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Single Program Document for NUTS 2 Objective 3 Capital City of Prague
Hercegová, Kristýna ; Urban, Luděk (advisor) ; Kasáková, Zuzana (referee)
Rigorous thesis "Jednotný programový dokument pro Cíl 3 regionu NUTS 2 hlavní město Praha. Implementační schéma programu JPD 3 a jeho vliv na příjemce finanční dotace" deals with the programmes co-financed from the Structural funds of the European Union in the Czech Republic, particularly with the Single Programming Document "Jednotný programový document pro Cíl 3 regionu NUTS 2 hlavní město Praha (JPD 3)" The main objective of this study was to prove whether there is cohesion between the administrativě obligations of the implementation authorities of the JPD 3 programme on one hand and the beneficiaries of the ftnancial support on the other, and how the rules of the JPD 3 programme influence beneficiaries while implementing concrete projects. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate whether the implementation authorities were sufficiently prepared for the launch of the JPD 3 programme, whether the JPD 3 programme rules háve any impact on the implementation of projects by the beneficiaries, and if so, whether this impact is a positive or a negative one. The thesis is based on two methodological approaches. The first one is a descriptive-analytical method based on primary sources and available literatuře. It assesses the regulating of the JPD 3 programme from a theoretical point of view. Due to unsatisfactory...
Single Program Document for NUTS 2 Objective 3 Capital City of Prague
Hercegová, Kristýna ; Urban, Luděk (advisor) ; Kasáková, Zuzana (referee)
Rigorous thesis "Jednotný programový dokument pro Cíl 3 regionu NUTS 2 hlavní město Praha. Implementační schéma programu JPD 3 a jeho vliv na příjemce finanční dotace" deals with the programmes co-financed from the Structural funds of the European Union in the Czech Republic, particularly with the Single Programming Document "Jednotný programový document pro Cíl 3 regionu NUTS 2 hlavní město Praha (JPD 3)" The main objective of this study was to prove whether there is cohesion between the administrativě obligations of the implementation authorities of the JPD 3 programme on one hand and the beneficiaries of the ftnancial support on the other, and how the rules of the JPD 3 programme influence beneficiaries while implementing concrete projects. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate whether the implementation authorities were sufficiently prepared for the launch of the JPD 3 programme, whether the JPD 3 programme rules háve any impact on the implementation of projects by the beneficiaries, and if so, whether this impact is a positive or a negative one. The thesis is based on two methodological approaches. The first one is a descriptive-analytical method based on primary sources and available literatuře. It assesses the regulating of the JPD 3 programme from a theoretical point of view. Due to unsatisfactory...
Single Programming Document ?Jednotný programový dokument pro Cíl 3 regionu NUTS 2 hlavní město Praha (JPD 3)?. An implementation scheme of the JPD 3 programme and its influence on the beneficiaries of the financial support.
Hercegová, Kristýna ; Urban, Luděk (advisor) ; Kasáková, Zuzana (referee)
Diploma thesis ,. Jednotný programový dokument pro Cíl 3 regionu NUTS 2 hlavní město Praha. Implementační schéma programu JPD 3 a jeho vliv na příjemce finanční dotaceu deals with the programmes co-financed from the Structural funds of the European Union in the Czech Republic, particularly with the Single Programming Document "Jednotný programový dokument pro Cíl 3 regionu NUTS 2 hlavní město Praha (JPD 3)". The main objective of this study was to prove whether there is cohesion between the administrative obligations of the implementation authorities of the JPD 3 programme on one hand and the beneficiaries of the financial support on the other, and how the rules of the JPD 3 programme influence beneficiaries while implementing concrete projects. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate whether the implementation authorities were sufficiently prepared for the launch of the JPD 3 programme, whether the JPD 3 programme rules have any impact on the implementation of projects by the beneficiaries, and if so, whether this impact is a positive or a negative one. The thesis is based on two methodological approaches. The first one is a descriptive-analytical method based on primary sources and available literature. It assesses the regulating of the JPD 3 programme from a theoretical point of view. Due to...
Outsourcované (externí) evaluace veřejných výdajových programů
Volek, Petr
The dissertation thesis deals with evaluation of non-investment public expenditure programs. The main aim of the thesis is to draw a set of relevant recommendations for proper construc-tion of public tender specifications, which are used to tender external evaluations. The author performed a research with the usage of empirical and statistical methods on a sample of tender documentations and evaluation reports, which were carried out for ESF operational programs 2004--6 and 2007--13 in the Czech Republic. Author also used a case study of an evaluation performed on Objective 3 Single Programming Document (Prague), co-financed by the ESF in the period 2004--6. In addition to the main objective stated above, the thesis includes data on real public tender documentations and evaluation reports. The output is represented by data on estimated prices of external evaluation, tender documentation contents and also on methods and techniques, which were used in the evaluations examined. Such set of empirical data has been scarcely found in recent studies, which adds to usability of this thesis for expert audience. External evaluation is an expert project financed with public resources, carried out through public procurement. Based on the model process of such evaluation, the author searches for preconditions of realizing an efficient external evaluation. Efficiency and its factors then become main subject of research. As a key factor of performing an efficient evaluation through public procurement, the author identifies the tender documentation and its qualities. This thesis contains a research performed on a sample of evaluations of five programs co-financed by the ESF in the Czech Republic. Examined tender documentations contained serious drawbacks, namely incomplete and inexact definitions of expected outputs, missing list of required methods for the evaluation and also missing scale of statistical samples for the research. Quantitative tests also did not prove any dependence of estimated price of the evaluation stated by the tenderers on pre-defined cost-effective factor. The thesis ends with summative conclusions of the drawbacks and, in accordance with research findings, brings a set of methodical recommendations for proper construction of public tender specifications of an evaluation, which may lead to increase in efficiency of tendering external evaluations.
