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Occupational therapy evaluation of home environment of people with acquired brain injury. Case study focoused on facilitators and barriers according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health
Podzemná, Dorota ; Krulová, Anna (advisor) ; Uhlířová, Jaromíra (referee)
Home environment should be accesible, barrier free and safe for people with disabilities. There is one possibility how to achieve these conditions the possibility is to let an occupational therapist to assess your home environment. The main parts of occupational therapy are: evaluation of home environment, suggesting of reconstrucitons needed and recommendations about helping aids. Environment is according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health one of the factors which are very important. The main goal of this diploma thesis was to design new evaluation of home environment of people with acquired brain injury made according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Partial goals were: to identify barriers of home environment, to determine facilitators which are already existing and to suggest helping aids and reconstructions if it is necessary. All for achieving the best quality of self-sufficiency of client. Theoretical part is about acquired brain injury, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, issues of evaluation of home environment and assessments which are already existing. Practical part describes the proces of creation of evaluation and intervetions in home environment. Both described by case...
Lifestyle of persons with disability of motor funtions - personal statements.
Any disability can bring disadvantages in many aspects of human lives. This often affects physical, mental and social areas of life. It depends on many circumstances and factors to what extent and at what intensity disability influences the way of life. The research part of my diploma thesis confirms this fact. Not only the type of disability and its prognosis, the personality and his/her ability to handle difficult situations in life, but also the quality of social relationships and the strength of the social safety net are important factors. Irreplaceable role in caring for people with a disability has comprehensive rehabilitation, which helps not only to improve the health condition, to restore job skills and self-sufficiency, but mainly supports a successful return to the home environment as well as to the regular everyday life.The aim of my thesis was to learn about individual life stories of people struggling with a disability of physical functions, whether due to an illness, injury or another disability, resulting in movement disorders, and to find out how the disability affects their lives. I tried to analyze specific aspects of life and social consequences of disability (coping with disabilities,value orientation, interpersonal relationships, future plans, self-realization). The base of my work is the holistic, i.e. bio-psycho-socio-spiritual approach, I respect the individuality of each individual, his/her attitude to life with a handicap (disability).
STÖCKEL, Barbora
Abstract Thesis Title: Changing the Lifestyle of People with Disability For my bachelor thesis, I have chosen the theme of change in lifestyle of people with disability. The main purpose, which led me to make this personal choice of this subject, was to bring a healthy population some detailed insight into the lives of people living without internal differences. Specifically of those, whose complications in their life journey forced them to be transformed from healthy individuals into clients of rehabilitation centres, who are fully dependent upon this specialized medical care and who are in need our help. My main motivation was my own empathy for these people. Then my aim was to also pinpoint the key issues that burdened these disabled people, and to also propose some possible solutions. The results I would like to introduce consist of a theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the particular definition of disability, lifestyle and comprehensive rehabilitation. The practical part is then presented in form of in-depth interviews with respondents who have experienced a very close connection with this theme. To obtain the necessary data, I have chosen the type of qualitative research using a narrative interview method. Interviews were recorded on an audio recorder and this was based on the consent of the respondent; then these interviews have been transcribed into written form, thus keeping their original length and colloquial form of language for maintaining authenticity. The respondents were selected randomly; their selection was based upon previous long-term personal contact during their joint stays in the healthcare environment. A pivotal aspect of my findings was that the key issues of the respondents have always been repeated and organized with only some minimal modification. The most noticeable change in human lifestyle of these people with disabilities is their limitation of freedom. Here, I would like to quote one of the respondents, who says: "Actually you do not live, but survive ..." I believe that my work objectives have been attained. With regard to any limitations resulting from my findings, these people with a "second" life bring to - 5 - humanity sense of boundless proposefullness and, in my opinion, this problem should be submitted to our society much more scientifically than it ever has been done before. Along with the use of the elimination of the factor of ignorance of healthy people and shame of people with disabilities, this solution is aimed as a direct way to reduce the huge distance between people with and without disabilities.

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