National Repository of Grey Literature 38 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Thermal analysis of fuels
Šrámek, Zbyněk ; Hrnčířová, Michaela (referee) ; Moskalík, Jiří (advisor)
The main goal of this thesis is to introduce the field of thermal analysis as an independent scientific discipline. The first section is mostly informative and introduces into a concept of thermal analysis. The second part describes the most fundamental and essential methods of thermal analysis and the last section is focused on evaluating a real thermogravimetric experiment which deals with biomass sample.
Analysis of biodegradable polymers in soils
Paluchová, Natálie ; Řezáčová, Veronika (referee) ; Kučerík, Jiří (advisor)
Currently, there is a growing interest in usage of biodegradable polymers, regardless of their possible risk of generation of residues. The methods that are used for determination of residues usually include pre-treatment and are expensive and time consuming. Therefore, this bachelor thesis focuses on the development and verification of analytical method that would identify and quantify of biodegradable polymer residues in soils to eliminate the problems arising from sample pre-treatment. Therefore, thermogravimetry, which appears to satisfy the above conditions, was used for the analysis. The area of polymer degradation in three types of soils during thermal oxidation and the effect of polymer on soil during the analysis was investigated. Poly(3 hydroxybutyrate) was chosen to be the representative biodegradable polymer and there were two approaches used to its detection and quatification. The methods were tested for 6 concentrations of poly(3–hydroxybutyrate) (0,1; 0,5; 1; 2; 3; 5 %). The first approach concentrated on the usage of polymer analysis in the presence of a blank (without contaminat), which was subtracted from the blank. Using this method, the temperature interval of polymer degradation and weigh loss changes in this interval were observed. The second method focused on a soil universal model, that allows the identification and quatification of samples when the blank is not present. The blank is simulated by 19 equations, that allow the identification of intervals, in which degradation of samples occurs and also it provides the possibility to determinate the type of the polymer. However, the principle component analysis indicated that the method is sensitive to the type of soil and therefore it needs adjustments. Samples were incubated for 4 months, to verify the sensitivity of the method, in case of partial or complete decomposition of samples by soil microorganisms,. Thereafter, the concentrations of poly(3-hydroxybutryrate) in soil determined by respirometry and thermogravimetry were compared. The results indicated that accelerated degradation caused by poly(3-hydroxybutrylate) or contamination of the sample with the surrounding atmosphere during respiration may have occurred. Residual poly(3–hydroxybutyrate) was thermogravimetrically verified and results were compared to respirometry. According to the results it can be observed that there was an interaction between the soil organic matter and biota or contamination of the sample with the surrounding atmosphere. The results revealed, that there is a possibility of determination of biodegradable polymers in soils by thermogravimetric analysis. There are good results using the blank method, but it is limited by the existence of a blank. The method that is using the soil universal model (without blank) has a great potential in the future, but adjustments still need to be done.
Pyrolytic graphite
Chýlková, Adéla ; Adam, Ondřej (referee) ; Němec, Karel (advisor)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to write a literature search summarizing knowledge about carbon-based materials and experimental determination of thermal expansion and thermal balance of samples of various types of graphite and evaluation of measured data. The research part of the work describes most of the currently known types of carbonaceous materials, with a more thorough study of pyrolytic graphite. The whole next chapter was devoted to a more thorough study of pyrolytic graphite. The second part of the thesis is focused on the experimental determination of thermal expansion and thermal balance on selected graphite samples (natural, expanded, pressed expanded and pyrolytic graphite). We used dilatometric analysis and thermogravimetry to solve this task. Finally, the measurement data were processed into graphs and relevant tables and conclusions were deduced.
Derivatization of Sodium Hyaluronate as a Possible Tool for Increasing of the Stability of Model Artificial Synovial Fluid
Hrochová, Eliška ; Mravec, Filip (referee) ; Kalina, Michal (advisor)
This master thesis deals with the optimization of the procedure of modification of hyaluronic acid structure for the use in the artificial synovial liquids. Based on the literature research, the amino acid alanine was used for the modification of carboxylic group in the glucuronic acid. The main subject of study is the improvement of the stability and mechanical properties of synovial liquid. DLS microrheology, macrorheology, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), multi-angle light scattering with flow-field flow fractionation (AF4-MALS) and infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) were used for characterization. The theoretical part of this theses submits review of the musculoskeletal system, role of hyaluronic acid in metabolism and summary of synovial liquid. The experimental part focuses on the measurement of the stability and mechanical properties of three artificial samples (first with no modification, second with modified hyaluronic acid and third with modified hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphate). These samples were compared with real horse synovial fluid and artificial viscosupplement Orthovisc®.
Oxidation behavior adjustment for TiAl intermetallics by Al-Y multilayers
Handrk, Jiří ; Tkachenko, Serhii (referee) ; Jan, Vít (advisor)
Mechanické vlasnosti intermetalika na bázi titan hliník Ti-46Al-7Nb-0.7Cr-0.1Si-0.2Ni jsou konstatní do teploty 700 °C. Nad touto teplotou slitina oxiduje. Cílem této práce bylo zlepšit oxidační vlastnosti pomocí kovové multivrstvy na bázi yttrium hlinik. Pro depozici vrstev byla použita metoda PVD. Na vzorky byly naneseny vrstvy čistého ytria nebo kombinace yttrium, hliník. Vzorky byly následně žíhány v inertní atmosféře na 700°C a 900°C nebo nebyly. Kvalita nanesených vrstev byla zkoumána pomocí scratch testu a EDS analýzi. Dále byly vzorky izotermicky oxidovány na 900°C po dobu 100 hodin. Na vzorcích byly po oxidaci prováděny měření pevnosti v tříbodovém obybu a měření hmotnosti. Chemické složení oxidické vrstvy bylo vyhodnoceno pomocí EDS. Žádná z vrstev s nebo bez žíhání neprokázaly zlepšení oxidických vlastností. Vyšší teplota žíhání prokýzala zlepšení mechanických vlastnotí vrstvy, ale zhoršení materiálu.