Utilisation of financial support for regional development in the region of Jihlava.
This work aims at introducing and analyzing financing development possibilities of The Region of Highland, namely the evaluation of drawing financial resources from the Programme of renewal of rural areas and the Programme of the development of economically weak and structurally disabled regions of Highland. The priority of the development, investment projects fixed on them and quantity of financial resources were to be submitted, expressed in numbers and described their development in time. The contribution of this work consists especially in the contribution of absorbed financial resources from those given to the Programmes of The Region of Highland. The resources from the Programme of rural areas and the Programme of the development of economically weak and structurally disabled regions that The Region of Highland is going to absorb in terms of single endowment titles of these Programmes, is going to significantly make for achievement aims given by the development plan. The essential characteristics of realized projects should include: creating new jobs, support of entrepreneurial activities, improving the quality of local roads, improving travelling for inhabitants of Highland villages and attaching to these communication on main regional highways, improvement of offers and services in the field of tourism.
Plasma and plasma sphere
Weinzettl, Vladimír
The article introduces the term "plasma" and a history and present status of a research of plasma. In the second part of the article, the "plasma sphere" experiment is described, i.e. the experiment of a high frequency discharge in a gas.
Programmes of subsidies for Prague from EU
Čáp, Daniel ; Šmídek, Petr (advisor)
Document describes Single Programming Document for Objective 2 (SPD 2) and Operational Programme Prague - Competitiveness (OPPC) and differences between them.
Educational Institute for Children Protection and his attendance on the program JPD 3
Vodrážková, Lucie ; Wokoun, René (advisor) ; Hanušová, Jaroslava (referee)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na analýzu projektu "JPD 3", který byl realizován Vzdělávacím institutem ochrany dětí, o. p. s., v rámci Jednotného programového dokumentu pro Cíl 3 regionu NUTS II Hl. m. Praha. Teoretická část práce je věnována souvislostem programu JPD 3 s regionální politikou a regionem Hl. m. Praha. Podrobněji se tato část věnuje SWOT analýze hl. m. Prahy, prostřednictvím které byly přerozdělovány prostředky pro jednotlivé priority programu JPD 3. Analytická část je zaměřena na vlastní projekt "JPD 3" a jeho porovnání s ostatními projekty v rámci opatření 3.2 Rozvoj dalšího vzdělávání. Cílem analýzy je prokázat význam celého projektu a vyjádřit jeho důležité postavení mezi ostatními projekty v rámci daného opatření.
Analysis of utilization of the EU Structural Funds for Tourism
Krausová, Lucie ; Vaško, Martin (advisor) ; Šulcová, Irena (referee)
V první kapitole jsou popsány základní principy, podle kterých je implementována podpora do členských států Evropské unie, vč. cílů regionální politiky, popisu fondů Evropské unie a popisu projektového cyklu. Diplomová práce poskytuje přehled programů, ze kterých bylo možné čerpat podporu na cestovní ruch v programovacím období 2004 - 2006, a rovněž přehled programů, ze kterých mohou žadatelé čerpat nyní, tzn. v období 2007 - 2013. Další částí je analýza především SROPu, dále JPD 3 a INTERREGu IIIA Česká republika - Polsko. Poslední kapitola představuje příklad úspěšné žádosti o dotaci ze SROPu do oblasti cestovního ruchu.
Analýza předložených projektů v rámci JPD 3
Pavlíčková, Jana ; Wokoun, René (advisor) ; Macháčková, Jaroslava (referee)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou předložených projektů v rámci programu JPD 3. v úvodních kapitolách se věnuji fondům Evropské unie v obecné míře a postupně přecházím na Evropský sociální fond, programové dokumenty České republiky a konkrétně popisuji jednotlivé priority a opatření výše zmíněného programu JPD 3. Významnou část mé práce tvoří analýza předložených projektů v rámci tohoto programu.V návaznosti na předložené projekty analýza dále pokračuje další praktickou částí, která se zaměřuje na projekty neschválené a schválné. Součástí práce jsou také postupy předkládání a samotného hodnocení žádostí. Cílem této práce je pokusit se najít hlavní příčiny neschválení projektů a formulovat jistá doporučení pro budoucí potenciální žadatele

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