National Repository of Grey Literature 20 records found  1 - 10next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Neurological effects of endocrine disruptors
Ondráčková, Simona ; Brožka, Hana (advisor) ; Vítků, Jana (referee)
A A -Nt t::tYz 2: tPa2YCDPt aDCj0z2C 2P zNt PtCd2j Kzt, Ct0CttPz o HtK oCto DP zNt Y2Pztaz 2: tPdDC2P,tPzo DP: jtPYt 2P Nj,oP Nto zN -ND BoYNt 2C zNtD j,,oCD t taDzDPR :DPaDPR CtRoCaDPR zNt D,0oYz 2: 2P zNt YtPzCo PtCd2j Kzt, o0tYD:DYo K zNt v2CH :2Yjt 2P zNt DP: jtPYt 2: t tYzta BD0NtP2 0NzNo ozt oPa 0oCoBtP 2P DPzCoYt j oC ztC2Da CtYt0z2C oPa ,t,BCoPt D2P2zC20DY CtYt0z2C ,oDP K nl oPa S CtYt0z2C hCttPz v2CH DPztRCozt :DPaDPR :C2, o. Dosg, BtNodD2Co oPa t0Dat,D2 2RDYo zjaDt -Nt zNtD o 2 2jz DPt 02DB t o2YDozD2P BtzvttP ta02jCt z2 oPa 0KYNDozCDY oPa PtjC2 2RDYo aD2CatC -Nt oD, 2: zNt zNtD D z2 0C2dDat o Y2,0CtNtPDdt 2dtCdDtv 2: zNt D,0oYz 2: 2P zNt atdt 20DPR oPa oaj z PtCd2j Kzt, nU tPa2YCDPPt aDCj0z2C BD0NtP2 0oCoBtP 0NzNo ozt nl CtYt0z2C S CtYt0z2C BtNodD2C
Effect of triclosan on in vitro meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes
Straková, Johana ; Petr, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Frolíková, Michaela (referee)
Meiotic maturation of oocytes is a key phase in the development of female gametes. The natural physiology of oogenesis and meiotic maturation is currently being influenced by a number of anthropogenic environmental contaminants. These compounds include triclosan. Triclosan (5- chloro-2-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy) phenol) is an antibacterial substance commercially used in cosmetic and disinfectant products. This compound enters the human body by absorption through the skin and mucous membranes. Its presence has been demonstrated in blood, urine, breast milk, liver and adipose tissue. Triclosan is classified as an endocrine disruptor, yet its consumption continues to increase worldwide. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of low doses of triclosan on selected markers of meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes in vitro. This work describes the negative effects of triclosan and triclosan in combination with bisphenol S on the meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes in vitro. Furthermore, the effect of these substances on the increased percentage of abnormal meiotic spindles and the stability of the microtubules of the meiotic spindle was demonstrated. Effects on mitochondria and epigenetic effects of triclosan were not proved. The results highlight the risks associated with the commercial use of...
Organic tin compounds in the environment and the possibilities of their determination.
Fojt, Jakub ; Komendová, Renata (referee) ; Řezáčová, Veronika (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is elaboration literature search concerning the issue of organotin compounds in the environment. It mainly deals with use, properties and occurence of organotin in the environment and possible analytical ways to determine them. It also includes description of optimalized method to determination of trimethyltin chloride by capillary electrophoresis.
Determination of organic tin compounds in the environment
Fojt, Jakub ; Mravcová, Ludmila (referee) ; Řezáčová, Veronika (advisor)
Organotin compounds are one of the most produced and most used organometallic compounds. Some of these substances are endocrine disruptors, persistent organic polutants and their high toxic effects are observed. That’s why their presence in the environment caused by human activity could endanger many organisms. The aim of this thesis is summarize their properties and their occurrence in the environment. Then the quick, easy and relatively cheap method for determination of trialkyltin compounds in heavily poluted aquatic sediments using capillary zone electrophoresis is developed.
Hormonally active substances in the aquatic environment and risk to aquatic organisms and human.
Duisembay, Zhuldyz ; Bušová, Milena (advisor) ; Ezechiáš, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis aims to investigate the presence, sources and impacts of hormonally active substances, or endocrine disruptors (EDs), in the aquatic environment. These substances, including long-lived persistent organic pollutants (POPs), e. g. pesticides and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and non-persistent pollutants such as bisphenol A and alkyphenols, directly or indirectly affect the hormonal systems of aquatic organisms and humans. For instance, it was observed, that elevated concentrations of certain progestogens impact fertility, reproductive processes, induce transcriptional changes, and alter sex ratios within fish populations. Numerous studies in the field focus on evaluating the manifestation of EDs in water, their effects on behavior and vital functions of aquatic organisms and humans, and the challenges associated with their detection and removal from the wastewater discharged into the environment. Recent researches have revealed elevated concentrations of specific EDs in various regions, including Czech Republic (significant concentrations of levonorgestrel, megestrol acetate (MGA), drospirenone and dienogest were detected in Blanice river). This indicates a lack of regulations and potential difficulties in effectively removing these substances from water with...
