National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Approach to the nuclaer safety of the 3rd generation nuclear reactors
Pavlíček, Michal ; Kolář, Jaroslav (referee) ; Kolář, Jaroslav (referee) ; Matal, Oldřich (advisor)
The main target of the master´s thesis is reviewing the generation III nuclear reactors in term of the nuclear safety. At first we have to learn some theory of the nuclear safety in order to understand safety systems of the generation III nuclear reactors. Therefore the thesis is divided into two parts. Legislative and technical approaches to nuclear safety are mentioned in the first part. Regulatory bodies, whose task is to supervise nuclear safety in the nuclear power plants, belongs to the legislative approaches. There are defined terms such as defence in depth, redundancy, diversity, etc. There are mentioned methods to assessing nuclear safety – deterministic and probabilistic methods, especially probabilistic methods, for which a simple example is provided. There are also mentioned active and passive safety systems and their significance for nuclear safety and inherent safety too. There is an example of the function of the active and passive safety systems of the EDU nuclear power plant in conclusion of this issue. The second part deals with description of the selected nuclear reactors in context of the construction of the new units of nuclear power plant in Temelín. The nuclear reactors from companies, which applied for the public tender opened by ČEZ, a. s., for the construction of the ETE 3+4. Thus, the nuclear reactor MIR-1200 by ATOMSTROYEXPORT (Russian Federation), the nuclear reactor AP1000 by WESTINGHOUSE (USA) and the nuclear reactor EPR by AREVA (France) are taken into account . Comparison of the generation II and these generation III+ nuclear reactors necessarily belongs to this master´s thesis. These the generation III+ nuclear reactors are compared with the nuclear reactor VVER 440 (EDU) and in particular with the nuclear reactor VVER 1000, which is operated in the nuclear power plant Temelín. The final chapter contains generally appraisal of the whole problem.
Radical intermediates generated by the splitting of X-H bond in different types of H-donors
Šafaříková, Lenka ; Mazúr, Milan (referee) ; Omelka, Ladislav (advisor)
In the frame of submitted diploma thesis dealing with the radical products of the decomposition of different X-H bonds, primary attention was focused on the detection of radical intermediates from decomposed N-H bonds. This access was realized with secondary amines of N-alkylaniline group, as well as with other structures R1-NH-R2. The aim was to confirm the formation of unstable aminyl radicals R1-N•-R2, which is possible by using spin-trapping method. In the series of experiments, where the compounds of lead and cobalt, as well as stable radical DPPH were applied as initiators of the decomposition, the unambiguous evidence for aminyl radicals was found only in the case of N-alkylanilines. With other secondary amines the detection of aminyl radicals is an open problem, because their adducts with nitrosobenzene are in very low concentration. Besides the study of the decomposition of N-H bonds also the products of the decomposition of phenolic O-H bonds, as well as products of the decomposition of C-H bonds in alkylsubstituents in phenols was studied.
Spin-trapping of radical products of H-transfer from oxygeneous donors
Šafaříková, Lenka ; Polovka, Martin (referee) ; Omelka, Ladislav (advisor)
Within the bachelor thesis the evaluation of experimental material focused on EPR study of spin-trapping of phenoxyl radicals on aromatic nitrosocompounds was performed. It was found that phenoxyl radicals from unhindered phenols add to nitrosogroup in the ortho-position. As a result, the nitroxyl radicals are formed. According to the structure of nitrosocompounds this nitroxyl radicals have the character either of phenoxazinoxyl radicals in the case of nitrosobenzene or derivatives of diphenylnitroxyl radical in the case of nitrosoduren. In the work is also documented the specific behavior of some phenols containing methyl group as the para substituent.
The antioxidant activity of selected species of small fruit
Křenová, Alena ; Gregor,, Tomáš (referee) ; Diviš, Pavel (advisor)
This diploma´s thesis deals with the determination of total antioxidant activity of red and white gooseberries and red, white and black currants. There are available information about small fruits, an overview of natural and synthetic antioxidants and a summary of the methods to determine the total antioxidant activity in the theoretical part. Frozen fruit samples were provided by Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy Ltd. in the project QI111A141 – Research of new technologies in the cultivation of gooseberries and currants with a focus on quality and use of fetuses (Ministry of Agriculture). The total antioxidant activity of red and white gooseberries and currants was measured by spectrophotometric methods using free radicals ABTS•+ and DPPH and was expressed as a Trolox equivalent. The total antioxidant activity of black currants was measured by electron paramagnetic resonance using free radicals ABTS•+ and DPPH and expressed as a TEACABTS and a TEACDPPH. There were measured 8 species of red gooseberries, 6 species of white gooseberries, 12 species of red currants, 6 species of white currants and 8 species of black currants in this thesis. The highest values of total antioxidant activity showed species of red and white gooseberries Alan, Karmen, Pax and Invicta and species of red and white currants Rovada, Orion and Olin. Among black currants, species Ometa and Ruben had the highest values of total antioxidant activity.
