National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Ethical dilemmas in work of social curator for children and youth
BÖHM, Bohumír
The work is devoted to a socio-ethical topic from the field of work of a field social worker, namely a curator for children and youth, with a focus on his most frequent dilemmas that accompany him at work. The goal of this qualification work is to find an answer in which activities, during which actions, the curator for children and youth encounters the most vexing dilemmas, and what criteria he chooses when deciding on a specific type of educational measure in connection with the emergence of dilemmatic problems. Simultaneously with the search for an answer to the first question, another related target question arose, namely, what is the success of the imposed educational measures in the case of children and youth, and what kind of feedback can be observed in this regard. I searched for answers to the research questions through a qualitative research strategy using thematic analysis and using a semi-structured interview, which was carried out with curators for children and youth at three municipal offices and one municipal office. The work also maps the educational situation of children and youth, with how it took place before the disease of COVID-19, in the covid and post-covid era from the point of view of curators for children and youth. The research found that the biggest dilemma in the work of a curator for children and youth is deciding whether to leave a child in a dysfunctional family or to propose institutional education for him. If the educational measures imposed by the curators did not bring the desired effect, they proceed to submit a proposal for institutional care. The subsequent effectiveness of the imposed educational measures can be monitored in connection with the different ages of the children. For minors, educational measures are imposed at a minimum, juvenile courts usually waive them. In the case of juveniles, if it is a first or rare excess, the court also proposes to waive the imposition of an educational measure. In the case of children's educational problems in the covid era, during it and after this time, the curators mainly faced truancy and failure to fulfill their school duties.
The problematics of curatorship for children and youth.
KOLÍN, Daniel
My bachelor's thesis deals with the topic of curatorship for children and youth. The goal of my work is to find out what are the main limits of cooperation between the curator for children and youth and collaborating organizations in the Český Krumlov district. The curator for children and youth is a specialized expert in the field of social and legal protection of children, whose task is to prevent the emergence and spread of socially undesirable phenomena among children and youth. Its work consists of providing social counseling and taking measures to alleviate or eliminate problems such as poor school attendance or alcohol and drug use. For the research part of my work, a qualitative type of research was used, which took place through a semi-structured interview, in the form of questioning. In the first part of my research, all curators for children and youth from OSPOD who work in the Český Krumlov district were selected as communication partners. The second part developed from the first part and includes employees from collaborating organizations, which were mentioned by the curators in the first part, as the organizations with which they operate most often. Subsequently, all data were processed using the open coding technique. It emerged from the results of the research part that the given subjects do not perceive any fundamental limits in their cooperation and they value cooperation as high quality one. However even so, they identified some limits to work with for the best quality result. The limits mainly include communication, low number of personal meetings, low capacity of some organizations, driving distance, mobility, different opinions, time availability and openness to cooperation. This bachelor's thesis can serve as a learning resource for curators for children and youth and cooperating organizations to improve the quality of their cooperation and at the same time to eliminate shortcomings in this cooperation.
Curator for Children and Youth and the Typology of his Clients
This bachelor's thesis deals with the social work of a curator for children and youth. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to describe the social work of a curator for children and youth with his clients, with a focus on the risky behavior of children and youth and possible differences in working with them. The curator for children and youth is an expert in the field of Social and Legal Protection of Children. Through its activities, it tries to use social work methods to take measures against the emergence and spread of risky behavior among children and youth. It focuses in particular on children who lead an idle or immoral life. Performs measures aimed at eliminating, mitigating, preventing, deepening or repeating disorders of the child's psychological, physical and social development. A qualitative research strategy was chosen for the research part of the bachelor's thesis, where the sample was selected by purposive selection from among Social and Legal Protection of Children workers in the South Bohemian Region, who work in the position of curator for children and youth. The necessary data were obtained by the method of questioning, the semi-structured interview technique. Subsequently, all necessary data were evaluated using open coding and data categorization was carried out. The results showed that the work of a curator for children and youth is very individual and always depends on the specific child or youth and their motivation to change their risky behavior. It also depends a lot on the family and peers of the child. Curators for children and youth mostly use interviews with the child and his entire family and case conferences in their social work. Although there are no specific scenarios for how to proceed when working with a child with a specific type of risky behavior, the curators take each case as important and always try to find a procedure that will make the best impression on the client.
Social Work of a Curator for Children and Youth with a Focus on Risky Behavior of Children and Youth
The bachelor's thesis deals with the social work of the Curator for Children and Youth with the focus on risky behavior of children and youth. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to find out what methods and techniques of social work the Curators for Children and Youth use in connection with the risky behavior. The Curator for Children and Youth is a specialist in the field of Social and Legal Protection of Children, who seeks to take measures against the occurrence and spread of socially pathological phenomena in children and youth. It focuses mainly on children and young people who lead idle or immoral life. A qualitative research strategy was chosen for the thesis, where the sample was selected by purposeful selection by the Authority for Social and Legal Protection of Children employees in the South Bohemian Region, who have been working as a Curator for Children and Youth for at least three years. The necessary data were obtained by the method of questioning with the technique of semi-structured interview. Subsequently, all necessary data were evaluated using verified coding and data categorization was performed. Based on the results of the research, it turned out that the Curators for Children and Youth use already tried and tested ways of working in the field of curation, they also use tools and aids from other fields and the adventurous life of a minor was recorded as a new approach. The motivation for change is essential for the effective impact of the methods and techniques of the Curator's social work for Children and Youth. Curators for Children and Youth perceive social work with the family, an interview and a case conference as effective methods and techniques of work.
Cooperation of primary school teachers and the office for social-law protection of children
Kučerová, Lucie ; Šotolová, Eva (advisor) ; Mlčková, Marie (referee)
TITLE: Cooperation of primary school teachers and the office for social-law protection of children AUTHOR: Lucie Kučerová DEPARTMENT: Department of special education SUPERVISOR: Doc. PaedDr. Eva Šotolová Ph.D. ABSTRACT In the first half of the thesis we define the terms teacher, school methodist for prevention, curator for children and youth. We describe the principles of their cooperation in term of rights of the child and his social-law protection, due to the Act No. 359/199 Coll., social-law protection of children and due to the Decree No. 72/2005 Coll., providing counselling services in schools and school counselling institutions. Simultaneously we are opening the topic of possible moral dilemmas which can the teacher deal with in term of social-law protection of the student. Int he second half we evaluate the results of empirical investigation. The quantitative survey was conducted by questionnaire method in 7 primary schools in Prague. Its main purpose was to chart the extent of primary teachers knowledge about The office for social-law protection of children, to find out what quality is this cooperation and to compare the situation at practical primary schools and mainstream primary schools. The survey conclusion revealed significant lack of knowledge of mainstream primary school teachers in this...

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