National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Spectator violence in the Czech Republic: A public policy problem
Čarnogurský, Tomáš ; Cejp, Martin (advisor) ; Smolík, Josef (referee)
Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd / Smetanovo nábřeží 6, 110 01 Praha 1, tel: 222 112 111 Dle čl. 4 Opatření rektora č. 6/2010 o Zpřístupnění elektronické databáze závěrečných prací a čl. 1 Opatření děkana 29/2010 se z časového hlediska závěrečné práce dělí do tří skupin: a. "nové práce", tj. práce odevzdávané k obhajobě počínaje 29. 9. 2010, b. "starší práce", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010, c. "práce před rokem 2006", tj. práce odevzdané k obhajobě před 1. 1. 2006. V tomto případě jde o "starší práci" odevzdanou k obhajobě od 1. 1. 2006 do 28. 9. 2010. Omlouváme se, ale dokument není v elektronické verzi k dispozici.
Politization of Slavia football fans
Petříš, Jan ; Charvát, Jan (advisor) ; Halamka, Tomáš (referee)
My bachelor thesis is focused on the topic of policitization of football fans. The subject of my research were fans of Slavia Prague football club, better known as Tribuna Sever (North Stand). The main goal of the research is to verify, If there is an ongoing trasformation of the group of fans, from apolitical organization into the unit with certain political view. First of all, the thesis offers the general view of the issue. After that it presents connection between the fans and politics, including some examples from the world and from The Czech republic as well. As I mentioned, the subject of the research was Tribuna Sever, which is an active core of fans. So the goal was not to find out the global poltical view of all the fans of Slavia Prague, but to reveal, if there is an existing political orientation in this particular organization. That is the reason why the practical research was focused on leaders of this group of fans.
Football Supporters as a Part of Civil Society
Čarnogurská, Tereza ; Skovajsa, Marek (advisor) ; Navrátil, Jiří (referee)
The diploma thesis "Football Supporters as a Part of Civil Society" deals with the phenomenon of football supporterism from the perspective of the relationship between fan groupings and civil society. After the introduction and the aims of the thesis, where the main aim is the basic description and classification of various forms of grouping of football fans, follows the theoretical part focusing on three main topics: civil society, social movements and subcultures and the world of football supporters. In the empirical part the author presents the results of her qualitative research using particularly methods of participant as well as non- participant observation, informal interviews and the study of documents. The author introduces her own typology of fan groups and organizations and describes their activities within the civil society. In the final part she summarizes the answers to the research questions. The thesis is supplied with a summary, a list of sources, an index, a glossary and three appendices.

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