National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
The use of biofeedback for stability training in patients with degenerative cerebellar disease
Stránská, Lenka ; Čakrt, Ondřej (advisor) ; Jeřábek, Jaroslav (referee)
The graduation thesis deals with the issue of balance disorders due to a cerebellar damage. It deals in detail with the treatment of patients suffering from degenerative cerebellar ataxia and with the use of biofeedback technologies as means of postural stability treatment. The aim of practical part of this work was to investigate the effectiveness of therapy using biofeedback for patients suffering from progressive ataxia due to cerebellar neurodegeneration. The research sample consisted of 8 patients. The patients underwent a total of 18 therapy sessions within a twelve-day rehabilitative program. The therapy contained a training of stability in various positions with the elimination of visual control. A device provided an additive information about head sways for the patients via a tongue electrotactile stimulation. The effects were assessed by means of posturography, functional clinical tests (BESTest, Dynamic Gait Index) and questionnaires (Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale, Dizziness Handicap Inventory). Three assessments were performed: immediately before, immediately after, and 30 days after the rehabilitative program. A statistical analysis of the data showed significant improvement in all observed parameters. In addition, there was no loss of the benefits in the interval of 30...
Electrotactile sensory substitution in patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia
Svojítková, Tereza ; Čakrt, Ondřej (advisor) ; Paulasová - Schwabová, Jaroslava (referee)
Introduction: Biofeedback based on sensory substitution is a new method to treat patients with postural disorders. BrainPort provides tongue electrotactile stimulation. This innovative technique was developed for vestibular dysfunction of peripheral origin. Primarily for patients who had no benefits from conventional rehabilitation. Tongue electrotactile stimulation seems to be useful for central vestibula dysfunction as well. We are dealing with effect of BrainPort in therapy of degenerative cerebellar ataxia. We are interested in whether the effects persist for one month after the rehabilitation program. Methods: The methods are applied in 6 patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia, verified by clinical testing, posturography, and genetic testing or verification of cerebellar lesions by MRI. Patients underwent an 12-day intensive rehabilitation program with BrainPort. Treatment was carried out 2 times a day. Patients were learning appropriate postural corrections to maintain signal in the middle of the tongue. To assess the effect of therapy we used posturography, standardized clinical tests - BESTest, Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) and standardized questionnaires - The Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC) and Dizzines Inventroy Handicap (DHI). The examination was performed before...
The use of biofeedback for stability training in patients with degenerative cerebellar disease
Stránská, Lenka ; Čakrt, Ondřej (advisor) ; Jeřábek, Jaroslav (referee)
The graduation thesis deals with the issue of balance disorders due to a cerebellar damage. It deals in detail with the treatment of patients suffering from degenerative cerebellar ataxia and with the use of biofeedback technologies as means of postural stability treatment. The aim of practical part of this work was to investigate the effectiveness of therapy using biofeedback for patients suffering from progressive ataxia due to cerebellar neurodegeneration. The research sample consisted of 8 patients. The patients underwent a total of 18 therapy sessions within a twelve-day rehabilitative program. The therapy contained a training of stability in various positions with the elimination of visual control. A device provided an additive information about head sways for the patients via a tongue electrotactile stimulation. The effects were assessed by means of posturography, functional clinical tests (BESTest, Dynamic Gait Index) and questionnaires (Activities-specific Balance Confidence Scale, Dizziness Handicap Inventory). Three assessments were performed: immediately before, immediately after, and 30 days after the rehabilitative program. A statistical analysis of the data showed significant improvement in all observed parameters. In addition, there was no loss of the benefits in the interval of 30...
The influence of rehabilitation by electrotactile stimulation through the tongue on stability of stance and gait in patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia
Kodríková, Kateřina ; Čakrt, Ondřej (advisor) ; Vyhnálek, Martin (referee)
INTRODUCTION This graduation theses considers with the influence of rehabilitation by electrotactile stimulation of the tongue on stability of stance and gait in patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia. Electrotactile stimulation of the tongue is an innovative method based on biofeedback principle, which uses additive sensory information about the position of the head to train the postural stability METHOD We used this method in six patients (four men and two women) with this disease. Patients went through intensive twelve-day therapy. The duration of the lessons was 30 minutes twice a day. We examined postural stability of the patients by using clinical evaluations (Balance Evaluation Systems Test, Dynamic Gait Index), posturography (modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction for Balance) and questionnaires (Activities -specific Balance Confidence, Dizziness Handicap Inventory) before and after the therapy. RESULTS The patients showed significant improvement in both clinical tests after the therapy. The results of posturography measurement are not so definite - the significant improvement was achieved only in some measured parameters. Both questionnaires did not show significant improvement. CONCLUSION The results of this study show, that electrotactile stimulation tongue could have a...
Electrotactile sensory substitution in patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia
Svojítková, Tereza ; Čakrt, Ondřej (advisor) ; Paulasová - Schwabová, Jaroslava (referee)
Introduction: Biofeedback based on sensory substitution is a new method to treat patients with postural disorders. BrainPort provides tongue electrotactile stimulation. This innovative technique was developed for vestibular dysfunction of peripheral origin. Primarily for patients who had no benefits from conventional rehabilitation. Tongue electrotactile stimulation seems to be useful for central vestibula dysfunction as well. We are dealing with effect of BrainPort in therapy of degenerative cerebellar ataxia. We are interested in whether the effects persist for one month after the rehabilitation program. Methods: The methods are applied in 6 patients with degenerative cerebellar ataxia, verified by clinical testing, posturography, and genetic testing or verification of cerebellar lesions by MRI. Patients underwent an 12-day intensive rehabilitation program with BrainPort. Treatment was carried out 2 times a day. Patients were learning appropriate postural corrections to maintain signal in the middle of the tongue. To assess the effect of therapy we used posturography, standardized clinical tests - BESTest, Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) and standardized questionnaires - The Activities-Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC) and Dizzines Inventroy Handicap (DHI). The examination was performed before...

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