of Court of Justice of European Union
Opočenský, Marek ; Humlíčková, Petra (advisor) ; Sobotka, Michal (referee)
This thesis describes issues which occurring during the implementation of requirements of Aarhus convention. The Convention has unique character, as it combines the basic human rights with environmental rights. Since 2005 The European Union is signatory, which means that content of Convention is part of union law and falls within the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of European Union. The first chapter deals with the particular elements of the Aarhus convention. In the chapter two are described the consequences of accession to the Convention for European Union and her member states. The core of this thesis consists of chapters, 3-5, which in sequence analyzes, through selected court decisions, the most complicated provisions from the perspective of implementation and suggest certain tendencies in decision-making of the Court of Justice of The European Union. Among the most obvious belong differential treatment and claims on European and domestic bodies in executing the rights guaranteed by Aarhus convention. The final chapter suggests the overlap to the Czech regulation, concretely alerts at changes in decision-making and the legislature, which are among others strongly inspired by judgments of the CJ EU.
Public participation in environmental decision-making procedures
Hlaváčová, Lenka ; Humlíčková, Petra (advisor) ; Stejskal, Vojtěch (referee)
1 Abstract The theme of the thesis is public participation in environmental decision-making. Its main aim is to analyse its current legal regulation in the Czech Republic and its deficiencies. The Czech Republic as a party to the Aarhus Convention and a member of the EU is obliged to ensure that the Czech legal regulation complies with the regulation of public participation contained in the Aarhus convention and the EU law. Therefore a small part of this thesis is devoted to analyse those regulation. Main focus, however, lies with the Czech regulation. The thesis examines the most important acts containing the regulation of public participation and draws attention to its deficiencies as well as to the relevant case law. While analysing the specific acts and their deficiencies the thesis focuses on two questions. Firstly, whether all the persons who should be granted the possibility to participate in environmental decision-making under the Aarhus Convention are given this possibility under the Czech law. And secondly, whether the given possibility is truly effective. Finally, the thesis deals with the possibility to redress the inadequate legal regulation by amending the current legislation or by changes in the judicial interpretation.
Selected issues of access to justice in environmental protection
Chejn, Štěpán ; Humlíčková, Petra (advisor) ; Franková, Martina (referee)
Štěpán Chejn - Diplomová práce Název práce v českém jazyce: Vybrané otázky přístupu k soudům v ochraně životního prostředí Název práce v anglickém jazyce: Selected issues of access to justice in evironmental protection Abstrakt: Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit platnou právní úpravu přístupu k soudům v otázkách životního prostředí ve světle nálezu Výboru pro dodržování Aarhuské úmluvy. Práce nejprve stručně pojednává o teoretických přístupech a obecných otázkách, které jsou pro zhodnocení platné právní úpravy nezbytné, a poté popisuje hlavní body stížnosti. V závěru se pak věnuje tématu odkladného účinku, jelikož v této části nebyla dle Výboru Úmluva porušena. Součástí práce je také autorův vlastní výzkum dle zákona 106/1999 Sb. Klíčová slova: Soudní ochrana životního prostředí, Aarhuská úmluva, odkladný účinek Abstract: The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the legal regulation of access to justice in environmental matters in the light of findings of the Compliance Committee of the Aarhus Convention. The thesis briefly discusses theoretical approaches and general issues that are necessary to evaluate existing legislation, and then describes the main points of the complaint. The conclusion is devoted to the topic of suspensive effect, as in this section according to the Compliance Committee the Convention...

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