Effect of selected perfumes on aromatase activity
Drejslarová, Iva ; Hodek, Petr (advisor) ; Smrček, Stanislav (referee)
Cytochromes P450 are enzymes involved in many physiological processes in the body, besides the metabolism of xenobiotics also in the biosynthesis and catabolism of endogenous substances such as hormones and steroids. Cytochromes P450 that are responsible for the transformation of endogenous compounds can be affected by xenobiotics, which interfere with the secretion, metabolism, transport or elimination of endogenous hormones by various mechanisms. These substances are also referred to as endocrine disruptors and include, for example, pesticides, insecticides, certain pharmaceuticals, or compounds contained in cosmetic products. One of their mechanisms of action is to interfere with steroid hormone biosynthesis through interactions with steroidogenic enzymes. One such enzyme is cytochrome P450 19, aromatase, which catalyses the conversion of testosterone to ß-estradiol in the final step of steroid hormone biosynthesis. Modulation of the activity of this enzyme by endocrine disruptors results in an imbalance of estrogen levels in the body, which can lead to impaired reproduction, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, dementia, and the development of certain types of cancer. In this context, the effect of commercially available perfumes on the conversion of testosterone to ß-estradiol, which is catalyzed by...
Vplyv vybraných endokrinných disruptorov na metabolismus lipidov v pečeňových bunkových modeloch
Konopová, Veronika
Endocrine Disrupting Compounds (EDCs) are exogenous compounds that interfere with the endocrine system and consequently elicit toxic outcomes. One of their possible consequences in the organism is their negative impact on metabolic processes linked with development of metabolic diseases, including liver steatosis. In this research area, it is important to develop suitable in vitro cellular models. In this thesis, we evaluated the possibility of using of cell model of immortalized human hepatocytes, MIHA cell line, for detection of activation of nuclear receptors, PXR, LXRa a PPARa, which might be targeted by some EDC. We studied in particular the induction of expression of target genes of these receptors, CYP3A4, SCD, PDK4, CPTT1A, with the aim to compare the sensitivity of MIHA cells with a commonly used of liver cells, HepaRG cell line. The results showed that although some EDC (or model ligands of nuclear receptors) may induce the expression of target genes of nuclear receptors in MIHA cells, in general, this cell model appears to be less suitable for studying the impact of EDC than HepaRG cell line. The MIHA cell line, though, allows to study the compounds activating PPARa, which is an important regulator of metabolism of fatty acids in the liver tissue.
Effect of on in vitro maturation of porcine oocytes
Laštůvková, Viktorie ; Petr, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Benc, Michal (referee)
Lysmeral (Lilial, Butylphenyl Methylpropional) is a synthetically produced aldehyde. It is used for its typical lily of the valley-like scent as a perfume ingredient in cosmetic products. It is typically found, for example, in cleaning products. It is on the list of the 26 most well-known synthetic allergens and has been shown to be present in human urine and subsequently in wastewater. According to some opinions, lysmeral should be classified as an endocrine disruptor, which are substances that can interfere with the body's endocrine system. As these substances often affect mammalian reproduction, it is in society's interest to address them, given that they are commonly found in the environment. Lysmeral was not properly tested before being placed on the market and all its effects on organisms are still unknown. The hypothesis of this thesis is that exposure to lysmeral causes undesirable changes in the meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes in vitro and the aim is to investigate the effect of lysmeral, at concentrations corresponding to normal human exposures, on specific markers of meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes. The results confirm the negative effect of lysmeral on the smooth progression of meiotic maturation and the achievement of the final stage of porcine oocyte maturation in vitro....
The Impact of Selected Endocrine Disruptors on Human Spermatogenesis
Vítků, Jana ; Hill, Martin (advisor) ; Pohanka, Michal (referee) ; Lapčík, Oldřich (referee)
Steroid hormones in testis play an important role in spermatogenesis, maintenance of the male reproductive tract, production of semen and the maintenance of secondary sex characteristics and libido. They are also discussed as a target for substances called endocrine disruptors (EDs). No complex study was conducted on evaluation of relationships between EDs and steroid spectrum in 2 biological fluids; seminal plasma and plasma. The aim of the PhD. thesis was to develop and validate a method for determination of bisphenol A (BPA) and steroid spectrum in plasma and seminal plasma and to shed more light into mechanisms of ED action and effects of BPA and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on human spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis. Two new liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry methods for determination of BPA and 11 steroids in plasma and seminal plasma were developed and validated. The methods were used for estimation of analyte concentrations in 191 men with a different degree of fertility. Concurrently, the levels of six congeners of PCBs, gonadotropins, selenium and zinc in plasma were estimated. Partial correlations adjusted for age and BMI were calculated to evaluate relationships between these analytes. Seminal BPA, but not plasma BPA, was negatively associated with sperm concentration...
The Impact of Selected Endocrine Disruptors on Human Spermatogenesis
Vítků, Jana
Steroid hormones in testis play an important role in spermatogenesis, maintenance of the male reproductive tract, production of semen and the maintenance of secondary sex characteristics and libido. They are also discussed as a target for substances called endocrine disruptors (EDs). No complex study was conducted on evaluation of relationships between EDs and steroid spectrum in 2 biological fluids; seminal plasma and plasma. The aim of the PhD. thesis was to develop and validate a method for determination of bisphenol A (BPA) and steroid spectrum in plasma and seminal plasma and to shed more light into mechanisms of ED action and effects of BPA and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) on human spermatogenesis and steroidogenesis. Two new liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry methods for determination of BPA and 11 steroids in plasma and seminal plasma were developed and validated. The methods were used for estimation of analyte concentrations in 191 men with a different degree of fertility. Concurrently, the levels of six congeners of PCBs, gonadotropins, selenium and zinc in plasma were estimated. Partial correlations adjusted for age and BMI were calculated to evaluate relationships between these analytes. Seminal BPA, but not plasma BPA, was negatively associated with sperm concentration...

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