National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Analysis of the Impact of Problem Solving Strategies using UPPAAL STRATEGO
Karásek, Filip ; Žádník, Martin (referee) ; Strnadel, Josef (advisor)
This thesis analyzes and addresses the impact of strategies created using Uppaal Stratego. The implementation of four problems, counter, maze, bitmap, and intersection is demonstrated in this thesis. Experiments are conducted on these models, and strategies are formulated. For the first three problems, strategies with a positive impact on the given system were identified. However, for the last intersection model, it was not possible to find a strategy that demonstrably improved the system. This inability to demonstrate improvement is due to limitations in Uppaal Stratego and the complexity of the model.
Analysis of Characteristics of Train Traffic Controlled by ERTMS/ETCS
Ondroušek, Adam ; Šimek, Václav (referee) ; Strnadel, Josef (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze train operations controlled by ERTMS/ETCS, primarily within the Czech Republic. A model was created using the Uppaal software, which simulates train operations. Subsequently, a scenario was designed that significantly increased the efficiency of the modeled track. This scenario was verified using Uppaal SMC's simulation and probabilistic queries. Favourable results were achieved by doubling the intervals of passenger transport during peak hours and adding a freight train unit to the operation during this time with minimal time delay while maintaining operational safety. The model is designed to simulate any train unit and track section and could thus serve as a tool for planning and analyzing train transport after the implementation of ERTMS/ETCS.
Modelling and Analysis of Energy-Aware Buildings
Devečka, Matej ; Šimek, Václav (referee) ; Strnadel, Josef (advisor)
This thesis is focused on environment analysis, design, implementation and testing the energy-aware building model. It breaks down individual factors affecting energetic perspective of building. It introduces design of model that allows monitoring of energy consumption and simulation of heat transfers. Implementation uses stochastic timed automata in UPPAAL SMC environment. The last part of thesis contains tests showing model functionality.
Search of Control Strategies Using UPPAAL STRATEGO
Hruška, Filip ; Hrubý, Martin (referee) ; Strnadel, Josef (advisor)
This thesis deals with finding control strategies for pre-selected problems from various areas using tool Uppaal Stratego. Four areas were selected, namely chess, a sliding puzzle, the tower of Hanoi, and a kinematic problem involving a package, a car, and an airplane. For the selected areas and problems, a set of models was designed and implemented. For the tower of Hanoi and the sliding field, it was possible to successfully evaluate relevant strategies, raising the probabilities of success to more than 90 %. For other models, a problem was found in the size of the state space and the strategies could not be evaluated because the maximum memory capacity that the tool uses was not sufficient. For the kinematic problem, after limiting and simplifying the model, the strategies were successfully evaluated, but for chess, this was not possible even after significant simplification.
Dependability Assessment Based on SMC
Gajdošík, Róbert ; Lojda, Jakub (referee) ; Strnadel, Josef (advisor)
Cieľom tejto práce bolo vyhodnotiť ukazalete spoľahlivosti výpočtových systémov. V pr- vom rade bola založená terminológia ktorá vysvetľuje základné pojmy ohľadom štatistiky and spoľahlivosti. Ďalej boli v tomto kroku preskúmané typy a vlastnosti chýb ktoré sa v takýchto systémoch vyskytujú, a techniky ktoré sa dajú využit na ich potlačenie alebo zmiernenie ich dopadu na fungovanie systému. V ďalšom kroku boli vysvetlené základné koncepty ohľadom modelovania a simulácie ako aj krátky nahľad do presností jednotlivých techník ktoré boli zvažované ako možnosti ktoré by boli použiteľné pri samotnom pro- cese generovania dát. Po rozhodnutí ísť cestou štatistickej simulácie boli v ďalšom kroku zavedené metódy pre generovanie dát analytickým spôsobom ktoré slúžia na overenie dát vygenerovaných štatistickými simuláciami, do úrovne kde je ešte možné sa k nim dostať re- latívne jednoduchými výpočtami. Nasleduje prehľad nástrojov na implementáciu modelov našich systémov, ich výhody a nevýhody a miera použiteľnosti. V ďalšich krokoch boli vo vybranom nástroji Uppaal SMC naimplementované niektoré vybrané systémy a situácie na základe časovych automatov, a následne boli vyhodnotené oproti iným metódam zlepšenia spoľahlivosti ako aj oproti analyticky dosiahnutým dátam. Práca končí zavermi ktoré boli vyvodené z testovacích dát.
Search of Control Strategies Using UPPAAL STRATEGO
Hruška, Filip ; Hrubý, Martin (referee) ; Strnadel, Josef (advisor)
This thesis deals with finding control strategies for pre-selected problems from various areas using tool Uppaal Stratego. Four areas were selected, namely chess, a sliding puzzle, the tower of Hanoi, and a kinematic problem involving a package, a car, and an airplane. For the selected areas and problems, a set of models was designed and implemented. For the tower of Hanoi and the sliding field, it was possible to successfully evaluate relevant strategies, raising the probabilities of success to more than 90 %. For other models, a problem was found in the size of the state space and the strategies could not be evaluated because the maximum memory capacity that the tool uses was not sufficient. For the kinematic problem, after limiting and simplifying the model, the strategies were successfully evaluated, but for chess, this was not possible even after significant simplification.
Modelling and Analysis of Energy-Aware Buildings
Devečka, Matej ; Šimek, Václav (referee) ; Strnadel, Josef (advisor)
This thesis is focused on environment analysis, design, implementation and testing the energy-aware building model. It breaks down individual factors affecting energetic perspective of building. It introduces design of model that allows monitoring of energy consumption and simulation of heat transfers. Implementation uses stochastic timed automata in UPPAAL SMC environment. The last part of thesis contains tests showing model functionality.

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