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Využití lišejníků-možnosti využití Evropské metodiky pro mapování epifytických lišejníků
Svoboda, David ; Váňa, Jiří (advisor) ; Scheidegger, Christoph (referee) ; Bérešová, Anna (referee)
Lichen uses - potentials of the European Guideline for mapping lichen diversity David Svoboda My projects had one common feature, namely the application of the European Guideline for mapping lichen diversity as an indicator of environmental stress (Asta et al. 2002). This methodology was developed in an effort to make a standardised protocol for European screening of epiphytic lichens for various purposes. The dissertation is focused on selected topics and the main objectives can be summarised as follows: 1) To evaluate the potential of the LDV method for determination of general air pollution, and the possibility of applying the new methodology in the Czech Republic. 2) To compare results given by the LDV method and the older qualitative method by Hawksworth and Rose (1970). 3) To determine the principal factors influencing the epiphytic lichen distribution in Central European oak forests, and to elucidate possible correlations among natural and human caused environmental factors in a large scale study. 4) To investigate the epiphytic lichens living in temperate oak forests, their features and possible lichenological differentiations; to determine indicative species for old growth forests and natural woodlands under different climatic conditions and human influence in the Central Europe. 5) To determine...
The effect of environmental factors on mesenchymal stem cells
Hlávka, Jakub ; Krulová, Magdaléna (advisor) ; Vištejnová, Lucie (referee)
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have the potential to be a valuable therapeutic tool due to their capacity for differentiation and immunomodulation. However, in order to ensure their efficacy in clinical applications, it is necessary to gain a comprehensive understanding of the factors influecing their properties. This bachelor thesis investigates the influence of environmental factors, including physical activity, temperature and light exposure, on MSCs functionality. Additionally it desribes the underlying mechanisms involved in the action of these factors. Finally, it evaluates the theoretical implications of exploiting environmental cues to enhance MSCs properites. An understanding of how environmental conditions shape MSCs behavior is essential for optimising their therapeutic potential and advancing regenerative medicine strategies. Key words: mesenchymal stem cells, environmental factors, physical activity, temperature, light
Environmental factors determining distribution of genders in dioecious plant species
Hatajová, Klára ; Münzbergová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Čertner, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis investigates the effect of environmental factors on the ratio of males to females in populations of dioecious plants, and their different physiological and morphological changes caused by environmental stress. Although the sex of plants is determined genetically, environmental factors can influence mortality in one sex more or even cause the sex change of individuals. This thesis summarizes studies showing that females in dioecious plants are much less able to withstand environmental stress, mainly due to their increased demand for reproduction. Thus, females may have higher mortality than males, limiting the reproductive potential of the entire population. Key words Dioecious plants, environmental factors, physiology, morphology, sex ratio, stress
Compact Sensors for Evaluation the Thermal Comfort
Kazkaz, Mohammad ; Fiľakovský, Karol (referee) ; Šafařík,, Pavel (referee) ; Pavelek, Milan (advisor)
