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Economics of utilization and functioning of historical monument in light of regional developement on the example of Cesky Krumlov region
Nováková, Vendula ; Patočka, Jiří (advisor) ; Slepička, Alois (referee)
A thesis is concerned with the functioning of the State Castle and Chateau of Cesky Krumlov and with the impact of the UNESCO monument on the krumlov's tourist destination and region. A theoretical part is focused on area of the legal regulations of monument preservation and on possibilities of the financing of historical monuments in the Czech republic, as well as on economic contexts of the historical areas and on the theory of regional development and tourist trade. An applicative part focuses on the rich history of krumlov's region, as well as on the building and historical development of the town Český Krumlov. The basic part is dedicated to the economic analyze of functioning of the castle and to the effectiveness of functioning of krumlov's tourist destination. Krumlov should be apprehended in the wider regional context therefore is final part dedicated to the analyze of potential regional tourist corridors. The aim of this thesis is to make analyze of functioning of the State Castle and Chateau Český Krumlov in light of effectiveness and operating potential into the future and demonstrate basis functional absences and unimproved developing potentiality of krumlov's tourist destination in the wider context of regional development.
Housing development in Prague and Central Bohemia region
Pflanzerová, Šárka ; Patočka, Jiří (advisor) ; Slepička, Alois (referee)
This Diploma thesis focuses on new housing development. The aim is to evaluate housing development in Prague and Central Bohemia region and point out factors that affect housing development. This work is seen on demographic, social, economic and political factors. The first part defines basic concepts and put into the real estate market and housing market. The following section analyses the various factors that affect housing, such as the demographic situation and its trends, economic and social environment, legal environment and government policy and prices. Another part of the work evaluates housing development in Prague and Central Bohemia by using empirical data from the Czech Statistical Office. The last part of the work deals with problems of suburbanisation in terms of migration flows and the impact reflecting in living and socio-economic environment, territorial planning, transport and economy.
Global analysis of the current business-legal environment in the Czech Republic
Duspiva, Vítězslav ; Křížek, Miroslav (advisor) ; Patočka, Jiří (referee)
This final diploma thesis called "Global analysis of the current business-legal environment in the Czech Republic" thoroughly evaluates business-legal environment in the Czech Republic and reveals how it is perceived by small and medium entrepreneurs. This analysis further uncovers and specifies fields where there are deficiencies in the Czech legal system. There is also a short view of the situation in the countries neighboring with the Czech Republic such as Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary, France and the whole of EU. The topic of EU legislation was not neglected either. These new legal provisions coming from the EU are more and more becoming part of the Czech legal system and have bigger and bigger influence on the Czech entrepreneurs. Businessmen in the Czech Republic still perceive many difficulties related to the state restrictions and regulatory authorities decisions. The situation is especially gravely perceived in case of tax laws, labor laws and the overall complexity and complicatedness of the Czech legislation as a whole. Based on the research that was a part of the research, high level of conservativeness of the small and medium entrepreneurs was proved. Czech businessmen tend to have difficulties adopting new things including laws even if those could have positive impact in the end. It further seems that the Czech businessmen tend to approach their business environment skeptically but not passively. They feel like participating actively in changes in their business environment even thou it often seems impossible.
An Extension of Line "A" of the Prague Metro to Ruzyně and Its Influence on Landscape Changes
Chotašová, Tereza ; Patočka, Jiří (advisor) ; Růžičková, Ivana (referee)
My essay briefly outlines the history of the Prague metro. Although I made reference to currently existing metro stations, I discussed the planned construction of extensions to the metro. The main focus of my work was on the projects to extend the "A" line all the way to Ruzyně airport. A portion of my work is based on a questionnaire. I asked questions in four places on the "A" line in Prague including future stations: at Dejvická, at Motol hospital, at the Dědina housing estate and the Ruzyně airport. In conclusion I evaluated the opinions of informants and presented my own opinion on the extensive construction to extend the "A" line all the way to the Ruzyně airport.
Issues Related to the Use of Real Estate of the Churches with Regard to the Economization of the Regional Cultural Fund
Kouba, Vojtěch ; Patočka, Jiří (advisor) ; Slepička, Alois (referee)
Práce je zaměřena na ekonomizaci nemovitého majetku církví. Vychází z typologizace církevního majetku, jeho roli v jednotlivých historických obdobích a jeho památkové hodnoty. Věnuje se formám jeho využití v dnešním ekonomickém prostředí a v budoucnu. Práce je zaměřena regionálně, na území Plzeňského kraje.