Relationship between thermo-oxidative stability and soil quality indicators
Svatoň, Karel ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (referee) ; Kučerík, Jiří (advisor)
This diploma thesis focuses on the use of thermogravimetry as quick and low-cost method in the analysis of soil quality. Most of the currently used methods for analyzing some soil properties are, unlike thermogravimetry, demanding especially for pretreatment and analysis time. Previous research has shown an interesting correlation between thermogravimetry data and some soil properties, but to obtain these correlations, it is necessary to keep the analyzed soils at 76% relative humidity. The aim of this work was to determine whether similar correlations can also by achieved at lower relative humidities. Therefore, soil samples in this work were thermogravimetrically analyzed at 43% relative humidity. That humidity is closer to laboratory conditions and it is also easier to be reached by most of commercially available thermogravimeters. Next aim of this thesis was to find whether thermogravimetric data correlate with other soil properties, especially microbiological indicators of soil quality. Results showed that thermogravimetry of soil samples correlates with standard methods even at 43% humidity. Furthermore, it was found that they also correlate with selected microbiological parameters, such as anaerobic ammonification or urease activity. These results suggest the possibility of using thermogravimetry analysis at broader spectrum of soil properties, without the need for pretreatment of samples and at different (relevant) soil moisture.
Influence of bioplastics´ biodegradation on soil quality
Paluchová, Natálie ; Doležalová Weissmannová, Helena (referee) ; Kučerík, Jiří (advisor)
V poslední době se pozornost polečnosti obrátila k mikroplastům. Jsou produkovány různými odvětvími a šíří se napříč prostředím. Po dlouhou dobu byly považovány za inertní, bez dalšího vlivu na rostliny a jiné živé organismy, avšak jak zjistily nedávné studie, mohly by představovat vážnou hrozbu. Několik vědců, včetně nás, se proto začalo soustředit na jejich transport a transformace v životním prostředí. Většina se však zaměřuje pouze na jejich přítomnost v mořských a sladkých vodách, a proto jejich chování ve vzduchu a půdě zůstává nejasné. Kromě toho byla pozornost soustředěna i na bioplasty. Jsou prezentována jako ekologická alternativa, která má vyřešit všechny dosud zmíněné problémy (a další). Avšak často se zapomíná, že jejich hlavní výhoda může být zároveň nevýhodou. Z tohoto důvodu se tato diplomová práce zaměřuje na negativní účinky spojené s přítomností mikroplastů (konkrétně bioplastu poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrátu) v půdě jako jejich běžný receptor. Kombinovali jsme respirometrii, elementární analýzu, termogravimetrii a enzymatické testy, abychom zkoumali fyzikálně-chemické změny v půdě vyvolané přítomností bioplastu. Naše výsledky ukázaly negativní vliv na půdní organickou hmotu a zadržování vody v půdě. V tomto smyslu byl zkoumán i tzv. "priming effect", jelikož docházelo k urychlení a také zpomalení rozkladu půdní organické hmoty. Zaznamenali jsme rozdílný vliv vybraných koncentrací biopolymeru na půdu a také vliv půdních vlastností na průběh degradace. V neposlední řadě zvýšení enzymatické aktivity jasně naznačovalo vliv přítomnosti biopolymeru na mikrobiální komunitu. Na základě takových zjištění jsme došli k závěru, že přidání biopolymeru vede k dlouhodobému dopadu na řadu funkcí půdního ekosystému.
Fate of microplastics in soil
Kameníková, Eliška ; Řezáčová, Veronika (referee) ; Kučerík, Jiří (advisor)
The problems with microplastics, small plastic particles contaminating the environment, is a subject of heated discussions today. It has been recognized that the microplastics are not inert, but instead they have an impact on all enviromnental compartments. There are studies describing the negative effects of microplastics, for example on fauna and flora or on human health, but the effects on soil quality have not been sufficiently described. The aim of this thesis was to assess the short and medium term effects that microplastics could have on the soil. In this work, a series of experiments were performed to elucidate the fate of microplastics in the soil. Changes in soil organic matter thermal properties, soil respiration, amount of water and soil aggregation depending on the incubation time were monitored. Three types of agricultural land (chernozem, cambisol and phaeozem), which were contaminated with different concentrations od PET and tyre rubber, were tested. The results confirmed the specific effects of microplastics on soil properties, which were observed in non-incubated samples (i.e. at the time of incubation 0 months), microplastics did not behave inertly in the soil and affected, for example, soil properties, texture and respiration.
Interaction Between Hyaluronan and Amphiphilic Molecules
Venerová, Tereza ; Burget, Ladislav (referee) ; Čeppan, Michal (referee) ; Pekař, Miloslav (advisor)
This work is focused on interaction between hyaluronan (Hya) and amphiphilic molecules. Using fluorescent probes method were carried out screening of the interaction of various surfactants with Hya. For further examination was chosen cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). Interactions in this system have also been studied using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), and additionally were performed initial tests of the cytotoxicity of the system. As an alternative CTAB were also used hydrophobically modified amino acids. Results showed their self-aggregation, but their interactions with hylauronanem was not as strong as with CTAB. The interaction of gel systems Hya-CTAB have also been studied, and was found to contain a hydrophobic domain capable solubilize hydrophobic substance. Thermogravimetric have been established that are able to contain up to 98% wt. water and rheologically were characterized their mechanical properties. These are tunable due to molecular weight (MW) of the hyaluronate. With increasing value of MW increases mechanical strength of the gel and decreases its fluidity.

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