National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Spray &Trap Method for Analysis of Residual Toxic Agents in Water
Vlčková, Lenka ; Podborský, Vladimír (referee) ; Brno), (VTÚO (advisor)
This work deals with verification of the analysis of precursors or degradation products of toxic compounds in the air and water through GC/MS by method of the thermal desorption or combination of methods "spray & trap" followed by the thermal desorption transfer the sample into the analyzer. Toxic compounds triethyl phosphate (TEP) and diisopropylmethyl phosphonate (DIMP) were choosen for the analysis. For choosen compounds has been optimized desorption time, for TEP 240 seconds and DIMP 210 seconds. Then the calibration curve was made for different concentrations of compounds DIMP and TEP. On the basis of these measurements was tested the possibility of determining the concentration of the compound in water sample using of method "spray & trap“. Thanks to the high solubility of compounds TEP and DIMP in water, higher boiling temperatures in comparison with boiling temperature of water, and extraction at room temperature, it was not possible to detect used compounds. Therefore, the analysis of compounds DIMP and TEP in the water by method "spray & trap“ seems inappropriate.
Gender analysis in the interpretation of sociocultural aspects of the Neolithic
Remišová Věšínová, Kamila ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Podborský, Vladimír (referee) ; Pavúk, Juraj (referee)
Gender is a social construct expressing that attributes and behavior connected with the image of man and woman are generated by culture and society. Unlike sex, a universal category that does not change with time and space, gender shows that the determination of roles, behavior and social norms connected with men and women differs within various societies, time periods and social groups. Archaeology is a culturally and historically conditioned scientific discipline though it quite often fails to remember its cultural basis. Its main task, the research in cultural and social structure of ancient populations, is a very complicated task and its outcome is often uncertain for there is no possibility of feedback. Archaeology, same as all other humanities, cannot claim fully objective scientific results. However, in its essence tied with exploring the life of ancient populations, it strives for objective findings and thus it necessarily has to focus on material culture, namely its expressions and its embedment in social structures. It is only material culture that can mediate dependable results. But if material culture is not interpreted as embedded in a cultural and social context, it becomes an unfruitful source with zero informational value. Thanks to new approaches, theories and methods that have emerged...
Gender analysis in the interpretation of sociocultural aspects of the Neolithic
Remišová Věšínová, Kamila ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Podborský, Vladimír (referee) ; Pavúk, Vladimír (referee)
Gender is a social construct expressing that attributes and behavior connected with the image of man and woman are generated by culture and society. Unlike sex, a universal category that does not change with time and space, gender shows that the determination of roles, behavior and social norms connected with men and women differs within various societies, time periods and social groups. Archaeology is a culturally and historically conditioned scientific discipline though it quite often fails to remember its cultural basis. Its main task, the research in cultural and social structure of ancient populations, is a very complicated task and its outcome is often uncertain for there is no possibility of feedback. Archaeology, same as all other humanities, cannot claim fully objective scientific results. However, in its essence tied with exploring the life of ancient populations, it strives for objective findings and thus it necessarily has to focus on material culture, namely its expressions and its embedment in social structures. It is only material culture that can mediate dependable results. But if material culture is not interpreted as embedded in a cultural and social context, it becomes an unfruitful source with zero informational value. Thanks to new approaches, theories and methods that have emerged...
Neolithic Settlement Agglomerations in Today's Kolín Area
Končelová, Markéta ; Pavlů, Ivan (advisor) ; Podborský, Vladimír (referee) ; Popelka, Miroslav (referee)
Neolitická sídelní aglomerace v prostoru dnešního Kolína - abstrakt Disertační práce Markéta Končelová Kolínsko svou polohou i příhodnými přírodními podmínkami patří ke staré sídelní oblasti České kotliny a řadí se k nejlépe archeologicky poznaným územím u nás. I přes tuto skutečnost poskytl záchranný archeologický výzkum v trase stavby silničního obchvatu Kolína množství nových a v mnohém unikátních stop starších antropogenních aktivit. Neobyčejnou koncentraci zde vytváří půdorysy dlouhých domů neolitického stáří (kultury s keramikou lineární a vypíchanou). Především výskyt a forma pozůstatků mladoneolitických obytných struktur představuje fenomén, který nemá u nás analogie. Předmětem předkládané práce je archeologický rozbor veškerých neolitických sídlištních nálezů a chronologické zařazení dokladů těchto prozatím jedinečných obytných konstrukcí. Navíc vyhodnocení mladoneolitického sídliště doprovázeného pozůstatky domů jako chronologicko-prostorové jednotky prozatím scházelo. Důležitým úkolem do budoucna je synchronizace s nedalekým dosud nezpracovaným rondelovým komplexem a dalšími nepublikovanými areály s nálezy půdorysů jiných mladoneolitických staveb (např. v Příšovicích nebo Jaroměři). Sídliště v Kolíně je zasazeno do kontextu vývoje osídlení definovaného regionu užšího Kolínska v neolitu....
