National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Hardware for lightweight cryptographic implementation
Jedlička, Jakub ; Cíbik, Peter (referee) ; Smékal, David (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of lightweight cryptography and the implementation of a selected cipher on a field programmable gate array (FPGA). Thesis first deals with the theory, where hardware elements, general cryptography and lightweight cryptography are described with focus on the LBlock and PRESENT ciphers. It then describes the selection of a cipher type and then the selection of a particular lightweight cryptography cipher. Next the LBlock cipher is selected, implemented, and tested as a custom intellectual property (IP) block using a hardware descriptive language for very fast integrated circuits (VHDL). This block is used in the block design to implement the encryptor on the ZYBO-Z7 development board. The input and output data handling is implemented on the Zynq-7000 processing system chip, which passes the data to the programmable logic. Finally this communication and implementation is described where the operational modes used for the LBlock cipher are cipher feedback mode and output feedback mode. For these operational modes, measurements are made to determine the encryption speed of the data stored on the microSD card and the pitfalls resulting from this encryption are described.
Software library of basic symmetric and asymmetric primitives of modern cryptography on embedded platforms
Miška, Matěj ; Mlýnek, Petr (referee) ; Lieskovan, Tomáš (advisor)
This master thesis deals with a search of cryptographic primitives for embedded systems, which are tested on Raspberry Pi platforms and the results compared in the subsequent practical part. The content of the research is an explanation of the use of cryptography in information systems, an example of a protocol using cryptography in the energy sector, the selection of cryptographic primitives based on recommendations from security institutions, a description of Raspberry Pi embedded platforms and an introduction of cryptographic libraries providing tools to perform cryptographic operations. The theoretical part of the thesis results in an overview of the information needed to create a test tool. The subsequent practical part deals with the theoretical design of the required tool, the determination of the functions that the tool must have and the way of performing the testing. This is followed by a description of the choice of the programming language and development environment suitable for this work, together with a description of the internal structure of the developed application. The testing parameters are mainly the computational, memory and time requirements of the cryptographic primitives on the system. The paper concludes with methods of running and controlling the application, possible presentation of the measured results, the actual results of testing the selected embedded platforms and a discussion of these results.
Secure communication in systems using restricted devices
Michálek, Tomáš ; Martinásek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Malina, Lukáš (advisor)
This thesis presents the usability and analysis of cryptographic methods on devices with low computing power and low memory capacity. The thesis describes different methods and shows examples of their usability in practice. According to certain parameters of security methods, such as code size and memory size it is selected and compared symetric ciphers and authentication codes. There are also described some security protocols and possible attacks. The next part includes a comparison of ciphers and chosen candidates are tested on our microcontroller. In the end there are propose, implemented and analyzed security protocols.
Demonstration and Analysis of HTTPS Attacks
Murgaš, Adam ; Malinka, Kamil (referee) ; Ryšavý, Ondřej (advisor)
Cieľom tejto práce je analyzovať dva útoky na protokol HTTPS, najmä útoky BEAST a CRIME. Hlavnou pointou práce je zistiť, či sú tieto útoky stále možné s dnešnými technológiami, a zároveň demonštrovať ako tieto útoky funguju a ako sa podobným útokom vyhnúť alebo ako ich včas detekovať. Táto práca opisuje teoretický základ týchto útokov a taktiež opisuje možné riešenia pre detekciu a prevenciu. Po teoretickom základe a spôsoboch prevencie, táto práca taktiež poskytuje demonštráciu princípov týchto útokov a taktiež dataset, ktorý sa zameriava na určité metriky útoku, aby mali čitatelia lepšiu znalosť o princípoch za týmito útokmi, pretože podobné útoky by mohli byť objavené v budúcnosti.
Software library of basic symmetric and asymmetric primitives of modern cryptography on embedded platforms
Miška, Matěj ; Mlýnek, Petr (referee) ; Lieskovan, Tomáš (advisor)
This master thesis deals with a search of cryptographic primitives for embedded systems, which are tested on Raspberry Pi platforms and the results compared in the subsequent practical part. The content of the research is an explanation of the use of cryptography in information systems, an example of a protocol using cryptography in the energy sector, the selection of cryptographic primitives based on recommendations from security institutions, a description of Raspberry Pi embedded platforms and an introduction of cryptographic libraries providing tools to perform cryptographic operations. The theoretical part of the thesis results in an overview of the information needed to create a test tool. The subsequent practical part deals with the theoretical design of the required tool, the determination of the functions that the tool must have and the way of performing the testing. This is followed by a description of the choice of the programming language and development environment suitable for this work, together with a description of the internal structure of the developed application. The testing parameters are mainly the computational, memory and time requirements of the cryptographic primitives on the system. The paper concludes with methods of running and controlling the application, possible presentation of the measured results, the actual results of testing the selected embedded platforms and a discussion of these results.
