National Repository of Grey Literature 3 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Physical interpretation of special solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations
Ryzner, Jiří ; Žofka, Martin (advisor)
In Newtonian physics, it is possible to establish static equilibrium in a system, which consists of extremal sources of gravitational and electromagnetic field. Surprisingly, this situation can occur in general relativity for black holes, too. This work examines a special case involving an infinitely long, straight, extremally charged string, studies its geometry, electrogeodesics, properties of the source and compares the solution to Newtonian physics. We also investigate an analogous situation in a dynamic spacetime with cosmological constant, and we compare it to the static version. Finally, we investigate a periodical solution of Laplace's equation corresponding to infinitely many extremal point sources distributed at regular intervals along a straight line. We study the properties of the electrostatic potential and show that in the limit of large distances from the axis formed by the sources, the solution approaches the charged string. 1
Physical interpretation of special solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations
Ryzner, Jiří ; Žofka, Martin (advisor)
In Newtonian physics, it is possible to establish static equilibrium in a system, which consists of extremal sources of gravitational and electromagnetic field. Surprisingly, this situation can occur in general relativity for black holes, too. This work examines a special case involving an infinitely long, straight, extremally charged string, studies its geometry, electrogeodesics, properties of the source and compares the solution to Newtonian physics. We also investigate an analogous situation in a dynamic spacetime with cosmological constant, and we compare it to the static version. Finally, we investigate a periodical solution of Laplace's equation corresponding to infinitely many extremal point sources distributed at regular intervals along a straight line. We study the properties of the electrostatic potential and show that in the limit of large distances from the axis formed by the sources, the solution approaches the charged string. 1
Physical interpretation of special solutions of Einstein-Maxwell equations
Ryzner, Jiří ; Žofka, Martin (advisor) ; Ledvinka, Tomáš (referee)
V klasické fyzice m·že být ustavena statická rovnováha v soustavě, která obsahuje extrémně nabité zdroje gravitačního a elektromagnetického pole. Udivujícím faktem je, že tato situace m·že nastat i pro černé díry v relativis- tické fyzice. Tato práce vyšetřuje speciální případ nekonečně dlouhé, extrémně nabité struny, zkoumá geometrii prostoročasu, elektrogeodetiky, vlastnosti zdroje a srovnává řešení se situací v klasické fyzice. Dále se zabýváme analogickou situací v dynamickém prostoročase s kosmologickou konstantou, a řešení porovnáváme s jeho statickou verzí. Nakonec zkoumáme periodické řešení Laplaceovy rovnice, které odpovídá nekonečně mnoha extremálním bodovým zdroj·m rozloženým v pravidelném rozestupu podél přímky. Vyšetřujeme vlastnosti elektrostatického potenciálu a ukazujeme, že v limitě velké vzdálenosti od osy tvořené zdroji pře- chází toto řešení v nabitou strunu. 1

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