National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Šebetovská, Michaela ; Chlup, Radek (advisor) ; Starý, Jiří (referee)
SEIÐR Michaela Šebetovská AAAABSTRACTBSTRACTBSTRACTBSTRACT The thesis is about an Old-Norse practice called seiðr, which was performed as a prophetic and magical ritual, according to some authors similarly to shamanic ones. The emphasis is put on information obtained from the Old-Norse textual sources. Despite their fragmentary nature, the aim of this work is to make a well-arranged summary of the facts provided by these primary sources. The main subjects are the beings performing seiðr, their characteristics, place in society, equipment and conditions required for the ritual and its goal. This information is then used for interpretation and a detailed analysis of several aspects of seiðr.
Divination in Early China
Kubiš, Petr ; Maršálek, Jakub (advisor) ; Zádrapa, Lukáš (referee)
This thesis deals with divination in ancient China. The first part defines the theme and method, gives criticism of the primary source and presents a brief overview of the current state of research. The second part presents divination practices before the Eastern Zhou period. The third section provides a summary of divination practices in the Eastern Zhou period, categorizes the various oracles and provides related information. The fourth part introduces persons who performed divination practices and puts them into a broader framework. In the fifth section there is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of data collected from Zuozhuan's oracale texts, which are then confrontated with the knowledge of divination from archaeological excavations of oracle's texts. The work concludes that during the Eastern Zhou period there were at least two concepts of access to divination standing side by side that are mutually intertwined - religious concept and ethical-philosophy concept. Keywords: Divination, Early China, Religion, Eastern Zhou.
Female characters as a medium of male authorities in Arthur Miller's The Crucible and William Golding's The Double Tongue
Beránková, Anna ; Topolovská, Tereza (advisor) ; Chalupský, Petr (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the ways in which the female characters of two well-known works, namely William Golding's novel The Double Tongue (1995) and Arthur Miller's play The Crucible (1953), are exploited by male characters in pursuit of their ambitions. In spite of the works being set in different periods, they both develop the theme of male authorities abusing and misusing the inferior position of oftentimes adolescent women, bestowed on them by patriarchal society. The interpretation of both literary works is mainly based on historical and socio-cultural study of the periods as well as works of literary criticism. Abstracting the main features regarding the theme of this thesis that connect the two periods, the two literary works are compared. The theoretical part of the thesis provides the reader with a brief overview concerning the authors with a specific focus on the historical circumstances in which the works were written, and which influenced the content of the works. Second part of the theoretical section focuses on the historical and socio-cultural context in which the plots of the individual works take place. The last theoretical section discusses the position of women in the respective societies. The practical part subsequently presents illustration of the discussed...
Orpheus: Comparative Analysis of the Myth
Erhart, Krištof ; Chlup, Radek (advisor) ; Vítek, Tomáš (referee)
Cílem práce je na základě zkoumání pramenů písemného a ikonografického charakteru analyzovat mýtus o Orfeovi a vytvořit podklad pro zkoumání jeho vztahu k orfismu a příbuzným náboženským hnutím. Práce sleduje mýtus na několika rovinách. První je Orfeova genealogie a jeho spjatost s hudbou. Následuje rekonstrukce jeho účasti na výpravě Argonautů a jeho další aspekty, kterými jsou vztah k magii, věštění a iniciace do tajných náboženských obřadů. Poté se práce zaměřuje na téma sestupu do podsvětí za Orfeovou ženou Eurydikou. Závěrečné kapitoly jsou věnovány Orfeově smrti a posmrtnému osudu jeho hlavy, která pronášela věštby. Powered by TCPDF (
Šebetovská, Michaela ; Chlup, Radek (advisor) ; Starý, Jiří (referee)
SEIÐR Michaela Šebetovská AAAABSTRACTBSTRACTBSTRACTBSTRACT The thesis is about an Old-Norse practice called seiðr, which was performed as a prophetic and magical ritual, according to some authors similarly to shamanic ones. The emphasis is put on information obtained from the Old-Norse textual sources. Despite their fragmentary nature, the aim of this work is to make a well-arranged summary of the facts provided by these primary sources. The main subjects are the beings performing seiðr, their characteristics, place in society, equipment and conditions required for the ritual and its goal. This information is then used for interpretation and a detailed analysis of several aspects of seiðr.
Divination in Early China
Kubiš, Petr ; Maršálek, Jakub (advisor) ; Zádrapa, Lukáš (referee)
This thesis deals with divination in ancient China. The first part defines the theme and method, gives criticism of the primary source and presents a brief overview of the current state of research. The second part presents divination practices before the Eastern Zhou period. The third section provides a summary of divination practices in the Eastern Zhou period, categorizes the various oracles and provides related information. The fourth part introduces persons who performed divination practices and puts them into a broader framework. In the fifth section there is a quantitative and qualitative analysis of data collected from Zuozhuan's oracale texts, which are then confrontated with the knowledge of divination from archaeological excavations of oracle's texts. The work concludes that during the Eastern Zhou period there were at least two concepts of access to divination standing side by side that are mutually intertwined - religious concept and ethical-philosophy concept. Keywords: Divination, Early China, Religion, Eastern Zhou.
Divination Practices of Christmas Ritual Cycle in the Czech Lands
Rovenská, Kateřina ; Janeček, Petr (advisor) ; Kozák, Jan (referee)
My work presents a typological index of divination practices performed during an interval between the beginning of Advent and Epiphany (Three Kings' Day). This list is made of folk practices known in the Czech lands since advent of Christianity until now. Particular types of divination practices are sorted by goals achieved by divination, not chronologically. Framework of this work is made by general interpretation of the divination itself as cultural practice with introduction to the context of Christian Christmas celebration and also to the problematics of koexistence of Slavic pre-Christian culture with Christian culture in early Middle Ages. Main data use in my work are ethnographic data drawn from books of Č. Zíbrt, J. I. Hanuš and other Czech ethnographers. Theoretical parts are based on works of scholars of religion, folklorists and anthropologists such as M. Eliade, K. J. Erben or K. Richter. KEY WORDS: divination, future, Advent, Christmas, New year, new year, pre-Christian culture, Christian culture, Czech lands

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