Teplota vzduchu je nejčastěji používaná k posouzení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí. Avšak teplota vzduchu sama o sobě, je v mnoha případech pro toto posouzení nedostatečná. Hlavním cílem disertační práce je vyhodnotit tepelný stav vnitřního prostředí a specifikovat parametry, které na něj mají vliv. Teplota vzduchu, střední radiantní teplota, rychlost vzduchu a vlhkost vzduchu jsou čtyři základní parametry, které určují tepelný stav vnitřního prostředí. Vzhledem k tomu, že tepelný stav prostředí závisí na mnoha aspektech, byly odvozeny veličiny, které zahrnují kombinovaný účinek několika nebo všech těchto parametrů k určení tepelného stavu prostředí. Jedná se např. o efektivní teplotu, teplotu kulového teploměru, operativní teplotu, ekvivalentní teplotu, PMV a PPD indexy... aj. V dnešní době existuje spousta vysoce přesných senzorů, které mohou zhodnotit tepelný stav vnitřního prostředí. Z důvodu jejich vysoké ceny jsou používané převážně pro účely výzkumu. Předkládaná práce se převážně soustředí na vývoj kompaktního deskového senzoru pro vyhodnocení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí. Zaměřuje se hlavně na nízkou cenu senzoru společně s dostatečnou přesností. K dosažení cíle této práce jsou provedeny následující postupy: • Analýza environmentálních faktorů ovlivňujících tepelný stav prostředí. • Studium dopadu teploty vzduchu, střední radiantní teploty a rychlosti proudění vzduchu na tepelné indexy: teplotu kulového teploměru a operativní teplotu. • Teoretické porovnání teploty kulového teploměru a operativní teploty. • Navržení, rozvoj a konstrukce nového deskového senzoru pro posouzení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí. • Navržení a konstrukce testovací komory pro porovnávání senzorů tepelného stavu prostředí. • Kalibrace zkonstruovaného senzoru měřením fyzikálních veličin charakterizujících tepelný stav prostředí. • Testy směrové závislosti vyvinutého deskového senzoru a porovnání s kulovým teploměrem v testovací komoře. • Srovnání teoretických řešení s provedenými měřeními v testovací komoře. Výsledkem této práce je vlastní teoretické srovnání teploty kulového teploměru a operativní teploty ve vybraném rozsahu teploty vzduchu, střední radiantní teploty a rychlosti vzduchu pro možnost hodnocení tepelného stavu vnitřního prostředí pomocí kulového teploměru. Hlavním výstupem je však navržení a zhotovení jednoduchého deskového senzoru, který by byl dostatečně přesný pro měření tepelného stavu prostředí. V rámci disertace byla postavena také testovací komora a bylo provedeno testování vyvinutého senzoru pomocí měřicího systému INNOVA.
Analysis of the property market – Břeclav, Brno, Blansko, Hodonín
Myslíková, Nikola ; Matras, Tomáš (referee) ; Škapa, Stanislav (advisor)
The diploma thesis „Analysis of the property market – Břeclav, Brno, Blansko, Hodonín” examines and describes current situation on the market. The target of my diploma thesis is to evaluate the data in the district of Břeclav, Brno, Blansko and Hodonín that affect supply and demand in the property market. There are especially indicators describing the natural conditions, job market, purchasing power of the population, the environment, transport infrastructure, etc. The next aim of my thesis is subsequently evaluated these indicators considering for selected types of real estate market and comparing the data above mentioned districts. This thesis is dealing with data resources, including data collection, classification, segmentation and its following evaluation. Necessary information regarding the selected factors were obtained from the Czech Statistical Office.
Assessment of the Impact of Social and Environmental Factors on the Housing Prices in the Hodonín Region
Sapáková, Jana ; Kledus, Robert (referee) ; Hamplová, Lenka (advisor)
The target of this diploma thesis is to examine the effects of the factors affecting the price of residential property in district Hodonín. Price changes was analysed under the decree given conditions and depending on the change of individual factors. Average prices are calculated from the compiled database of apartments and houses in the district Hodonin. Comparing factors are selected from the valuation methods and from the parameters affecting to the real estate market. Necessary information regarding the selected factors were obtained from the Czech Statistical Office. Final comparison results are graphically illustrated on dependence of individual factors on housing prices. Each factor is evaluated with the assesment to the price and whether this factor is important affected The work could also be used to assess differences in property prices for housing in locations Hodonín district and generally help to clarify the effects on property prices.
The vegetation succession of abandoned villages in České středohoří Mts.
