National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Development of leisure activities in Horní Planá in the last 100 years
NOVÁ, Veronika
This bachelor's thesis deals with leisure activities in the city of Horní Planá. First, it defines the concept of free time and hobby. After that, he deals with the historical development of free time. The next part focuses on life in the borderland in the 20th century and the events that influenced it. The next part describes the history of Horní Planá and local schools. The last part describes the development of leisure activities, facilities, associations and traditional social events in the city.
Physical condition of children in relation to leisure activities
This bachelor's thesis deals with children's physical condition based on their leisure activities. It contains topics as free time, leisure activities, sports and characteristics of older school-age children. These topics were described by using specialised literature. There is also used a quantitative research method in the form of a questionnaire and simple physical tests for children of the 2nd grade from two elementary schools. The aim of the work is to find out how a selected sample of children spends their free time and how the activities and physical condition of children living in the village differ from children living in the city.
Development of leisure activities in the horizon of 150 years in Černá v Pošumaví
KRCHO, Josef
This bachelor thesis deals with leisure activities in the village of Černá v Pošumaví. First, it defines the concept of leisure time and leisure activities from a theoretical point of view. The next part is devoted to the history of the village Černá v Pošumaví. There is mapped the development of associations, facilities and activities of people who participated in leisure activities in the village. Subsequently, the focus is on the flooding of the Pošumaví and its contribution to leisure activities. Next chapters deal with the school and school facilities that participated in some leisure activities. In the last part of the work, attention is paid to the parish of Černá v Pošumaví and some leisure activities organized by the parish.
Leisure Time of Children at the Elementary School in Čestice
The bachelor´s thesis named Leisure time of children at the 2nd level of an Elementary school in Čestice is focused on the current view of leisure time of children and youth specifically of pupils of the 2nd level of Elementary school Čestice (district Strakonice). The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the definition of leisure time, factors that affect it and education (raising) outside teaching and hobby activities, as well as the definition of older school - age and communication of individuals in this developmental phase, the possibilities of spending free time in Čestice and its surroundings and the leisure educator´s personality. The aim of the practical part of the bachelor´s thesis was to obtain information on how children at the 2nd level of the Elementary School in Čestice spend their free time. Quantitative research was used for data collection, using a questionnaire designed for 6.-9. classes of the Elementary School in Čestice. The results of the questionnaire survey are presented in tables and graphs and showed that the pupils of this primary school are satisfied with how they spend their free time and have an overview of the leisure opportunities offered to them by the school and the surrounding organizations. The most numerous activities, as stated by the students, are sports clubs, as well as clubs with a musical focus.
Leisure Time of Children at the Elementary School
The bachelor work with the title Leisure Time of Children at the Second Degree of Primary School pusches ahead the contemporary view of leisure time of children and teen-agers and the importance of its meaningful utilization. The work is divided into the theoretical and the applicative part. The theoretical part deals with the issue of leisure time, the children group of the older school age is closer specified and then the institutions dealing with leaisure time activities are described. The aim of the applicative part of this bachelor work was to gain information how the children and the teen-agers of this age group spend their leisure time, what activities they prefer and if the offer of the leisure time activities in their neighbourhood is sufficient. The conclusions of the questionaire survey are transformed in the form of tables and charts. The issues showed that the children of the researched group are satisfied with the content of their leisure time in spite of the fact that they aren´t participants of any clubs. The most used leisure time activities by children are sports and computers activities specialized in communication facilities and social networks. The goal of this work is to find out what leisure time acktivities are the children at the primary school in Humpolec interested in. The obtained information can be used by leisure time facilities and the stated school in order to establish the currently missing hobby clubs.
Rhetoric as a leisure time activity for human personality development
This work deals with rhetoric as a leisure time activity for the development of human personality. The theoretical part characterises rhetoric, its subject matter and also deals with the history of rhetoric. It also describes the personality from the psychological point of view and its components, types of speakers or the speaker's image. It also deals with the possibilities in which personality can be developed. In the last chapter of the theoretical part, the thesis deals with free time, its historical development, free-time functions and also the personality development of man and related verbal and nonverbal communication. The empirical part of the thesis defines the methodology of the qualitative pilot research using the IPA method. The research aims to elicit from selected respondents whether and possibly how they were influenced by the study of rhetoric in their lives. The main research question was this: What life experience did the students have in terms of rhetoric? Interviews were conducted with four respondents who took part in a course of rhetoric and the interviews were analysed and thematic categories were created. Finally, the conclusion summarises and describes the results of the research.

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