Economic projects in the field of utilization of the historical monuments in the Czech Republic
Pelcová, Veronika ; Patočka, Jiří (advisor) ; Kouba, Vojtěch (referee)
A thesis called 'Economic projects in the field of utilization of the historical monuments in the Czech Republic.' covers the issue of problematic upkeeping of the historical sights and some possibilities of their usage in the field of economic projects. Chapter one refers to the legal regulation concerning the maintenance of historical monuments. Chapter two is devoted to the history of sights upkeep in Europe and in the Czech Republic. Chapter three introduces the term cultural monument and the conception of the cultural monument as economic good to the reader. Another part of this chapter is devoted to the specificity of the economic projects in the field of utilizing the sights. Chapter four refers to the financial upkeep of the historical monuments, especially to the possibilities of obtaining the financial resources from the public funds. It also covers some other alternative ways of financing. Two following chapters deal with the issue of using marketing and management in already realized economic projects. Second part of the thesis is devoted to implemented individual projects. The aim of this thesis is to map the main troubled areas in realizing the projects in the field of utilization of the historical monuments in the Czech Republic.
New Housing Production after 1989
Prokopec, Jan ; Patočka, Jiří (advisor) ; Kadeřábková, Jaroslava (referee)
The aim of this Diploma thesis is a survey and analysis of housing productin in broader context of transformation period after 1989. The basis of this paper are the expert opinions published in a domestic and a foreign literature. Fundamental method of my research is secundary data analysis published mainly by the ČSÚ and the Eurostat. Although the dominant theme of this paper is housing production, sufficient space is dedicated to the factors, that are influencing it, like historical development, regional, housing, social and economic policies, economic process, society structure, other economical faktors and many more. Extra focus is dedicated to the present problems of housing, particularly to the condition of concrete blocks of flats, on the first sight the most intensive legacy of the past.
Specific Cultural Attributes as the Source of Regional Development ? Exemplified by the Region Slovácko
Rybová, Hana ; Patočka, Jiří (advisor) ; Slepička, Alois (referee)
Diplomová práce se vztahuje k etnografické oblasti Slovácko. Jejím cílem je zjistit, zda kulturní specifika této oblasti (se zaměřením na tradiční lidovou kulturu) mohou skutečně být zdrojem regionálního rozvoje. Obsahuje vymezení území Slovácka z různých hledisek a také přibližuje jeho nejvýznamnější kulturní potenciál. Práce dále vysvětluje dosažitelnost regionálního rozvoje území prostřednictvím rozvoje cestovního ruchu, kde vychází ze statistických dat a marketingových šetření nabídky a poptávky cestovního ruchu. Zabývá se také problematikou realizace projektů spolufinancovaných z fondů EU na území Slovácka, které vedou k zachování kulturních specifik, ke zvýšení atraktivnosti území a jeho následnému rozvoji.
Adamec, Tomáš ; Patočka, Jiří (advisor) ; Novák, Zdeněk (referee)
Ekonomika provozu církevního objektu na příkladu Strahovského kláštera. Soustředí se na potenciál, schopnosti a ekonomickou základnu tohoto subjektu. Zabývá se fungováním a historií kláštera a dopady 1. pozemkové reformy, II. světové války a nástupem Komunistické strany. Vysvětlení a odůvodnění pro oprávněnost majetkového narovnání mezi státem a církví. Práce také popisuje fungování klášterů v sousedních zemích a jejich ekonomické parametry.
Sňatkové chování v České republice od počátku 90. let do současnosti
Foltýnová, Alice ; Patočka, Jiří (advisor) ; Heřmanová, Eva (referee)
Cílem této práce bylo popsat a zdůvodnit hlavní trendy sňatkového chování v České republice po roce 1989. První a druhá kapitola je teoretickým vstupem do problému - zákon o rodině, ukazatele, kterými je možno postihnout vývoj v oblasti sňatkového chování, demografický přechod, literatura k tématu a vývoj sňatečnosti ve 20. století. Třetí kapitola se již zabývá samotnou analýzou sňatkového chování v ČR od počátku devadesátých let do současnosti. Čtvrtá část práce je zaměřena na sledování meziregionálních rozdílů a nalezení určitých souvislostí územního rozložení sňatečnosti s dalšími ukazateli. Poslední část práce se věnuje aktuálnímu tématu registrovaného partnerství. Je zde rozebrán zákon č. 115/2006 Sb., o registrovaném partnerství a také úpravy, které bylo, v souvislosti s novým zákonem, nutno provést v zákonech jiných.

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