National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Architecture of the Virtual
Halinár, Matej ; ArtD, Vít Halada, (referee) ; Kristek,, Jan (advisor)
Architecture Jail Escape It is a specific device for futuroptimist people based on the philosophy of posthumanism and transhumanism, a version of their own faith in endless life on the net. It is a belief in the possibility of technological transformation of humanity that will allow us to overcome our physical and biological limits. Clause 2.0 is architecture for pioneers - the protagonist of this transformation - enabling the longest and most complete stay in virtual reality. This avant-garde is anxious 2.0. Escapist personalities of digital age soldiers are looking for a haven and their own version of the world in the cyberspace. They create a vision of paradise and colonize (cyber) space without the political consequences of the finiteness of the physical world and the exhaustion of natural resources. They live on the frontier of the being, and they want to unburden themselves and merge with the world they understand more. They fight with their own brain and body that cannot break away from the world. The endlessness of the virtual space has the limits of body and senses. Long-term stay in a cyberspace is a loss of sense of time and space. This monastic life in clause 2.0 is able to keep them in shape, by observing the ritual, the physical performance of walking that they must undergo so that they can exist every day in their version of the digital monastery. These versions are infinite, and they can be ritually traced among them. Clause geometry isolates them from one another. The clause is a monastic concept that allows the people to live hermetically, as well as the physical world. The gateway to the virtual space is a "zero architecture" - a room, a cell, a cube on a 4x4 meter plan, rid of any visual architectural site. It provides only a flat floor as the reflection point for an endless virtual world and four walls and a ceiling with a corresponding thickness for a sufficient separation from the outside world. The world of infinite freedom opens behind this "zero architecture". It seems that not through "architectural innovation and political subversion" a modern architect's dream of architecture will be realized as machines for the liberation of man but through the abandonment of physical architecture as such. The prospect of "zero architecture" opens up a space where the new architecture will no longer be "luxuries and good homes, not the architecture of separation and imprisonment, but it will ultimately be the architecture of freedom.
Schopenhauer's View of Human
Najman, Jiří ; Blažková, Miloslava (advisor) ; Hogenová, Anna (referee)
7 Abstract The aim of this thesis is to clear up the role of human in Schopenhauer's philosophical thinking. This goal could have been achieved only by clarifying the world's metaphysical substance. This substance proved to be the cruel will that manifests itself through the platonic ideas. It was shown that each human being is part of this eternal substance. Intellect, as explained in the thesis, is primarily mere instrument of the will designed to deliver motives. For this reason, the majority of people in different ways continually keep satisfying thein needs, therefore almost everyone enjoys the opinion of will affirmation. People constantly succumb to disilusion, which proved to be egoism. Therefore, what appears to be the greatest good for most of us is actually only good for the evil substance. Blind will plays with us so fraudulent and truly perverse game that most of us can never win. However, I have pointed out that there were some individuals who had been endowed by excessively developed intellect power. Only this paradoxically almost unnaturally developed power of intellect can lead to knowledge that the blind will in its game with people plays unfairly. I also presented three groups of people who are capable of that kind of knowledge. The first group are genius people who can plunge into a...
The Architecture of the Virtual
Halinár, Matej ; ArtD, Vít Halada, (referee) ; Kristek,, Jan (advisor)
Architecture Jail Escape It is a specific device for futuroptimist people based on the philosophy of posthumanism and transhumanism, a version of their own faith in endless life on the net. It is a belief in the possibility of technological transformation of humanity that will allow us to overcome our physical and biological limits. Clause 2.0 is architecture for pioneers - the protagonist of this transformation - enabling the longest and most complete stay in virtual reality. This avant-garde is anxious 2.0. Escapist personalities of digital age soldiers are looking for a haven and their own version of the world in the cyberspace. They create a vision of paradise and colonize (cyber) space without the political consequences of the finiteness of the physical world and the exhaustion of natural resources. They live on the frontier of the being, and they want to unburden themselves and merge with the world they understand more. They fight with their own brain and body that cannot break away from the world. The endlessness of the virtual space has the limits of body and senses. Long-term stay in a cyberspace is a loss of sense of time and space. This monastic life in clause 2.0 is able to keep them in shape, by observing the ritual, the physical performance of walking that they must undergo so that they can exist every day in their version of the digital monastery. These versions are infinite, and they can be ritually traced among them. Clause geometry isolates them from one another. The clause is a monastic concept that allows the people to live hermetically, as well as the physical world. The gateway to the virtual space is a "zero architecture" - a room, a cell, a cube on a 4x4 meter plan, rid of any visual architectural site. It provides only a flat floor as the reflection point for an endless virtual world and four walls and a ceiling with a corresponding thickness for a sufficient separation from the outside world. The world of infinite freedom opens behind this "zero architecture". It seems that not through "architectural innovation and political subversion" a modern architect's dream of architecture will be realized as machines for the liberation of man but through the abandonment of physical architecture as such. The prospect of "zero architecture" opens up a space where the new architecture will no longer be "luxuries and good homes, not the architecture of separation and imprisonment, but it will ultimately be the architecture of freedom.

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