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Automata in Verification
Šmahlíková, Barbora ; Holík, Lukáš (oponent) ; Lengál, Ondřej (vedoucí práce)
Regular model checking is an automata-based technique used for verification of infinite-state systems. The configurations of a system are encoded as a finite automaton and transitions between these configurations as a finite transducer. A technique for verifying arbitrary properties of parameterized systems specified in a temporal logic LTL(MSO) has already been introduced. We present an extension of this algorithm allowing verification of hyperproperties of parameterized systems where an explicit quantification over multiple execution traces is allowed. We specify conditions that need to hold for a pair of advice bits (a finite automaton and a finite transducer) that serves as a witness of the fact that the property holds in the system. The technique presented in this work is implemented in our tool ParaHyper - the only existing tool for the verification of hyperproperties of parameterized systems. The tool uses a SAT solver to generate automata and transducers. If a pair satisfying the conditions for advice bits is found, the property holds in the system. We performed an experimental evaluation of our approach and found that ParaHyper is able to generate advice bits for formulae with an alphabet up to 4 symbols if both the automaton and the transducer have at most 2 states. When a candidate pair is given by the user, ParaHyper can, however, efficiently check if it satisfies the conditions for advice bits even for larger alphabets and greater number of states.

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