National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Domestic Violence against Women
Tůmová, Nikola ; Hanušová, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Marádová, Eva (referee)
The objective of bachelor thesis is Domestic violence. The conception of domestic violence is defined in the theoretical part of my thesis. The main definitions and terminology are explained such as what the domestic violence is, who is affected by it and what forms it can be in. The legal framework and the epidemiology of it in the Czech Republic are mentioned. The practical part of my thesis is focused on the results of a questionnaire that was conducted in elementary and secondary schools.
The violence on elderly in the Czech families
Hříbalová, Marie ; Cejp, Martin (advisor) ; Neuwirth, Jiří (referee)
There is no doubt that the human population is growing old worldwide. As a result we more often think about the ageing and the old age. One of the motives which is, however, connected with ageing is the rough handling, which may develop into maltreatment, abuse and neglect (it is known as the EAN syndrome - Elder Abuse and Neglect). In this graduation theses the authoress targets the violence on seniors in their own families. In this case the aggressor is their child, grandchild or another relative. The main aim of this study is to analyse the main cause which leads to EAN. This negative social phenomenon is described from the point of view of the employee of crisis phone line for seniors.
EAN syndrom
KOPECKÁ, Karolína
The aim of bachelor's thesis is to analyze violence against seniors, its forms, reasons, causes, possibilities of prevention and solutions within social work. They are outlined legislative options that can help the Czech Republic in solving the problem of EAN syndrome. The work is focused on the definition of the terms of old age and EAN syndrome - forms, risk factors, reasons and causes of violence. It focuses on social work with EAN syndrome and organizations dealing with care and assistance for seniors. The last chapter is devoted to legislation in the Czech Republic regulating the EAN syndrome.
The issue of neglect of the elderly from the perspective of the workers in direct care
Abstract The issue of neglect of the elderly from the perspective of the workers in direkt care Bachelor's work concern is the issue of senior self-neglect from the workers view in direct care. Work is divided to theoretical and practical parts. Theoretical part aims at explanation of concepts related to subject of bachelor's work. First chapter is presented to specify the concepts of human age and ageing and age periodicity. Second chapter describes changes in ageing - physical,psychical and social changes. Third chapter concern is human needs at old age. Fourth chapter describes particular forms of senior care - care provided by family,social and medical care. Fifth chapter concern is EAN Syndrome and it's particular forms. Last sixth chapter concern is violence on seniors in institutional care,factors,which are increasing the threat with wrong manipulation and causes of it. The work goal was to find out,if the workers of the social service centre sufficiently getting informations about senior neglects and how would they act upon the case of it's appearance. Part of the goal was to find out,how opinions vary and workers attitude during providing the services. To complete the goals,there was created four research sphere questions : First sphere was finding about social service centre workers,if they getting informed enough about senior abuse and neglect. Second sphere concern was to find out,if the workers in direct care meet the senior neglect. Third sphere concern was,what ways the workers would have chosen upon the findings of the neglect and abuse. Last fouth sphere was about getting known workers opinions or perceptions towards the senior abuse and neglect issue. Considering the chosen subject,there was selected qualitative approach,interview method and semistructured interview technique. Research complex form were six female respondents chosen by random selection. Chosen workers were doing profesions as social workers,then workers in social services and a nurse. The workers were chosen at České Budějovice organisation,which provides senior care within the residential and cross-country services. Within the framework of the research was finding,that the social service centre workers are informed about senior neglect,only one worker hasn't had necessary informations. Respondents mentioned,that the most frequent occurrences are psychical,financial abuse and care neglect. Out of the care neglect,they mentioned,that it goes especially for insufficient help with personal hygiene and not giving them adequate amounts of liquids. Within the framework of their profesion, five out of six asked respondents were met with cases of senior neglect. In most cases seniors suffered from mental harm,loss of financial resources or they weren't provided with basic vital needs. Most of the respondents would report the fact of senior neglect upon the findings to superior or police. Fourth question of the research helped to find out the workers opinions on senior abuse/neglect case. Respondents ideas are, that it's necessary to raise the numbers of qualified staff and even that it would be convenient, to set up supervisions for organisations,which are providing social servises for seniors. One of the respondents said,that also teamwork is very important and workers rest. Bachelor's work could help to extend senior neglect informations to wide public. It could be used as an informative material for workers in organizations,which provide social services. And it also could be used as a teaching material for students studiing social care or other helping profesions.
