National Repository of Grey Literature 5 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Genetic determination of coat color in Border Collie
Hronová, Michaela ; Hofmanová, Barbora (advisor) ; Fiala Šebková, Naděžda (referee)
This bachelor thesis should serve as literature review or better say as scholarly introduction to genetic determination of fur in dgo with focusing on Border Collie breed. The thesis itself is divided to several parts. First on eis trying to introduce main pigment types synthesis, then an overview of genes affecting coat color in dogs is given. Next article is determined to versatile use of Border Collies and basic informations on the status of this breed in the Czech Republic. The last part is focused on fur color related genetic diseases. Thanks to the ongoing research of this field, I used some geneticly unverified sources.

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