Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Verification of possibilities of evaluation of changing of polymeric surface properties and behaviour evoked by sun radiation and temperature loading
Šimečková, Lucie ; Dudáčková, Simona ; Štěpánek, Ivo ; Mertová, Andrea
The paper is devoted by simulation of conditions of sun radiation in correlation with real loading in operational conditions of selected polymeric materials. In the second the paper is devoted by simulation of temperature conditions of loading again in correlation with temperature loading in real operational conditions of selected polymeric materials. There are tested sensitivity of selected analytic methods in connection on running processes of ageing of polymeric materials for evaluation of initial of radiation ageing and temperature ageing with possibilities of prediction of evolution of running changing of properties and behaviour of evaluated materials. There are tested method x-ray fluorescence analysis and parameters of this method are optimized for increasing sensitivity for evaluation initial changing of properties and behaviour of tested materials on the base the first results. Indentation methods are used for analysis of changing of mechanical properties and behaviour namely static nanoindentation and scratch nanoindentation. These methods are optimized on the base the first results too. There are used more possibilities for control of indentation tests by the use different modes of measurements namely simple and cyclic measurement, setting different rate of loading and using different type of indentors for realization of measurements.
Nanoindentation methods of evaluation of mechanical properties and behaviour and complex application for evaluation of technology and degradation
Štěpánek, Ivo ; Mertová, Andrea ; Šimečková, Lucie ; Štěpánová, Lucie ; Ulrychová, Monika
Nanoindentation methods used for evaluation surface layers are static indentation and scratch indentation too. Static indentation methods are used namely for evaluation hardness characteristics and for evaluation elastic deformation and plastic deformation of surface layers too based on measurement indentation curves - dependence depth indentation and normal force during all indentation process during loading and unloading. Cyclic and step by step indentation modes give possibilities to evaluate much more information about resistivity of surface layers to the indentation stress. Scratch indentation methods are used for evaluation namely adhesive cohesive properties and behaviour of surface layers with very small thickness or/and thin films with very low resistivity of thin films and low hardness. The surface layering is created by technology process of creation of thin films and surface treatment process or by initiation and evolution of degradation process and\nageing process. The initiation of degradation and ageing are evaluated in the starting stadium and in the next with step by step sensitive analysis of changing properties and behaviour. From this point of view static nanoindentation and scratch nanoindentation are very useful for analysis step by step changing of mechanical properties and behaviour with high sensitivity and depth resolution too. The paper presented utilization of nanoindentation static and scratch nanoindentation too for very different application in surface treatment but for evaluation of degradation and ageing process too.

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