Time-memory tradeoff útoky
Seidlová, Monika ; Hojsík, Michal (advisor) ; Holub, Štěpán (referee)
Martin Hellman proposed the first time-memory tradeoff attack on block ciphers. It is a chosen plaintext attack, in which the attacker precomputes a large amount of data for some block cipher and can then use it repeatedly in attacks on that block cipher. An improvement suggested by Ron Rivest speeds up the attack by reducing the number of memory accesses. Another modification of the original attack called rainbow tables speeds up the attack even more and brings other advantages. Time-memory tradeoff attacks can also be applied to stream ciphers as known plaintext attacks. This bachelor thesis describes in detail the original attack, its improvements and a modification to stream ciphers. As an example, we summarize an attack on A5/1, a stream cipher used in mobile phones. We also propose a new time-memory tradeoff attack on block ciphers called r-coloured rainbows. The new attack is a modification of Hellman's attack and shares similarities with the rainbow table attack. We give a comparison of the properties of the three attacks and conclude that, for certain block ciphers, our attack may be the most effective of the three.
Hardware for lightweight cryptographic implementation
Jedlička, Jakub ; Cíbik, Peter (referee) ; Smékal, David (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the topic of lightweight cryptography and the implementation of a selected cipher on a field programmable gate array (FPGA). Thesis first deals with the theory, where hardware elements, general cryptography and lightweight cryptography are described with focus on the LBlock and PRESENT ciphers. It then describes the selection of a cipher type and then the selection of a particular lightweight cryptography cipher. Next the LBlock cipher is selected, implemented, and tested as a custom intellectual property (IP) block using a hardware descriptive language for very fast integrated circuits (VHDL). This block is used in the block design to implement the encryptor on the ZYBO-Z7 development board. The input and output data handling is implemented on the Zynq-7000 processing system chip, which passes the data to the programmable logic. Finally this communication and implementation is described where the operational modes used for the LBlock cipher are cipher feedback mode and output feedback mode. For these operational modes, measurements are made to determine the encryption speed of the data stored on the microSD card and the pitfalls resulting from this encryption are described.
Lightweight Cryptography
Šalda, Jakub ; Palovský, Radomír (advisor) ; Ivánek, Jiří (referee)
In the bachelor thesis Lightweight cryptography I describe the basics of light cryptography, analyze and compare selected lightweight symmetric ciphers. Lightweight is about trade-off between low-cost, security and performace. There are many lightweight ciphers designes, therefore I chose nad explored some of those from the point of view of their features, hardware implementation, performance and security. Analyzed ciphers are in total of fifteen and include E0, A5/1, GRAIN, Trivium, LED, SKINNY, RECTANGLE, SPARX, mCrypton, PRESENT, SIMON and SPECK, XTEA, SEA, LBlock and CLEFIA. I have come to the conclusion that the stream cipher GRAIN is very fast and safe. Block ciphers LED and SKINNY are well secured and SIMON and PRESENT hardware-efficient. With the increased use of constrained devices, it is also necessary to keep up with security, so lightweight cryptography could have a great future ahead.
Time-memory tradeoff útoky
Seidlová, Monika ; Hojsík, Michal (advisor) ; Holub, Štěpán (referee)
Martin Hellman proposed the first time-memory tradeoff attack on block ciphers. It is a chosen plaintext attack, in which the attacker precomputes a large amount of data for some block cipher and can then use it repeatedly in attacks on that block cipher. An improvement suggested by Ron Rivest speeds up the attack by reducing the number of memory accesses. Another modification of the original attack called rainbow tables speeds up the attack even more and brings other advantages. Time-memory tradeoff attacks can also be applied to stream ciphers as known plaintext attacks. This bachelor thesis describes in detail the original attack, its improvements and a modification to stream ciphers. As an example, we summarize an attack on A5/1, a stream cipher used in mobile phones. We also propose a new time-memory tradeoff attack on block ciphers called r-coloured rainbows. The new attack is a modification of Hellman's attack and shares similarities with the rainbow table attack. We give a comparison of the properties of the three attacks and conclude that, for certain block ciphers, our attack may be the most effective of the three.
Secure communication in systems using restricted devices
Michálek, Tomáš ; Martinásek, Zdeněk (referee) ; Malina, Lukáš (advisor)
This thesis presents the usability and analysis of cryptographic methods on devices with low computing power and low memory capacity. The thesis describes different methods and shows examples of their usability in practice. According to certain parameters of security methods, such as code size and memory size it is selected and compared symetric ciphers and authentication codes. There are also described some security protocols and possible attacks. The next part includes a comparison of ciphers and chosen candidates are tested on our microcontroller. In the end there are propose, implemented and analyzed security protocols.

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