Staňková, Markéta ; Novák, Jan (advisor) ; Prach, Martin (referee)
The České středohoří mts. is a mountain range with an interesting geological history and rich history of the 20th century. The mountain range is of volcanic origin, and despite the relatively steep hills and high altitude, it was densely populated. The population of this territory was mainly of German origin, German-speaking and the territory was part of the so-called Sudetenland. After the World War II, the German population was displaced, and a large part of the villages disappeared despite efforts of repopulation. The landscape used to form a mosaic which is now disappearing. In the areas of the former Sudetenland, the expansion of secondary forests at the expense of original fields and meadows is a common condition, as in other places in Europe or North America. Secondary succession is a phenomenon that is influenced by several factors, such as soil moisture, nutrient content or degree of shading. Thanks to the higher pH of the subsoil and the higher nutrient content, the villages have more ruderal and nitrophilous species than the surrounding ancient/continual forests. The historical way of farming has a significant influence on the landscape, and the question is to what extent this influence is irreversible. This bachelor's thesis is a literary research about successional vegetation of...
Niche width of eukaryotic marine phytoplankton with respect to recent and future climate change.
Junková, Natálie ; Kulichová, Jana (advisor) ; Neustupa, Jiří (referee)
This paper describes the concept of niche breadth of photoautotrophic protists and attempts to introduce us to the basic concepts we may encounter when studying the ecological niche. The review clarifies what a niche is and its components fundamental and realized niche and presents some examples of organisms that are specialists or generalists. It uses diatoms, dinoflagellates and Haptophytes to describe how they can be affected by climate change. Since the number of environmental changes is steadily increasing, it is very difficult to predict the changes in the coexistence of generalists and specialists. The thesis presents some of the main methods used in measuring the width of the ecological niche of protists, which can be MaxEnt, ONE and the most frequently mentioned OMI (outlying mean index) method, which is described in more detail in the thesis. Given the focus of the thesis on photoautotrophic marine plankton, the most frequently mentioned organisms are diatoms, dinoflagellates and Haptophyta. Finally, I summarize the main ocean factors that could be affected by climate change, which are mainly pH, temperature, salinity or the amount of available nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon and iron).
Environmental factors determining the occurrence of dry grassland vegetation in Turnov region
Jagošová, Eliška ; Novák, Jan (advisor) ; Větvičková, Anna (referee)
Species diversity of vegetation is a result of not only present, but also past processes. Additionally vegetation is affected by local factors, as well as regional. Dry grasslands are significant due to their abundance of species. Farming and land-use changes lead to succession changes and subsequently also to changes in species diversity. The gradual degradation of habitats leads to a loss of species diversity, therefore, dry grasslands are becoming one of the most endangered vegetation types of Central Europe. The first part of this thesis focuses on dry grasslands in general. It presents the characteristics of this vegetation type, factors determining its occurrence and spread, historical context, threats, and possibilities of their protection. The second part focuses on evaluating the knowledge about dry grasslands in the region of Turnovská pahorkatina. The occurrence of this vegetation type within the framework of this region is marginal and centred only in specific habitats. This thesis also includes data about the occurrence of dry grasslands in the region of Turnovská pahorkatina and the characteristic of the natural conditions and historical development of these localities. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to find out which of the factors affect the occurrence of dry grasslands in a...
Vegetation changes in transition bogs at fishpond epilitorals
Spilka, Josef ; Karlík, Petr (advisor) ; Kindlmann, Pavel (referee)
This study concerns in a three peatland sites: the epilitorals of Pilská reservoir and Hořejší Padrťský fishpond in Příbram region and Kamenný fishpond in Pilsen. These peat-bobg were affected by negative conseqences of human activities. The aim of this study is to find out what kind these changes was and what extent they were. The changes in vegetation were observed from two points of view. The GIS analyses of aerial photographs represent the macroscale view. Repeating of old phytosociological relevées was the microscale view. To understand the cause of vegetation changes, the species-environment analyses were used. Four transects were made for this purpose and a water table level, pH and conductivity were mesured monthly along these transects. One-shot measurements of N and P water concentration and a peat depth were also carried out. Measured data from transects were uses in multivariate vegetation analyses and also in one- way analysis, aimed to an expansion plant species. All three sites of concern came through strong changes in past. In all of them the area of biotops of great conservation importance decreased and some endangered plant species have been lost there. The changes in Pilská reservoir epilitoral were mostly anthropogenic, whereas the mires of Hořejší Padrťský fishpond and Kamenný...

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