National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Czech students' breaking point while deciding to join the Active reserves of the CAF: What dissuades students from joining the Czech Active reserve?
Antošová, Adéla ; Kofroň, Jan (advisor) ; Kučera, Tomáš (referee)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA FAKULTA SOCIÁLNÍCH VĚD Institut politologických studií Katedra politologie Abstrakt Bakalářské práce v anglickém jazyce Bakalářská práce: Bod zlomu v rozhodování českých studentů o vstupu do Aktivních záloh AČR: Co studenty odrazuje od nástupu k jednotkám Aktivních záloh. Autorka práce: Adéla Antošová Studijní program: Politologie a Mezinárodní Vztahy Vedoucí práce: RNDr. Jan Kofroň, PhD. Rok obhajoby: 2024 Abstract In this thesis, I try to reveal the obstacles that discourage Czech university students from joining the active reserve of the Czech Army and whether some of them are turning points in the decision-making process. First, I will present the current state of knowledge, in which I will state the main motivations of soldiers in AZ to enter and serve, and vice versa, the reasons for reducing their retention. The subsequent research methodology consists of two phases. The first is focused on collecting quantitative data through a questionnaire survey using the snowball method. The obtained information will allow me to divide the respondents into two groups according to their interest or lack of interest in joining the active reserve. In the second phase, I will conduct structured interviews with selected students interested in joining. The information from these interviews is the...
System of Mobilization of The Armed Forces of The Czech Republic in The Begining of The 21st Century:Exces of The Part or Necesserity of The Meantime?
Živčák, Štefan ; Balabán, Miloš (advisor) ; Rašek, Antonín (referee)
The work analyses the problems with the mobilization system of the Czech armed forces as one of the main elements in the rescue system of the Czech Republic. It is taken as a collective part of the rescue system of the European nation. Author presents hypothesis that somehow the rescue system still has not over come the division of the past when the world was divided geopolitically and the war danger was immediate. On the other side there may be some kind of inability to find the suitable way how to effectively use the professional forces committed to action out of the state. On the base of the historical point of view this work analyses the meaning of the rescue and mobilization system in the optional war conflict. Also it contemplates the changes in the geopolitics system after the year 1989. The first place takes the question whether the Czech rescue system really reflex to the geopolitical changes, whether the activity is effective - the ratio between the danger and economical and human resources. Important part of this work is comparison between the Czech rescue system and the rescue systems of the chosen states of NATO and EU. Author studies the literature, experiences and other sources. From sources the author presents hypothesis, of the possible solution and suitable provision of the new...
The Motivation For Joining the Active Reserve From a Women Perspective
Stehlíková, Jiřina ; Kobová, Ĺubica (advisor) ; Kolářová, Marta (referee)
My diploma thesis focuses on women in the active reserve. Active reserve has become more popular due to new security threats and increasing need of people to be prepared when something goes wrong. In theoretical part I introduce the basic concepts that my work is based on. I focus on the active reserve from their origin till the nowadays. As for the empirical part, I have done ten semi-structured interviews with the women - members of the active reserve. The goal of this thesis is to find out what motivates the women to enter this primarily male-dominated area. Within my thesis I was also wondering what kind of reactions based on participation in active reserve my informants have to deal with and if there are any advantages or disadvantages connected with being the active reservist. Above all I was interested in personal experience of my informants. The keys words: active reserve, women, motivation, gender, army, interviews, militarization, military forces, army reserve
Active reserve
The thesis describes a contemporary and unusual leisure time activity which follows specific and clearly stated rules, but participation in which is nevertheless strictly voluntary and consists in motivation of participants. Activities that participants undertake are various; they have to gain new knowledge, abilities and capabilities. The thesis introduces the history and the beginning of active reserve, its organization, activity and structure. The aim of the thesis is to find out how active backup influences personal life of its members, what motivation leads to the participation in active backup and whether such an activity is beneficial for the society. The method used in the thesis is questioning.

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