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Surface relief evolution in cast superalloy In738LC fatigued at room temperature
Samek, Petr ; Obrtlík, Karel (referee) ; Juliš, Martin (advisor)
Low cycle fatigue is an important valving parameter of materiale which are exposed random alternate strain during their operation. The alternate strain in that material is caused by temperature fluctuations during operation and outages such as aircraft engines. Tests of low cycle fatigue were performed on samples of superalloy Inconel 738LC at stable room temperature at 23°C. The actual experiment took place at certain intervals, consisting of cycling itself, and observing changes in surface relief by light and electron microscopy. There was observed significant surface relief at an early stage of low cycle fatigue. We compared results of measurement with other different observation methods.
Damage mechanisms in multiaxial fatigue
Poczklán, Ladislav ; Kunz,, Ludvik (referee) ; Spätig, Philippe (referee) ; Kruml, Tomáš (advisor)
Práce se zabývá víceosou únavou austenitické korozivzdorné oceli 316L. Materiál byl zatěžován cyklicky v tahu/tlaku a krutu. Jejich kombinace byla použita pro testování ve dvou víceosých módech: in-phase (ve fázi) a out-of-phase (mimo fázi). Všechny zkoušky byly provedeny v režimu řízení celkové deformace za pokojové teploty. Výsledky únavových zkoušek naznačují, že cyklování v módu tah/tlak způsobuje nejrychlejší růst trhliny a nejkratší životnost. Naproti tomu torzní mód vedl k nejpomalejšímu šíření únavových trhlin a k nejdelším životnostem. Oba víceosé módy se ukázaly být podobně poškozující. Detailně byly studovány dva aspekty mikrostrukturních změn: vzniklé dislokační struktury a deformačně indukovaná martenzitická transformace. Oba jevy byly analyzovány pomocí elektronové mikroskopie. In-phase zatěžování stejně jako oba jednoosé módy vedly k vytvoření podobných dislokačních struktur odlišných od těch pozorovaných v out-of-phase módu což vedlo k odlišné mechanické odezvě. Stabilita austenitu během cyklování byla závislá na zatěžujícím módu a amplitudě deformace. Rozložení indukovaného martenzitu v torzním a out-of-phase módu se ukázalo být silně heterogenní. Měření jeho obsahu pomocí feritoskopu na vnějším povrchu může v některých případech vést k zavádějícím výsledkům. Nejnižší množství martenzitu bylo pozorováno v módu tah/tlak. Odolnost vůči únavovému lomu a úhel náklonu únavové trhliny byly predikovány pomocí modelů založených na principu kritické roviny. Počet cyklů do lomu byl nejpřesněji předpovězen kritériem, které navrhnul Fatemi a Socie. Model Smith Watson Topper vedl k nejlepším odhadům orientace únavové trhliny. Kinetika růstu trhlin byla analyzována metodou navrženou Polákem a dále také pomocí plastické části J-integrálu. Druhý způsob vedl k univerzálnímu popisu rychlosti růstu trhlin ve všech zatěžujících módech s výjimkou out-of-phase, kde výpočet plastické části J-integrálu nebyl proveden.
Fatigue-creep interaction in Ni superalloys and TiAl alloys
Šmíd, Miroslav ; Věchet, Stanislav (referee) ; Kunz, Ludvík (referee) ; Obrtlík, Karel (advisor)
The present doctoral thesis is focused on the effect of dwells on the low cycle fatigue behaviour of advanced high temperature materials. 10 minutes strain holds are introduced into the cyclic straining of cast Ni-based superalloy IN792-5A and cast intermetallic alloy TiAl-7Nb which were chosen as experimental material. Fatigue experiments were conducted in strain control mode with constant total strain amplitude and strain rate. IN792-5A was subjected to continuous cyclic loading test as well as fatigue tests either with tensile peak strain holds or compressive peak strain holds at temperature 800 °C. TiAl-7Nb was experimentally examined by continuous cyclic loading tests and also by fatigue test with tensile peak strain hold times at temperature 750 °C. Cyclic hardening/softening curves, cyclic stress-strain curves, Manson-Coffin curves and Basquin curves were obtained. Stress relaxation data were measured during hold times. Mean stress evolution was observed and documented. Microstructure of both alloys was observed in as-received state and also after cyclic loading by means of SEM and TEM. Surface relief investigation revealed cyclic plastic strain localisation as well as fatigue crack initiation sites. Fatigue crack propagation was described using fracture surface and longitudinal gauge section observations. Dislocation structures developed in the course of fatigue tests were studied and documented.
