Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Numerical simulation of gear mesh stiffness
Rackovský, Daniel Milan ; Prokop, Aleš (oponent) ; Řehák, Kamil (vedoucí práce)
The diploma thesis deals with the simulation of the spur gears mesh stiffness. The introductory part of the thesis presents a detailed review of the knowledge in the field of gear theory, gear error and also NVH of gears. The next part of the thesis describes the basic principles of the function of the parametric FEM model of gear mesh, which was developed for the purpose of this thesis. The last part of the thesis presents the results of FEM simulations in which the effect of manufacturing error of the gears on the STE waveform was investigated. The basis of the simplified production error model was the sine function. The effect of the number of periods of this function and the magnitude of the amplitude on the STE waveform was investigated. The effect of the magnitude of the load torque on the STE of the production-error gear was also verified. The magnitude of the amplitudes of the sine function was determined to match the allowable wheel shape tolerances according to ISO 1328-1. The problem was solved in Ansys Mechanical APDL using a parametric FEM model based on APDL language.
The integrodifferential theory i the analysis of damping influence of internal dynamic of nonlinlinear parametric systems
Hortel, Milan ; Škuderová, Alena
This contribution deals with the analysis of influence of damping of nonlinear parametrical systems with kinematic couplings - gear teeth. There is used the integrodifferential theory with the E.Schmidt resolvent kernel splitting method as the mathematical method for the analysis of such complicated dynamical problems.

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