National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The journey of Princess Eleonore of Schwarzenberg to Great Britain in 1838 and her son Walter Prosper
Bouška, Jan ; Županič, Jan (advisor) ; Horčička, Václav (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is the reconstruction of the 1838 journey of prince Johann Adolf II. of Schwarzenberg to Great Britain, as described by his wife, princess Eleonore née of Lichtenstein, who accompanied him. In the connection with the British journey of the couple, the thesis also deals with their son, prince Walter Prosper, conceived along the way to Britain. With regard to the premature death of prince Walter, the focus is primarily on his funeral ceremony and the connected rituals. To explore the chosen topic, a lot of archive material, that had not been processed before, was used. Based on said archives, a partial reconstruction of the journey was possible, from the point of view of Eleonore, who is a rather overlooked figure in historiography. Additionally, the funeral ritual of prince Walter is described and compared with common funerals of Schwarzenberg family. Key words: Schwarzenberg family, Eleonore of Schwarzenberg, journey, Great Britain, Johann Adolf II. of Schwarzenberg, Walter Prosper, death, funeral, burial, ritual, crypt
The Outline of the musical activities at Český Krumlov under the reign of the Prince Joseph Adam zu Schwarzenberg
Kvapil, Štěpán ; Čechura, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Zdichynec, Jan (referee)
(česky) Hlavním předmětem diplomové práce je nástin a charakteristika hudebního života a analýzy hudebních aktivit na dvoře Josefa Adama knížete ze Schwarzenbergu s teritoriálním zaměřením na oblast Českého Krumlova v období 2. poloviny 18. století jako příslušníka vyšších vrstev společnosti. Osvíceného knížete s hlubokým zájmem o společenský a umělecký život, štědrého mecenáše umění a především hudebního znalce a vynikajícího organizátora hudebního programu na svých panstvích. Jedním z úkolů je rovněž zachytit drobný příspěvek do problematiky studia šlechtické hudební kultury (období baroka a klasicismu) a socioekonomického okruhu s touto kulturou související či vzájemně se ovlivňující na konkrétním příkladě schwarzenberského dvora v souboru označovaném jako dechová harmonie. Společně s vývojem souboru dechové harmonie dojde ke stručné charakteristice divadelních aktivit a schwarzenberské hudební sbírky, úzce provázaných s hudebním provozem na dvoře Josefa Adama knížete ze Schwarzenbergu. Abstract (in English): The main aim of the diploma thesis is to provide characteristics of the musical life and analysis of the musical activities at the court of Prince Joseph Adam of Schwarzenberg, who belonged to higher society, with territorial focus in the area of Český Krumlov during the second half of the...
The journey of Princess Eleonore of Schwarzenberg to Great Britain in 1838 and her son Walter Prosper
Bouška, Jan ; Županič, Jan (advisor) ; Horčička, Václav (referee)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is the reconstruction of the 1838 journey of prince Johann Adolf II. of Schwarzenberg to Great Britain, as described by his wife, princess Eleonore née of Lichtenstein, who accompanied him. In the connection with the British journey of the couple, the thesis also deals with their son, prince Walter Prosper, conceived along the way to Britain. With regard to the premature death of prince Walter, the focus is primarily on his funeral ceremony and the connected rituals. To explore the chosen topic, a lot of archive material, that had not been processed before, was used. Based on said archives, a partial reconstruction of the journey was possible, from the point of view of Eleonore, who is a rather overlooked figure in historiography. Additionally, the funeral ritual of prince Walter is described and compared with common funerals of Schwarzenberg family. Key words: Schwarzenberg family, Eleonore of Schwarzenberg, journey, Great Britain, Johann Adolf II. of Schwarzenberg, Walter Prosper, death, funeral, burial, ritual, crypt
The purpose of the historicial society called Schwarzenberg and of the magazine Obnovená Tradice for the cultural tradition of the region
The title of this bachelor thesis is The purpose of the historicial society called Schwarzenberg and of the magazine Obnovená Tradice for the cultural tradition of the region. In the first part I will be looking at the history of the Schwarzenberg family and their indisputable influence on modern changes as well as the support and creation of cultural traditions of South Bohemia. The second part focuses on the Historical society Schwarzenberg. In particular, I will be looking at the history of this society, the fruitful undertakings of its members and further at the characteristics of the membership and especially chosen important characters of the group. The third part is concerned with the magazine Obnovená Tradice, which is published by the Historical society Schwarzenberg. This part consists of the index analysis from particular years of this magazine, Themis used in its articles and the frequency of publishing.
The patronage of the Schwarzenberg family in the 18th century on the example of the parish of Němčice
This diploma thesis deals with patronage of the Schwarzenberg family in the 18th century over the parish of Němčice, which fell into the Netolice Manor, and tries to describe the patronage administration of the Schwarzenbergs in general. For basic explanation of its topic the thesis is prefaced by chapters about the patronage in general and the history of Němčice and of the local parish. Basic spheres of the patronage of the Schwarzenberg family over parishes in their manors (on the example of the parish of Němčice) are presented after that. This thesis studies the rights of patronage primarily with respect to the administration. It also deals with the symbolic manifest of the patron's authority and focuses on the analysis and interpretation of the most important types of documents of the patronage administration and communication of the patronage offices. Next chapters deal with founding of the parish of Němčice as an example of parish foundation and with its incomes. They also analyze granting of presentations, installations of the parish priests, involvement of the patronage officers in canonical visitations and with the pendency of the estates of the deceased parish priests. The addendum supplements the text of this thesis by an edition of the founding charter of the parish of Němčice, by a table of local parish priests and by reproductions of some sources.

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