Senior as Victime of Crime
The Bachelor thesis discusses the issue of crimes committed against seniors and their particularities. The first part of the thesis defines the human old age and the changes taking place during old age. Further, it delimits the concepts of victimology, victimity and victimization, with special regard to seniors' victimity and to the impact of crime on the victim - senior. The second part of the thesis describes in detail the types of crimes committed most frequently against seniors -great emphasis is put particularly on the area of partner and intergeneration violence. The chapter devoted to legal regulations mentions the most important international documents related to protection of victims of crimes; the thesis also deals with Act No. 45/2013 Coll., on victims of crimes, as amended, including comments on the prepared amendment of the said Act. The final part of the thesis summarizes the opportunities of help to seniors who become victims of crimes - greater attention is paid to the help provided by intervention centres, phone crisis assistance and the role of Bílý kruh bezpečí (White Circle of Safety). The goal of the thesis consists in presenting a comprehensive picture of the issue in question - in ascertaining why seniors become victims of crimes so easily and frequently, in determining the greatest risks and mapping specific opportunities of helping the victims.
Possibilities of using psychotherapy while working with the victims of domestic violence: perspective of workers of several Prague's crisis and intervention centers
Vrbová, Markéta ; Vodáčková, Daniela (advisor) ; Havránková, Olga (referee)
Markéta Vrbová Abstract The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of using psychotherapy while working with the victims of domestic violence. The aim is to introduce the perspective of this issue from the view of workers from several crisis and intervention centers in Prague. The thesis is structured into two sections; theoretical and practical. The theoretical part contains the definition of domestic violence, its consequences including post-traumatic stress disorder, working with a violent person, and last but not least the possibilities of using psychotherapy and its definition. The empirical part is based on qualitative research, which describes the steps throughout the whole survey. The analysis and interpretation of the data contain the most important extracts of the interviews. This thesis discovers not only if social workers use psychotherapeutic elements with victims, but also other significant topics that are marginally mentioned. The focus must be on these marginally mentioned issues as well to improve the quality of work with victims of domestic violence.
Domestic Violence against Women
Tůmová, Nikola ; Hanušová, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Marádová, Eva (referee)
The objective of bachelor thesis is Domestic violence. The conception of domestic violence is defined in the theoretical part of my thesis. The main definitions and terminology are explained such as what the domestic violence is, who is affected by it and what forms it can be in. The legal framework and the epidemiology of it in the Czech Republic are mentioned. The practical part of my thesis is focused on the results of a questionnaire that was conducted in elementary and secondary schools.
Health and Social Impacts of Violence against Seniors and its Prevention
OLTOVÁ, Dagmar
This thesis deals with the health and social impacts of violence against elderly persons and the ways of its prevention. The objective of the practical part of the thesis was to map the health and social impacts and prevention of violence against seniors from the perspective of social workers. A secondary objective was to describe the experience of social workers with the consequences of violence against seniors. Another sub-objective was to obtain suggestions and recommendations of social workers regarding the prevention of violence against the elderly. On the basis of the objectives of the thesis, four research questions were determined: What are the health and social impacts of violence against seniors from the perspective of social workers? What are the experiences of social workers with the consequences of violence against seniors? What is the subjective view of social workers on the prevention of violence against seniors? What suggestions and recommendations the social workers offer to prevent violence against seniors? Qualitative approach, method of interview and technique of semi-structured interview were chosen with regard to the chosen theme. The research group consisted of six respondents. The collected data were processed by the method of clustering. Based on the research questions, the results were divided into four categories. From the perspective of the respondents, violence against seniors is a current but hidden problem. Work with victims requires the cooperation of workers from the health and social sectors. The respondents associate health consequences with the impacts on the psyche of seniors. According to the respondents, physical violence is not typical, but rather financial abuse and emotional pressure, which is why psychological consequences are the most common and the most serious. The answers even mentioned death of an elderly person, injuries, fractures and bruises. Respondents associate social impacts with social isolation, loss of financial means, change of permanent address and change of social status. The most frequent and most serious impacts, according