Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 2 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
NAT64 Performance Evaluation
Pokorný, Jan ; Veselý, Vladimír (oponent) ; Grégr, Matěj (vedoucí práce)
This thesis is focused on the challenges of the transition between IP protocol version 4 and IP protocol version 6. The transition can be solved by many transition mechanisms and this thesis thoroughly describe Stateful NAT64 transition mechanism. The thesis aims to test various implementations of NAT64 and find a suitable implementation for NETX router. The goal is to find an implementation that would achieve traffic throughput of about 10 Gbps. Several NAT64 implementations were evaluated in a testbed environment. Iperf and PF_Ring tools were used for throughput examination. Several different network traffic types have been measured to show the performance impact of each of the tested implementations. The results showed that the most suitable implementation of NAT64 is Jool. Jool reached the required throughput, its development is still active and offers other advanced features, thus Jool was integrated into the NETX router. A command line extension for manipulating Jool instance was designed, implemented and integrated to NETX command line. Additionally, a package distribution process was developed through the RPM package system to fit the NETX build system.The thesis outcome is full support of NAT64 transition mechanism in NETX platform achieving close to 10 Gbps.
NAT64 Performance Evaluation
Pokorný, Jan ; Veselý, Vladimír (oponent) ; Grégr, Matěj (vedoucí práce)
This thesis is focused on the challenges of the transition between IP protocol version 4 and IP protocol version 6. The transition can be solved by many transition mechanisms and this thesis thoroughly describe Stateful NAT64 transition mechanism. The thesis aims to test various implementations of NAT64 and find a suitable implementation for NETX router. The goal is to find an implementation that would achieve traffic throughput of about 10 Gbps. Several NAT64 implementations were evaluated in a testbed environment. Iperf and PF_Ring tools were used for throughput examination. Several different network traffic types have been measured to show the performance impact of each of the tested implementations. The results showed that the most suitable implementation of NAT64 is Jool. Jool reached the required throughput, its development is still active and offers other advanced features, thus Jool was integrated into the NETX router. A command line extension for manipulating Jool instance was designed, implemented and integrated to NETX command line. Additionally, a package distribution process was developed through the RPM package system to fit the NETX build system.The thesis outcome is full support of NAT64 transition mechanism in NETX platform achieving close to 10 Gbps.

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