Multi-experimental Characterization of Grape Skins' Extracts
Šťavíková, Lenka ; Brezová, Vlasta (referee) ; Šilhar,, Stanislav (referee) ; Omelková, Jiřina (advisor)
The determination of anthocyanins in red grapes and wines has been of increasing interest in the last years, as they play an important role in colour quality of red wines revealing also many human health beneficial effects. They contribute e.g. to the reduction of coronary heart disease, but exhibit also antimutagenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties. In this doctoral thesis, the complex study of grape skin alcoholic and water extracts, prepared from Alibernet and St. Laurent wine grape varieties is presented. Extracts were prepared from three different amounts (0,5; 1,0 and 1,5 g) of lyophilized grape skin powder using the Pressurized fluid extraction (PFE) and the Pressurized Hot Water Extraction (PHWE) at different temperatures ranging from 40 up to 120°C and pressure of 15 MPa. Methanol, ethanol and water were used as a solvents. Total phenolic compound content (TPC) of individual extracts was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteau assay and their tristimulus color values (CIE Lab) were estimated, using the UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The identification and quantification of anthocyanins by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) was performed. In addition, pH values of all extracts were also measured using the combinated glass electrode. Antioxidant activity of extracts was tested by EPR spectroscopy in Fenton system (H2O2/Fe2+) generating reactive radicals (•OH, O2-•, •CH3) followed by spin trapping technique, using 5,5-dimethylpyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) as spin trap. In addition, radical scavenging activity of extracts was assessed applying 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (•DPPH) free radical and 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) cation radical (ABTS•+) assays. All the experimental data were processed with principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) to specify the optimum extraction conditions for extract preparation from the perspective of the potential further application of the extracts as food supplements or food colour enhancers. The results indicated that grape skins of both varieties are a promising source of anthocyanins with prospective application in food industry.
Multi-experimental Characterization of Grape Skins' Extracts
Šťavíková, Lenka ; Brezová, Vlasta (referee) ; Šilhar,, Stanislav (referee) ; Omelková, Jiřina (advisor)
The determination of anthocyanins in red grapes and wines has been of increasing interest in the last years, as they play an important role in colour quality of red wines revealing also many human health beneficial effects. They contribute e.g. to the reduction of coronary heart disease, but exhibit also antimutagenic, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant properties. In this doctoral thesis, the complex study of grape skin alcoholic and water extracts, prepared from Alibernet and St. Laurent wine grape varieties is presented. Extracts were prepared from three different amounts (0,5; 1,0 and 1,5 g) of lyophilized grape skin powder using the Pressurized fluid extraction (PFE) and the Pressurized Hot Water Extraction (PHWE) at different temperatures ranging from 40 up to 120°C and pressure of 15 MPa. Methanol, ethanol and water were used as a solvents. Total phenolic compound content (TPC) of individual extracts was determined using the Folin-Ciocalteau assay and their tristimulus color values (CIE Lab) were estimated, using the UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The identification and quantification of anthocyanins by high-performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) was performed. In addition, pH values of all extracts were also measured using the combinated glass electrode. Antioxidant activity of extracts was tested by EPR spectroscopy in Fenton system (H2O2/Fe2+) generating reactive radicals (•OH, O2-•, •CH3) followed by spin trapping technique, using 5,5-dimethylpyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO) as spin trap. In addition, radical scavenging activity of extracts was assessed applying 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (•DPPH) free radical and 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) cation radical (ABTS•+) assays. All the experimental data were processed with principal component analysis (PCA) and canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) to specify the optimum extraction conditions for extract preparation from the perspective of the potential further application of the extracts as food supplements or food colour enhancers. The results indicated that grape skins of both varieties are a promising source of anthocyanins with prospective application in food industry.