to respondents, are social isolation and loss of financial means. Within their profession, five respondents encountered cases of violence against the elderly. The impacts of violence were diverse fractures, bruises, adapting to the situation, unsecured basic needs, accusations regarding the way of upbringing, loss of financial means, social isolation and hospitalization of an immobile woman. According to these five respondents, prevention of violence against seniors is insufficient. Non-profit organizations, organizations providing social services for the elderly and workers in helping professions should be more engaged in prevention. Also public should be informed better. According to the workers, public awareness of the problem is insufficient because violence against seniors is little talked about. However, two respondents believe that public awareness is sufficient. Prevention includes training of workers in helping professions. Four respondents do not have any experience with training in the area of prevention of violence against seniors. For a timely resolution of a victim's situation, the availability of services for victims of violence against seniors is crucial. All respondents agreed that the availability of services in the Region of South Bohemia is sufficient. The problem is in the low awareness of seniors about these specific services. At the conclusion of the research, I was interested in specific suggestions and recommendations of the respondents to prevent violence against the elderly. Respondents think that prevention needs to be improved. According to respondents, the prevention of violence against seniors could be enhanced by better coverage in the media, lectures and discussions provided by the police, training of workers, informing seniors and educating by social workers and doctors.
Specifics of social work with the elderly at risk syndrome Elder Abuse and Neglect
This diploma thesis deals with problems of the Elder Abuse and Neglect Syndrome, that is abuse, mistreatment and neglect of senior citizens. The diploma thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part is further divided into nine chapters. Ageing, senescence as well as biological, mental and social changes are described in the first chapter. The next chapter is devoted to the phenomenon of ageism, its sources and manifestations of discrimination by caretakers. Domestic violence and its specifics are defined in the third chapter, where the myths of domestic violence are included as well. The fourth chapter deals extensively with the EAN syndrome. All possible sorts/types of the violence (i.e. physical, psychical, economical, sexual etc.) are described in this chapter. The following chapter is devoted to the root causes, risk factors, diagnosis and possible consequences of abuse and neglect of senior citizens. General profile of the victim/abuser, preventive measures and possible solutions of this phenomenon are described in this chapter too. General information about where to get help if needed can be found in chapter six. The last three chapters of this diploma thesis dwell on the social work with senior citizens, crisis intervention in person and crisis intervention by phone. The second part of this diploma thesis is of practical nature. The purpose of it was to find out whether selected social workers (caring professional staff) are well informed of and familiar with the EAN syndrome, whether they have direct experience with any abused elderly person, and what tools are being used when dealing with the studied phenomenon. I used the qualitative research design for the data gathering, the method of questioning and the technique of semi-controlled interview. The qualitative research was executed in the period of November 2012 to February 2013 in the form of semi-structured interview in Třebíč and in České Budějovice. The selected workers - social workers, caretakers and nurses - participated in the research conduct. The workers of selected facilities were chosen according to whether they fitted in with the elaborated framework of quota sampling. The final group was made up of 10 respondents (10 women). The respondents were between the ages of 35 to 55 years. The semi-controlled interview with selected social workers was made on the basis of predetermined questions in a fixed order. Outcomes of the interviews were processed in the form of interview analysis. After the processing of the results I found out, that all workers in selected facilities in Třebíč and in České Budějovice are not sufficiently aware of the problems of the EAN Syndrome. Furthermore, the research revealed that 8 out of 10 respondents had direct experience with mistreated, abused and neglected elderly person. Economic abuse was the most common one along with self-neglect and rude behavior from the caring staff. The last, third aim of the practical part of my diploma thesis was to find out what tools of social work are being used by workers when dealing with elderly persons suffering the EAN Syndrome. Interview was the most commonly used tool of social workers in selected facilities. The next tools are reporting the situation to the superior staff, getting in touch with experts in the field (i.e. psychologist, psychiatrist), social unions and the police. After the processing of the results I reached the conclusion. Despite the fact that selected workers face various kinds of abuse, mistreatment and neglect of elderly persons, they are insufficiently informed about the EAN Syndrome.

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