National Repository of Grey Literature 7 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Social work with citizens from Ukraine who have temporary protection status in the Czech Republic
The bachelor thesis deals with the issue of social work with Ukrainian citizens who came to the Czech Republic after the outbreak of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The thesis contains a theoretical and practical part. The first chapter of the theoretical part is devoted to the relations between Russia and Ukraine - it describes the situation after the independence of Ukraine and before the outbreak of the war in 2022. In the following chapters, the status of temporary protection, the characteristics of its users and the description of social work with refugees as a target group are presented. In this section, the needs of the target group, the principles of social work with refugee clients, the objectives of cooperation are introduced, and then the role of the social worker is defined, which should also be introduced to new clients with whom the worker establishes a relationship. The theoretical part is concluded with a chapter dealing directly with the social services that the target group can use with their status. The practical part of the thesis is devoted to research conducted with twelve Ukrainian refugees, which was carried out in cooperation with several institutions and services in České Budějovice. At the very beginning of the research, the issue of anonymity of the respondents proved to be crucial. Respondents often expressed concern that the answers would not be passed on to social service providers, for example, or could not be linked to the information they gave me - especially those expressing dissatisfaction or suggestions for improvement. Due to the specific nature of the research population, the specific names of organisations and service providers are not given in the thesis and a planned interview process was used with each respondent, particularly in terms of how responses were recorded. In particular, the research focused on whether and, if necessary, what social services this group of clients uses, whether they have sufficient awareness of their options in this area, what changes they would appreciate and what obstacles they most often encounter when cooperating with social services and during their everyday life.
Ukrainian migration to the Czech Republic: challenges and successes of integration in times of war
Halász, Rosztiszláv ; Nová, Monika (advisor) ; Čedík, Miloslav (referee)
The thesis deals with the migration of Ukrainians to the Czech Republic and analyses the problems and successes in the process of their integration into Czech society during the period of the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine. The aim of the thesis is to provide a detailed overview of the migration of Ukrainians to the Czech Republic and to describe the challenges faced by the migrants. The thesis examines various aspects of integration and inclusion, including social, cultural, legal and economic. The main focus is on issues such as adaptation to the new environment, employment, education, support for migrants and socialization in the Czech Republic. Emphasis is also placed on the positive aspects of migration and integration as well as on issues related to barriers to integration. The work includes successful integration practices, models of support and best practices that can be used to further improve the situation of Ukrainian migrants in the Czech Republic. In the research part, the results of qualitative research obtained with the help of a questionnaire are presented. This thesis will serve as material for further discussion and development of policies and measures that will lead to effective integration of Ukrainian citizens into Czech society. Keywords Cultural diversity,...
Asylum law in the Czech Republic
Zajícová, Eliška ; Pítrová, Lenka (advisor) ; Kryska, David (referee)
Asylum law in the Czech Republic Abstract The thesis deals with the regulation of granting international protection to refugees in the Czech Republic. Asylum law is regulated by both the Asylum Act and the Temporary Protection Act, and given the nature of international protection, which falls under the exclusive competence of the European Union, the EU regulation known collectively as the Common European Asylum System is also important. Finally, definitions based on international law, specifically the Geneva Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, are also crucial. International protection is granted to persons who, for fear of persecution or cruel treatment, have fled their home countries, which are unable to provide them with protection, or can directly cause the persecution. In the Czech Republic, the international protection is granted as asylum, subsidiary, or temporary protection, the last of which is currently the most visible and relevant because of the large-scale refugee wave from Ukraine. This thesis is divided into five chapters, with chapter one introducing the reader to the basic concepts of asylum law, including a brief description of its rich history. The second chapter lists and describes a relatively large number of relevant legislations. The third chapter aims to guide the reader...
