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Ecotoxicological screening of diazepam drug
Šilhavá, Tereza ; Jahodář, Luděk (advisor) ; Karlíčková, Jana (referee)
54 Abstract (EN) Charles University in Prague, Pharmaceutical Faculty in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Candidate: Tereza Šilhavá Consultant: RNDr. Jitka Vytlačilová, Ph.D. Title of Thesis: Ecotoxicological screening of diazepam drug Nowadays, information about the influence of medicinal products on the environment is still missing. We have studied the effect of diazepam tablet (5 mg) and the standard on the following organisms: Brachionus calyciflorus (Rotoxkit F Chronic), Thamnocephalus platyurus (Thamnotoxkit FTM ), Desmodesmus subspicatus (algal growth inhibition test). Brachionus calyciflorus was found out as the most sensitive organism also in comparison with already performed tests within the diploma thesis (Rapidtoxkit, Growth inhibition test - Tetrahymena pyriformis, Growth seeds inhibition test - Sinapis alba). Key words: ecotoxicology, diazepam, Brachionus calyciflorus, Thamnocephalus platyurus, Desmodesmus subspicatus
Evaluation of biological activity using Artemia salina
Kvapilová, Radka ; Vytlačilová, Jitka (advisor) ; Jahodář, Luděk (referee) ; Macáková, Kateřina (referee)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Author: Mgr. Radka Kvapilová Supervisor: RNDr. Jitka Vytlačilová, Ph.D. Title of rigorous thesis: EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY USING ARTEMIA SALINA Traditional Chinese medicine originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. TCM therapist use herbal medicines and body practices. Nowadays, Chinese medicine continues to develop and is used by millions of people around the world. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity of these products - Epimedii herba, Salviae miltiorrhizae radix, Zanthoxyli fructus pericarpium, Nelumbinis folium a Gardeniae fructus. The experiment was conducted on organism Artemia salina. These experiments were evaluated after the 24 hours and the LC50 values were calculated. Toxicity declined in order: Zanthoxyli fructus pericarpium > Gardeniae fructus > Nelumbinis folium > Epimedii herba > Salviae miltiorrhizae radix. Key words: Zanthoxyli fructus pericarpium, Gardeniae fructus, Nelumbinis folium, Epimedii herba, Salviae miltiorrhizae radix, Artemia salina.
Risks Associated with the Dietary Supplements Use.
Zubrová, Julie ; Jahodář, Luděk (advisor) ; Hronek, Miloslav (referee) ; Malíř, František (referee)
Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradci Králové Department of: Social and Clinical Pharmacy Candidate: PharmDr. Julie Zubrová Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Luděk Jahodář, CSc. Consultant: PharmDr. Jitka Pokladníková, Ph.D. Title of Thesis: Risks Associated with the Dietary Supplements Use The worldwide increase of dietary supplements use, the way they are marketed and the limited information about safety of these products open the space to make new studies and thus to increase the safety of dietary supplements use in general public. In this dissertation, four individual topics related to the dietary supplements use were addressed: the safety of the use of additives in dietary supplements, allergy-like reactions to herbal products in children, the quality of information on the Internet relating to dietary supplements, the dietary supplements use by patients in the pre-operative period. The results of individual studies carried out in the framework of the dissertation showed potential risks associated with the dietary supplements use. Besides undesirable side effects of dietary supplements and interactions, potential side effects have been reported with some additives, especially if the patient is receiving the additive simultaneously in several dietary supplements or with food....
Analysis of Psilocybe constituents I.
Kobrlová, Tereza ; Jahodář, Luděk (advisor) ; Jáč, Pavel (referee)
The goal of this work was to determine the contents of two main alkaloid types of Psilocybe species occurring in the Czech Republic. Correct identification of species was checked by mycology specialist. Qualitative and quantitative determination of substances contained in three collected species of the genus Psilocybe was carried out by LC-MSn (LIT). Samples were mainly collected in the north and northeast Bohemia. Three species of Psilocybe were found. The most found species were P. serbica var. bohemica then P. semilanceata and only one deposit of P. serbica var. arcana. Total of 35 deposits within eighteen locations. From qualitative point of view, the two main alkaloids were confirmed in all samples. Quantitative results for content of psilocin and psilocybin (in this order) are: P. bohemica 0,005 - 0,152 %, 0,000 - 0,048 %; P. semilanceata 0,087 - 0,337 %, 0,000 - 0,005 %; P. arcana 0,018 - 0,031 %, 0,003 - 0,022 %. Results in all locations are similar and rather dependent on the fungi type. Our results are based on dry mass. This work brought fundamental knowledge for future optimisation of analytical methods and assumptions for the project extension of other locations and determination of content of minority substances alongside the content of majority substances.