Gender analysis in the interpretation of sociocultural aspects of the Neolithic
Remišová Věšínová, Kamila ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Podborský, Vladimír (referee) ; Pavúk, Vladimír (referee)
Gender is a social construct expressing that attributes and behavior connected with the image of man and woman are generated by culture and society. Unlike sex, a universal category that does not change with time and space, gender shows that the determination of roles, behavior and social norms connected with men and women differs within various societies, time periods and social groups. Archaeology is a culturally and historically conditioned scientific discipline though it quite often fails to remember its cultural basis. Its main task, the research in cultural and social structure of ancient populations, is a very complicated task and its outcome is often uncertain for there is no possibility of feedback. Archaeology, same as all other humanities, cannot claim fully objective scientific results. However, in its essence tied with exploring the life of ancient populations, it strives for objective findings and thus it necessarily has to focus on material culture, namely its expressions and its embedment in social structures. It is only material culture that can mediate dependable results. But if material culture is not interpreted as embedded in a cultural and social context, it becomes an unfruitful source with zero informational value. Thanks to new approaches, theories and methods that have emerged...
Gender analysis in the interpretation of sociocultural aspects of the Neolithic
Remišová Věšínová, Kamila ; Popelka, Miroslav (advisor) ; Podborský, Vladimír (referee) ; Pavúk, Juraj (referee)
Gender is a social construct expressing that attributes and behavior connected with the image of man and woman are generated by culture and society. Unlike sex, a universal category that does not change with time and space, gender shows that the determination of roles, behavior and social norms connected with men and women differs within various societies, time periods and social groups. Archaeology is a culturally and historically conditioned scientific discipline though it quite often fails to remember its cultural basis. Its main task, the research in cultural and social structure of ancient populations, is a very complicated task and its outcome is often uncertain for there is no possibility of feedback. Archaeology, same as all other humanities, cannot claim fully objective scientific results. However, in its essence tied with exploring the life of ancient populations, it strives for objective findings and thus it necessarily has to focus on material culture, namely its expressions and its embedment in social structures. It is only material culture that can mediate dependable results. But if material culture is not interpreted as embedded in a cultural and social context, it becomes an unfruitful source with zero informational value. Thanks to new approaches, theories and methods that have emerged...
Bronze Age Settlement at Kněževes near Prague
Smejtek, Lubor ; Bouzek, Jan (advisor) ; Podborský, Vladimír (referee) ; Jiráň, Luboš (referee)
The work is a general analysis and evaluation of the results of an extensive rescue excavation (2.939 features, out of which 1.470 were post and column holes), that was carried out by the Archaia company at the Kněževes site (Praha-západ district) in the year 1998. In an area of more than 10 ha, evidence of settlement in several prehistoric and historic periods was recorded (Neolithic, Eneolithic, Hallstatt period, Early La Tène, Hillfort period), however, it was particularly the Bronze Age, where the majority of the finds belong. An analysis from different viewpoints, supplemented with selective descriptive and visual documentation, represents the focal point of the submitted treatise. In the introductory part, there are described the progress and methods of excavation, the geomorphologic conditions, the subsoil and soil coverage on the site, as well as the expected vegetation in the area of interest on the basis of scientific analyses (macroremains, charcoal). Attention is paid also to the history of archaeological research within the cadastre of the current village of Kněževes and the neighbouring Kněžívka. From the beginning of the Bronze Age (the early phase of the Únětice culture) date 24 inhumation graves equipped with pottery and occasionally also with copper/bronze earrings. 16 features of...
Spray &Trap Method for Analysis of Residual Toxic Agents in Water
Vlčková, Lenka ; Podborský, Vladimír (referee) ; Brno), (VTÚO (advisor)
This work deals with verification of the analysis of precursors or degradation products of toxic compounds in the air and water through GC/MS by method of the thermal desorption or combination of methods "spray & trap" followed by the thermal desorption transfer the sample into the analyzer. Toxic compounds triethyl phosphate (TEP) and diisopropylmethyl phosphonate (DIMP) were choosen for the analysis. For choosen compounds has been optimized desorption time, for TEP 240 seconds and DIMP 210 seconds. Then the calibration curve was made for different concentrations of compounds DIMP and TEP. On the basis of these measurements was tested the possibility of determining the concentration of the compound in water sample using of method "spray & trap“. Thanks to the high solubility of compounds TEP and DIMP in water, higher boiling temperatures in comparison with boiling temperature of water, and extraction at room temperature, it was not possible to detect used compounds. Therefore, the analysis of compounds DIMP and TEP in the water by method "spray & trap“ seems inappropriate.

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