National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of Patient with Cervicocapital Endoprosthesis of the hip joint
Posejpal, Martin ; Neuwirthová, Svatava (advisor) ; Kestřánková, Andrea (referee)
Author: Martin Posejpal Supervisor: Mgr. Svatava Neuwirthová Title: Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of Patient with Cervicocapital Endoprosthesis of the hip joint Objectives: Theoretical elaboration of proximal femur fractures and hip joint endoprosthesis problematic, summary of subsequent rehabilitation care, and elaboration of a case study of a patient after implantation of a cervicocapital endoprosthesis. Methods: The bachelor thesis consists of a general part which, using literature, discusses the topic of proximal femur fractures and hip joint endoprosthesis. The special part consists of a case study of a patient with cervicocaptial endoprothesis.. The special part includes a comprehensive initial kinesiological examination, description of the individual therapeutic units, an output kinesiological examination and an evaluation of the effect of therapy Results: The final kinesiological examination confirmed that the therapies had a positive effect on the patient's health. The greatest improvement is seen in the increase in muscle strength in the right hip joint and the increase in range of motion. Another improvement is the reduction of swelling and the effect on the shortened muscles. These results prove that the therapies were effective. Conclusion: During the rehabilitation program the...
Case study of physiotherapeutic treatment of a patient with a pertrochanteric fracture of the femur
Dohnalová, Mariana ; Žáková, Lenka (advisor) ; Nováková, Tereza (referee)
Author: Mariana Dohnalová Supervisor: PhDr. Lenka Žáková, Ph.D. Title: Case study of physiotherapeutic treatment of a patient with a pertrochanteric fracture of the femur Objectives: The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to search for and summarize the theoretical knowledge related to pertrochanteric femur fractures and to develop a case study describing the physiotherapeutic procedures used in the rehabilitation of a patient suffering from this diagnosis. Methods: In the theoretical part, data collection from scientific literature concerning pertrochanteric femur fractures, their treatment, and patient care is utilized. Subsequently, the various physiotherapeutic methods applied in therapy with the patient are described. A special section focuses on managing therapeutic sessions with the patient after a pertrochanteric femur fracture, including initial and final examinations and evaluating the therapy's effect. The case study was developed based on continuous professional practice at the Léčebné a rehabilitační středisko Chvaly from January 8 to February 2, 2024. Results: Physiotherapeutic care led to a significant improvement in the patient's condition, particularly in muscle strength, joint range, joint mobility, and the occurrence of reflex changes. During the therapeutic sessions, there was a...
Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient with osteosynthesis of proximal femur fracture
Zemanová, Natálie ; Vláčilová, Ivana (advisor) ; Mazancová, Iva (referee)
Author: Natálie Zemanová Supervisor: PhDr. Ivana Vláčilová, Ph.D. Title: Case study of physiotherapeutic care for a patient diagnosed with osteosynthesis of proximal femoral fracture Objectives: The aim of the thesis was to process a case study of a patient with osteosynthesis of the proximal femur and to theoretically elaborate on the basic knowledge of proximal femur fractures, including their surgical treatment using osteosynthesis. Methods: This work was created on the basis of continuous professional practice at Medicentrum Praha, a.s. and all used methods and procedures was based on knowledge acquired during my bachelor studies of physiotherapy. The theoretical part was drawn from the sources listed below. Results: The physiotherapeutic care had a positive effect on the patient's condition, and almost all goals set in the physiotherapy plan were achieved. The theoretical part provides an introduction to the topic of the fractures of proximal femur and operative treatment by osteosynthesis. Keywords: proximal femur, fracture, osteosynthesis, physiotherapy
Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient after Pertrochanteric Femoral Fracture
Kovářová, Miluše ; Opatrná Novotná, Irena (advisor) ; Kestřánková, Andrea (referee)
Author: Miluše Kovářová Title: Case Study of Physiotherapy Treatment of a Patient after Pertrochanteric Femoral Fracture Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to process a case report of a patient after osteosynthesis for a pertrochanteric fracture of the femur, the case report arose during a bachelor's continuous professional practice. Another goal of the work is to find and process theoretical professional information related to the topic. Methods: The processing of the patient's study was made possible at continuous professional practice at the Thomayer University Hospital at the Acute Surgical Inpatient Department and subsequently at the Department of Follow-up Rehabilitation in the period from January 10 to February 4, 2022. In the following days, 9 therapeutic units lasted 30 to 45 minutes. The following methods were used for therapy: TMT according to Lewit, individual kinesiotherapy, respiratory physiotherapy, PIR according to Lewit, PNF according to Kabat, mobilization of the spine and peripheral joints according to Lewit, sensorimotor stimulation according to Janda and Vávrová, mobility and locomotion training. Within the last therapeutic unit, a kinesiological examination and instruction of the patient for autotherapy in the home environment were performed. Finally, it was possible to...
Rehabilitation after proximal femur surgery in the elderly
Holečková, Kristýna ; Nováková, Petra (advisor) ; Havlová, Martina (referee)
of thesis This thesis deals with physiotherapy after proximal femur surgery in elderly people. The aim of the thesis is to show the particularities of physiotherapy for elderly people and to determine the influence of nutritional status on the progress and outcome of physiotherapy. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on old age period, and changes associated with aging, geriatric physiotherapy and its components, namely classical physiotherapy, occupational therapy and nutritional therapy. The last part describes the anatomical structure of the femur, anatomy and biomechanics of the hip joint and specification of various types of proximal femur fractures. The practical part includes the thesis aim, methodology and two case studies of elderly patients with surgical treatment of proximal femur fracture. For evaluation and comparison of the results the following standardized tests were used - Test of activities of daily livings according to Barthel, Test of instrumental activities of daily living and Mini nutritional assessment. Key words: Age, Hip joint, Nutrition, Occupational therapy, Physiotherapy, Proximal femur, Rehabilitation
Physiotherapy after femur fracture in geriatrics
Zikmundová, Gabriela ; Hamarová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Věchtová, Bohuslava (referee)
Autor: Gabriela Zikmundová Instituce: Rehabilitační klinika LF v Hradci Králové Název práce: Fyzioterapie u zlomenin femuru v geriatrii Vedoucí práce: Mgr. Zuzana Hamarová Počet stran: 63 Počet příloh: 4 Rok obhajoby: 2015 Klíčová slova: zlomeniny, geriatrie, proximální femur, osteosyntéza, fyzioterapie Tato bakalářská práce je zaměřena na zlomeniny femuru v geriatrii. V teoretické části je popsáno kloubní pouzdro a kineziologie kyčelního kloubu, mechanika poranění, klinický obraz, diagnostika a zejména chirurgická léčba zlomenin u geriatrických pacientů. V praktické části jsou zpracovány dvě kazuistiky pacientů po zlomenině proximálního femuru, ale každá s jiným operačním řešením. Cílem práce je nastínit spolupráci fyzioterapeuta a geriatrického pacienta v období od pooperačního stavu po soběstačnost. The bachelor's thesis is focused on femur fractures in geriatrics. In the theoretical part you can find description of articular capsule and kinesiology of the hip, mechanics of injury, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of fractures in geriatric patients, particularly surgical treatment. The practical part presents two case reports of patients after hip fracture, but each case with different operating solution. The purpose of the thesis is to present cooperation of physiotherapist and...

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