Preliminary injunctions in civil proceedings
Holubková, Nikola ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Sedláček, Miroslav (referee)
Preliminary injunctions in civil proceedings Abstract This diploma thesis deals with the issue of preliminary injunctions in civil proceedings, which are a means of achieving the fastest possible but only temporary protection of a endangered or violated right. Preliminary injunctions have a special function in the civil proceedings, and therefore their legal regulation includes special rules that differ from the regulation of ordinary proceedings. The thesis aims to explain the theoretical foundations of preliminary injunctions, to describe and interpret the current legal regulation of preliminary injunctions and the preliminary injunction proceedings contained in the Civil Procedure Code, but also to highlight the problematic issues of the procedure and the legal regulation and to suggest a suitable solutions. As for the structure, this thesis is divided into three parts. The first part summarizes the historical development of preliminary injunctions in the Czech legal system. The second part is theoretical and deals with the concept, purpose and characteristics of preliminary injunctions, the system of legal regulation, types of preliminary injunctions and the principles of preliminary injunctions proceeding. The third (last) part interpret the current legal regulation of preliminary injunctions. It...
Temporary protection of aliens in international and european law
Zaimović, Enes ; Honusková, Věra (advisor) ; Flídrová, Eliška (referee)
The aim of the presented diploma thesis called "Temporary protection of aliens in international and european law" is to introduce the concept of temporary refuge and temporary protection and tackle the various legal questions related to these concepts, both on the level and from the perspective of international law and the law of the European union. The first part of the thesis presents some (mainly doctrinal and UNHCR) defintions of temporary protection and temporary refuge as well as the definition of the concept of temporary protection enshrined in the EU's Temporary Protection Directive as the latter one represents the only case of regional and binding harmonisation of the temporary protection. The following part of the thesis deals with the minimum content requirements of temporary protection in international law, i. e. such requirements that should in every case be an inherent part of every legal instrument resembling temporary protection. This part focuses mainly on the issue of personal and temporal scope of temporary protection, the concept of mass influx is analysed in this part of the thesis as well as temporary protection as a legal instrument is usually intended to serve as a response to the situation of mass influx. Presented thesis also deals with the questions related to the extent...
Interim measures in civil proceedings
Horecká, Anna ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
Interim measures in civil proceedings Abstract Interim measure is a traditional institution of the civil procedural law, which provides fast and effective protection of subjective rights. However, it is inherent in this protection that it is always only temporary, as it is assumed that the legal relationship between the parties will be settled in the main court proceedings. The aim of this master's thesis is to give a clear commentary on the current legislation of interim measures, both the general interim measure regulated in the Code of Civil Procedure and special interim measures regulated in the Act on Special Civil Proceedings, and to confront the current legislation of interim measures with the requirements of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Master's thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter introduces the institution of interim measure in general terms. It describes their basic characteristics, the modification of procedural principles in interim proceedings and outlines the individual types of interim measures. The second chapter is devoted to the general regulation of interim measures in the Code of Civil Procedure. It sets out the reasons for ordering an interim measure, admissibility criteria and description of the interim...
Position of war refugees in international law
Vorlíčková, Jana ; Honusková, Věra (advisor) ; Faix, Martin (referee)
The purpose of my thesis Position of war refugees in international law is to analyze particular types of protection of war refugees, to construe unclear legal provisions and to evaluate suitability of possible solutions. The thesis focuses on specifics of the position of war refugees and on options of their protection. The research question relates to the determination who a war refugee is and how his situation is solved in international law. The reason for this research is my great interest in refugee law and the current instability of the position of war refugees. The methodology used during writing the thesis was the analysis, comparison and description. The thesis is composed of three chapters, each of them dealing with different aspects of the position and the protection of war refugees. Chapter One defines characteristics of war refugees and addresses the issue of armed conflicts. Chapter Two concerns individual options of protection of war refugees in international law. This part concentrates primarily on issues related to the broader refugee definition, asylum and subsidiary protection. Within this chapter subsidiary protection is examined from a general point of view, as well as in relation to provisions of particular legal instruments. Furthermore, it pays close attention to the law of...

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