National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Performance Analysis of Web Applications
Valent, Tomáš ; Rogalewicz, Adam (referee) ; Pavela, Jiří (advisor)
Cieľ tejto práce je rozšíriť verejne dostupný verzovací systém – Perun implementáciou modulu, ktorý je schopný profilovať webové stránky naprogramované pomocou TypeScriptu prípadne JavaScriptu. Profiler je schopný zbierať metriky, ako napríklad dobu načítania webu, odozvu pri interakciách s webom čí spotrebu pamäti. Zároveň je modul schopný vizualizovať namerané výsledku pomocou heatmapy, pairplotu alebo grafom volaní.
Implementation of the monitoring system for cloud application
Kazda, Tomáš ; Vais, Zdeněk (referee) ; Novák, Lukáš (advisor)
The thesis deals with the analysis of the current approach to cloud application monitoring and defining its shortcomings. Based on these, four solution options are selected using the OpenTelemetry data collection concept and then, using a comparative analysis, a final option is selected which forms the implementation design. The proposal is elaborated in detail not only from a project management point of view, but also discussed from a technical point of view. The final proposal with the elaborated benefits and recommendations is handed over to the company where it is currently being implemented.
Using Open Telemetry for Network Monitoring and Management
Bakaj, Štěpán ; Ryšavý, Ondřej (referee) ; Matoušek, Petr (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the new OpenTelemetry system, which is used for telemetry data collection. The aim of the thesis is to show how the system works and what telemetry data it provides. By means of experiments, we have shown what data the system is able to provide us and what unwanted states we are able to detect. We compared the system with currently used tools.

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