National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Ontology-Based Content Management System
Čekan, Ondřej ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
This thesis deals with the analysis, design and implementation of a system based on semantic technologies and ontology languages. There is described the semantic web and its concept, technology of semantic web especially RDF and OWL and the ability to view on the Web. Another part of this work treats with the specification, analysis, design actual implementation of the system, which processes the ontology and allows users to create individual depending on the definition of the ontology. The created content is presented on the Web annotated. The result of this work is the demonstration application.
Analysis of utilization
Káva, Ján ; Svátek, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Mynarz, Jindřich (referee)
The bachelor thesis is about utilization of semantic model The theoretical part provides an analysis of using with data standards Microdata, RDFa and JSON-LD. Furthermore the theoretical part is describing search engine optimization and posibilities of in its improving. In the practical part there is an analysis of utilization of in data formats Microdata, RDFa and JSON-LD, based on data extracted from a web crawl in October 2016.
Semantic Web in Content Management Systems
Vrána, Michal ; Kolář, Dušan (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
This masters thesis deals with the Semantic Web, its link to existing Web and the technologies, that produce it. It also deals with its current use in practice, further examines the deployment in web content management systems and proposes semantic extensions for the Kentico CMS.
Ontology-Based Content Management System
Čekan, Ondřej ; Bartík, Vladimír (referee) ; Burget, Radek (advisor)
This thesis deals with the analysis, design and implementation of a system based on semantic technologies and ontology languages. There is described the semantic web and its concept, technology of semantic web especially RDF and OWL and the ability to view on the Web. Another part of this work treats with the specification, analysis, design actual implementation of the system, which processes the ontology and allows users to create individual depending on the definition of the ontology. The created content is presented on the Web annotated. The result of this work is the demonstration application.
Support of Semantics in CMS Drupal
Kubaliak, Lukáš ; Svátek, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Hazucha, Andrej (referee)
The work concern about the support of semantics in known content managing systems. It is describing the possibilities of use for these technologies and their public accessibility. We find out, that today's technologies and methods are in the state of public inducting. In the question of semantic support in CMS Drupal we developed a tool for extending its support of semantic formats. This tool allows CMS Drupal to export its information in a Topic Maps format. For this it uses the XTM file.
Using semantic technologies in markup languages
Štencek, Jiří ; Nekvasil, Marek (advisor) ; Kliegr, Tomáš (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyzes the use of semantic technologies in the field of today's web portals. The aim is to map the major web servers and services. Work on the contrary seek cover all sites (blogs, corporate sites, etc.) that use semantic technologies, as it had almost no meaningful value. Contribution of this work should be an analysis of the implementation of semantic technologies on the Internet. This should show how much vision of the Semantic Web expands. How many web sites use this technology. Web sites that we use every day and which offer capabilities and features that we might not even know. Other benefits could be for example: extending the use of Semantic Web tools (Operator plugin, Semantic Radar), information awareness among Internet users who have never heard about this term. In other hand, it could be a basis to further and more detailed mapping of semantic sites. For example, statistically-oriented work on the utilization rates of ontological dictionaries. The work begins with an introduction to the world wide web as a beginning to the present, outlining the basic ideology WWW. Show us the pitfalls of the current WWW and its possible further development line. Chapter entitled Understanding the Semantic Web describes the basic building stones and architecture of this vision. Describes the framework RDF, ontology, and not forget the section on the safety of the Semantic Web. With this knowledge we have chapter Integration semantics on the current WWW to learn about options, where to find the necessary metadata and related principles of Linked Data. metadata to (X) HTML. More specifically, we describe microformats, RDFa and the eRDF. Conclusion chapter makes the comparison of these technologies and and show us practical examples of their implementation. The last chapter, which is called Analysis of the use of knowledge technologies now brings you an overview of the servers that use one of the above technologies. Describes the open source database, semantic search engines, ontological dictionaries and finally community and information portals. The results of the present chapter is a summary of the implementation and reflection on the real benefits and possible incentives Semantic Web.

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