Fatigue-creep interaction in Ni superalloys and TiAl alloys
Šmíd, Miroslav ; Věchet, Stanislav (referee) ; Kunz, Ludvík (referee) ; Obrtlík, Karel (advisor)
The present doctoral thesis is focused on the effect of dwells on the low cycle fatigue behaviour of advanced high temperature materials. 10 minutes strain holds are introduced into the cyclic straining of cast Ni-based superalloy IN792-5A and cast intermetallic alloy TiAl-7Nb which were chosen as experimental material. Fatigue experiments were conducted in strain control mode with constant total strain amplitude and strain rate. IN792-5A was subjected to continuous cyclic loading test as well as fatigue tests either with tensile peak strain holds or compressive peak strain holds at temperature 800 °C. TiAl-7Nb was experimentally examined by continuous cyclic loading tests and also by fatigue test with tensile peak strain hold times at temperature 750 °C. Cyclic hardening/softening curves, cyclic stress-strain curves, Manson-Coffin curves and Basquin curves were obtained. Stress relaxation data were measured during hold times. Mean stress evolution was observed and documented. Microstructure of both alloys was observed in as-received state and also after cyclic loading by means of SEM and TEM. Surface relief investigation revealed cyclic plastic strain localisation as well as fatigue crack initiation sites. Fatigue crack propagation was described using fracture surface and longitudinal gauge section observations. Dislocation structures developed in the course of fatigue tests were studied and documented.
Surface relief evolution in cast superalloy In738LC fatigued at room temperature
Samek, Petr ; Obrtlík, Karel (referee) ; Juliš, Martin (advisor)
Low cycle fatigue is an important valving parameter of materiale which are exposed random alternate strain during their operation. The alternate strain in that material is caused by temperature fluctuations during operation and outages such as aircraft engines. Tests of low cycle fatigue were performed on samples of superalloy Inconel 738LC at stable room temperature at 23°C. The actual experiment took place at certain intervals, consisting of cycling itself, and observing changes in surface relief by light and electron microscopy. There was observed significant surface relief at an early stage of low cycle fatigue. We compared results of measurement with other different observation methods.
Fatigue properties of nickel-base superalloy inconel 792-5A at 800°C
Šmíd, Miroslav ; Obrtlík, Karel ; Petrenec, Martin ; Polák, Jaroslav ; Hrbáček, K.
Smooth specimens were cyclically strained under strain control with constant strain amplitude and constant strain rate. Low cycle fatigue tests were conducted in servo-hydraulic pulsator MTS equipped with a three zone resistance furnace at temperature 800°C in air. Fracture surface was studied in SEM after fatigue test termination. Selected specimens were used to prepare foils for the transmission electron microscope (TEM) observation of microstructure and dislocation arrangement. They were used to obtain cyclic hardening/softening curves, cyclic stress-strain curve and fatigue life curves in the representation of stress amplitude, total strain amplitude and plastic strain amplitude versus number of cycles to fracture. Experimental points can be approximated with the Manson-Coffin law and the Basquin law. Fracture surface examinations revealed fatigue crack initiation sites.
Dislocation structure in the HAZ of the HSS steel after shot peening
Kruml, Tomáš ; Buirette, C. ; Degallaix, G. ; Polák, Jaroslav
The welds of a high strength C-Mn microalloyed steel with ferritic-bainitic microstructure were shot peened in order to improve the fatigue resistance. Since the weakest point was the heat affected zone (HAZ), the dislocation structure in two depth off the zone was investigated before and after shot peening. No specific dislocation arrangement was found neither in the initial state nor after shot peening and the arrangement can be characterised as random. The dislocation density was elevated in the initial state due to bainitic transformation. The shot peening resulted in appreciable increase of the dislocation density with a very strong gradient. The results were discussed in terms of the effect of surface hard layer induced by shot peening on the fatigue life of the weld and on the initiation and growth of fatigue crack in HAZ.

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