Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Green as a healing element of buildings and cities
Šmídová, Kristina ; Blasinski, Petr (oponent) ; Rubinová, Olga (vedoucí práce)
This paper is focused on introducing urban greenery as an element of sustainable building and mainly as an element which contributes to pollution-free air and a better environment in the cities. Also, this Master’s thesis is focused on the relation between urban greenery and air pollution in Brno city. For six months, from June to November of 2019, carbon dioxide concentration, oxygen concentration and other secondary elements were measured in Brno city. The measurements took place at four locations which were then compared. Also, green measures were designed. The design consists of an extensive roof implementation on existing roofs at two selected locations in Brno city.
Green as a healing element of buildings and cities
Šmídová, Kristina ; Blasinski, Petr (oponent) ; Rubinová, Olga (vedoucí práce)
This paper is focused on introducing urban greenery as an element of sustainable building and mainly as an element which contributes to pollution-free air and a better environment in the cities. Also, this Master’s thesis is focused on the relation between urban greenery and air pollution in Brno city. For six months, from June to November of 2019, carbon dioxide concentration, oxygen concentration and other secondary elements were measured in Brno city. The measurements took place at four locations which were then compared. Also, green measures were designed. The design consists of an extensive roof implementation on existing roofs at two selected locations in Brno city.

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