Ecotoxicological study of fluoroquinolone antibiotics mixture
Křížková, Lucie ; Vytlačilová, Jitka (advisor) ; Jahodář, Luděk (referee)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Candidate: Lucie Křížková Supervisor: RNDr. Jitka Vytlačilová, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Ecotoxicological study of fluoroquinolone antibiotics mixture This thesis is focused on ecotoxicological evaluation of the risk of two fluoroquinolone antibiotics - ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin. A multigenerational test with a protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila, which is based on the model of microbiotest of Protoxkit F, has been used for their evaluation. The inhibitory effect of the tested substances on growth and reproduction of organisms has been observed. The dependence between inhibitory effect and concentration of the pharmaceuticals had been detected, and than the values of 24h EC50 have been calculated. During the tests, the phototoxic potential of both antibiotics has been observed and also the mixtures of ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin (1:1, 1:2, 2:1) have been tested. Keywords: ecotoxicity, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, Tetrahymena thermophila, phototoxicity
Constituents of Helianthus annuus Flowers
Dresler, Jiří ; Jahodář, Luděk (advisor) ; Karlíčková, Jana (referee)
The aim of this work was carring out the phytochemical analysis of latter part of the ethanolic extract of ligulate flowers from common sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.). This ethanolic extract was subjected to crystallization by decreasing temperature and resulting suspension was separated by filtration and subsequent purification. We obtained two kinds of crystals: K2 and K4. In case of K2 krystals is obvious, that this compound is consistent neither with kaurenoic acid nor stigmasterol. The NMR results, however, suggest the chemical resemblance to kaurenoic acid and that investigated substances are not kaurenoic esters. The K4 crystals differ from K2 on TLC. We can claim (on the basis of TLC results) that K4 is chemically pure substance and is also not identical with kaurenoic acid as well as stigmasterol. The NMR analysis of K4 crystals is still in progress.
Phytochemical study of Helianthus annuus leaves
Novosadová, Zuzana ; Karlíčková, Jana (advisor) ; Jahodář, Luděk (referee)
SOUHRN Cílem této diplomové práce bylo najít nejpřínosnější izolační postup pro získání látek z listů slunečnice roční a pokusit se odstranit chlorofyl, kterého bylo v extraktu velké množství a mohl by komplikovat další postup. Náplní druhé části diplomové práce bylo provést biologické hodnocení získaných extraktů. Nejprve byl připraven ethanolový extrakt z listů H. annuus zpracováním 100 g výchozího materiálu, se kterým byla provedena extrakce 400 ml 80% EtOH a následovala filtrace. Extrakce byla zopakována ještě s 200 ml 80% ethanolu, oba filtráty byly spojeny a bylo získáno celkem 360 ml ethanolového extraktu. Dalším krokem bylo odstranění chlorofylu z tohoto extraktu. 3 ml extraktu bylo podrobeno zkoušce na odstranění chlorofylu. K extraktu se přikapával 15% roztok octanu olovnatého. Vznikla sraženina, která byla odfiltrována. K filtrátu se přikapával nasycený roztok uhličitanu barnatého a opět byla provedena filtrace. Po přidání uhličitanu barnatého se vysrážel chlorofyl. Pro orientaci byla provedena TLC dichlormethan-ethylacetát 80 : 20, chloroform-methanol 80 : 20. Celé množství sumárního extraktu (347 ml) bylo zbaveno chlorofylu stejnou metodou, která byla odzkoušena nejprve s malým množstvím extraktu, tedy pomocí octanu olovnatého (435 kapek) a následně přidáním uhličitanu barnatého (100 ml + 800...
Phytochemical Research of Adhatoda vasica III.
Dundelová, Lenka ; Jahodář, Luděk (advisor) ; Opletal, Lubomír (referee)
SOUHRN Úkolem této rigorózní práce bylo získat zpracovatelné množství krystalů L3, určené jako 3S,7- dihydroxyvasicinolon, z meziproduktů získaných v průběhu jeho izolace v rámci diplomové práce (29), posoudit jeho stabilitu, popřípadě popsat jeho degradační produkty. Zhodnocením získaných vzorků bylo dosaženo těchto výsledků. 1. V matečných louzích L3 (3S,7-dihydroxyvasicinolon) byly detekovány látky, chovající se jako alkaloidy, žádná však nevykazovala shodné chování s L3. Je pravděpodobné, že se jedná o jeho degradační produkty. 2. Ve frakci 5 získané izokratickou HPLC ethylacetátového extraktu se nacházela látka, která vykazovala stejné charakteristiky (Rf, UV spektrum, reakce s detekčními činidly) jako L3 (3S,7- dihydroxyvasicinolon). 3. Přítomnost L3 (3S,7-dihydroxyvasicinolon) nemohla být potvrzena z důvodu malého množství materiálu. 4. Ve frakci HPLC 6 se nacházela látka, jejíž některé fyzikálně-chemické charakteristiky odpovídaly vlastnostem dříve izolovaných alkaloidů. 5. Totožnost této látky nemohla být určena, neboť se ani po přečištění pomocí preparativní HPLC nepodařilo získat zpracovatelné množství čistých krystalů.
Analysis of Andrographis leaves extract
Tonarová, Marta ; Jahodář, Luděk (advisor) ; Macáková, Kateřina (referee)
1 CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF PHARMACY IN HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACEUTICAL BOTANY AND ECOLOGY Analysis of Andrographis leaves extract. Marta Tonarová, 2010 Abstract: The analysis of the extract of leaves Andrographis paniculata (Acanthaceae) was accomplished. The commercial ethanol extract with the contents of andrographolides not higher than 10 % represented the tested material. In case of using the standard andrographolide, the thin layer chromatography has proved its very low amount in the extract only, in spite of the fact that studying literature consideres its contents as majority. The identity of the standard was verified by mesuring its NMR spectrums, which refers to the informations in the studying literature. Contents of andrographolides was fixed by the high performance liquid chromatography extanded to the standard, with using of isocratic elution and spectrophotometric detection by the wave lenght 223 nm. Total contents of the andrographolides in the extract was 12,23 % and consequently it refers to the production protocol. The main component in the contents of the extract was isolated by using preparative TLC. On the basis of fixing the NMR spectrums and their confrontation with the studying literature it was determined as 14-deoxy-11,12-didehydroandrographolide.

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