Approach to the nuclaer safety of the 3rd generation nuclear reactors
Pavlíček, Michal ; Kolář, Jaroslav (referee) ; Kolář, Jaroslav (referee) ; Matal, Oldřich (advisor)
The main target of the master´s thesis is reviewing the generation III nuclear reactors in term of the nuclear safety. At first we have to learn some theory of the nuclear safety in order to understand safety systems of the generation III nuclear reactors. Therefore the thesis is divided into two parts. Legislative and technical approaches to nuclear safety are mentioned in the first part. Regulatory bodies, whose task is to supervise nuclear safety in the nuclear power plants, belongs to the legislative approaches. There are defined terms such as defence in depth, redundancy, diversity, etc. There are mentioned methods to assessing nuclear safety – deterministic and probabilistic methods, especially probabilistic methods, for which a simple example is provided. There are also mentioned active and passive safety systems and their significance for nuclear safety and inherent safety too. There is an example of the function of the active and passive safety systems of the EDU nuclear power plant in conclusion of this issue. The second part deals with description of the selected nuclear reactors in context of the construction of the new units of nuclear power plant in Temelín. The nuclear reactors from companies, which applied for the public tender opened by ČEZ, a. s., for the construction of the ETE 3+4. Thus, the nuclear reactor MIR-1200 by ATOMSTROYEXPORT (Russian Federation), the nuclear reactor AP1000 by WESTINGHOUSE (USA) and the nuclear reactor EPR by AREVA (France) are taken into account . Comparison of the generation II and these generation III+ nuclear reactors necessarily belongs to this master´s thesis. These the generation III+ nuclear reactors are compared with the nuclear reactor VVER 440 (EDU) and in particular with the nuclear reactor VVER 1000, which is operated in the nuclear power plant Temelín. The final chapter contains generally appraisal of the whole problem.
The antioxidant activity of selected species of small fruit
Křenová, Alena ; Gregor,, Tomáš (referee) ; Diviš, Pavel (advisor)
This diploma´s thesis deals with the determination of total antioxidant activity of red and white gooseberries and red, white and black currants. There are available information about small fruits, an overview of natural and synthetic antioxidants and a summary of the methods to determine the total antioxidant activity in the theoretical part. Frozen fruit samples were provided by Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy Ltd. in the project QI111A141 – Research of new technologies in the cultivation of gooseberries and currants with a focus on quality and use of fetuses (Ministry of Agriculture). The total antioxidant activity of red and white gooseberries and currants was measured by spectrophotometric methods using free radicals ABTS•+ and DPPH and was expressed as a Trolox equivalent. The total antioxidant activity of black currants was measured by electron paramagnetic resonance using free radicals ABTS•+ and DPPH and expressed as a TEACABTS and a TEACDPPH. There were measured 8 species of red gooseberries, 6 species of white gooseberries, 12 species of red currants, 6 species of white currants and 8 species of black currants in this thesis. The highest values of total antioxidant activity showed species of red and white gooseberries Alan, Karmen, Pax and Invicta and species of red and white currants Rovada, Orion and Olin. Among black currants, species Ometa and Ruben had the highest values of total antioxidant activity.
Radical intermediates generated by the splitting of X-H bond in different types of H-donors
Šafaříková, Lenka ; Mazúr, Milan (referee) ; Omelka, Ladislav (advisor)
In the frame of submitted diploma thesis dealing with the radical products of the decomposition of different X-H bonds, primary attention was focused on the detection of radical intermediates from decomposed N-H bonds. This access was realized with secondary amines of N-alkylaniline group, as well as with other structures R1-NH-R2. The aim was to confirm the formation of unstable aminyl radicals R1-N•-R2, which is possible by using spin-trapping method. In the series of experiments, where the compounds of lead and cobalt, as well as stable radical DPPH were applied as initiators of the decomposition, the unambiguous evidence for aminyl radicals was found only in the case of N-alkylanilines. With other secondary amines the detection of aminyl radicals is an open problem, because their adducts with nitrosobenzene are in very low concentration. Besides the study of the decomposition of N-H bonds also the products of the decomposition of phenolic O-H bonds, as well as products of the decomposition of C-H bonds in alkylsubstituents in phenols was studied.
Spin-trapping of radical products of H-transfer from oxygeneous donors
Šafaříková, Lenka ; Polovka, Martin (referee) ; Omelka, Ladislav (advisor)
Within the bachelor thesis the evaluation of experimental material focused on EPR study of spin-trapping of phenoxyl radicals on aromatic nitrosocompounds was performed. It was found that phenoxyl radicals from unhindered phenols add to nitrosogroup in the ortho-position. As a result, the nitroxyl radicals are formed. According to the structure of nitrosocompounds this nitroxyl radicals have the character either of phenoxazinoxyl radicals in the case of nitrosobenzene or derivatives of diphenylnitroxyl radical in the case of nitrosoduren. In the work is also documented the specific behavior of some phenols containing methyl group as the para substituent.

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