National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The Meaning of Gender in (for) the Social Theory of Pierre Bourdieu
Čepelová, Hedvika ; Havelková, Hana (advisor) ; Hasmanová Marhánková, Jaroslava (referee)
This thesis concerns about how the concept of gender interacts in broader social theory of Pierre Bourdieu. Main interest lays on the potentiality to extend useful practical and theoretical perspectives of Bourdieu into feminist thinking, as well as on the feminist critical assesment of Pierre Bourdieu's theory and possible answers on it. Selected feminist views on Bourdieu's theory and on some of its concepts (e.g. habitus or disposition) and the view of Bourdieu on feminism as a critical theory and political movement will be analysed. The thesis follows primary literature written by Bourdieu, using the critical arguments of Toril Moi and Leslie McCall as two main pillars. First, the potentiality of Bourdieu's theory to address emancipation, universality and overcoming essentialist and non-essentialist positions of feminism will be discused. Second, I am focusing on the relations between gender, social order, capital and distinctive/distributive mechanism. Finally the relationship between the terms production and reproduction in Bourdieu's theory will be elaborated and some possible points to feminist critical thinking as well as to Bourdieu's theory will be made. Klíčová slova: Pierre Bourdieu, feminism, gender, habitus, capital, social order, distinction
Cultural Omnivorousness among Charles University Students
Kopecká, Hana ; Špaček, Ondřej (advisor) ; Patáková, Markéta (referee)
This thesis looks at the structure of cultural consumption among students of first and second year at Charles University with a focus on evaluation of the cultural omnivore thesis. According to the cultural omnivore thesis, the homology of cultural consumption and social class described by Pierre Bourdieu is no longer valid. The homology of social class and culture is supposedly being replaced by the eclectic cultural consumption of upper classes broadening their cultural consumption from the highbrow culture to middle- and lowbrow culture alike. In the first portion of the thesis, the author locates the cultural omnivorousness within the sociological context and provides an overview of existing research on the phenomenon of cultural omnivorousness. The author aims to examine, whether cultural omnivores among students of Charles University share other characteristics commonly associated with cultural omnivores, such as upper-class affiliation, political tolerance, and cosmopolitanism. Quantitative analysis of secondary data focused on cultural consumption allows to examine social class through parent's education and a battery of question on economic situation. Tolerance and cosmopolitanism has been examined through selected items from a battery on political orientation, tolerance toward groups, traveling...
Controlling and managing a music production in the period of normalization on the example of rock music and its media portrayal
Husák, Martin ; Končelík, Jakub (advisor) ; Vaněk, Miroslav (referee) ; Stehlík, Michal (referee)
The thesis "Controlling and managing a music production in the period of normalization on the example of rock music and its media portrayal" describes and analyses the system of controlling and managing Czechoslovak music production in the period of normalization with a particular attention to the mechanisms that deployed socialist ideological and aesthetical standards in the area of rock music. Additionally, this included a prescriptive media coverage highlighting socialist values using coordinated and centralised management through state institutions. The goal of the thesis is then to reveal a modus operandi of communist cultural policy on the examples of media approach to the trials with leading underground music protagonists in 1976 as rock music was a vehicle for expression their dissent attitude toward the system in an artistic way.
The Meaning of Gender in (for) the Social Theory of Pierre Bourdieu
Čepelová, Hedvika ; Havelková, Hana (advisor) ; Hasmanová Marhánková, Jaroslava (referee)
This thesis concerns about how the concept of gender interacts in broader social theory of Pierre Bourdieu. Main interest lays on the potentiality to extend useful practical and theoretical perspectives of Bourdieu into feminist thinking, as well as on the feminist critical assesment of Pierre Bourdieu's theory and possible answers on it. Selected feminist views on Bourdieu's theory and on some of its concepts (e.g. habitus or disposition) and the view of Bourdieu on feminism as a critical theory and political movement will be analysed. The thesis follows primary literature written by Bourdieu, using the critical arguments of Toril Moi and Leslie McCall as two main pillars. First, the potentiality of Bourdieu's theory to address emancipation, universality and overcoming essentialist and non-essentialist positions of feminism will be discused. Second, I am focusing on the relations between gender, social order, capital and distinctive/distributive mechanism. Finally the relationship between the terms production and reproduction in Bourdieu's theory will be elaborated and some possible points to feminist critical thinking as well as to Bourdieu's theory will be made. Klíčová slova: Pierre Bourdieu, feminism, gender, habitus, capital, social order, distinction
The theory of common nature of Thomas Aqvinas in the treatise De ente et essentia
BUZKOVÁ, Markéta
The work deals with theory of common nature and universals of Aquinas in the treatise De ente et essentia. In first part is defined conceptual foundation based on Aristotelian and Avicennian concepts of essence and existence. Avicenna defines two ways how can be essence considered. First it is absolute consideration of the essence and second the essence considered as it has being. Thomas Aquinas develops his notion of essence in a quite noticeable Avicennian framework. In the second part are presented the theory of common nature by St. Thomas. The theory is based on the essence considered as it has being, we can found it in rational soul.

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